Chapter 5

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Taehyung finishes watering the plants and goes back inside the mansion. "Oh Taehyung! Perfect timing. I just finished making the food and setting it on the table. Let's go and eat." said Jin.

Taehyung smiles and gives a nod. They both walk towards the dining table and sits down on their chairs.

"Thanks Jin for the food." said Taehyung. "No problem Taehyung. It's my job to feed people." chuckles Jin. Taehyung chuckles along.

"Today my boyfriend Namjoon is coming over. Do you want him to bring his brother Jimin along too?" asks Jin as they both begin to dig into their food.

"Yesh pleash" mumbles Taehyung with a mouthful of food. Jin chuckles at the sight.

Soon Jungkook comes down from his room. He's wearing a gray suit, and black leather shoes. His hair is straight and pushed to the left side.

"Hyung please prepare more food tonight since I'm bringing Kenzie over." said Jungkook as he grabs his keys and left the house.

Jin sighs and says, "This boy brings a new girl each week. I don't even remember 2/3 of the girls names that he's brought in this house."

Taehyung chuckles at his statement. "That's so true Jinnie. Let's just focus back on eating."

They both go back to eating their food, but Taehyung ever since he was reminded that Kenzie was coming over, his mood change drastically.

Jin noticed the mood change, and asks, "What's wrong Taehyungie? Why do you seem so gloomy?"

Taehyung just shakes his head side to side. "It's nothing Jinnie. I'm just overthinking." replied Taehyung.

Jin no longer asks question since the other didn't seem to want to open up.

They both finish their food. They both pick up their dishes and puts them in the sink. Jin goes to wash the dishes while Taehyung goes to clean the house.

Jungkook's P.O.V.
As I was driving to my company, my mind was occupied with thoughts of Taehyung. Like why do I feel a connection towards him? Why do I have the urge to protect him? I don't know the answers to those questions, but all I know is that I need him close to me to make me happy.

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