Chapter 26

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(not edited)

"Tae..." whispered Jungkook as tears start to slide down his cheeks.

"Huh?" asked Taehyung and the girl at the same time.

Jungkook looks at the girl and glares at her.

"Get out right now." said Jungkook as he gestures the girl to leave the place.

"Why should I leave when he's the one who trespassed into our room." said the girl as she points at Taehyung.

"You dare to point at my husband?!" shouts Jungkook.

This startles the girl and she quickly leaves the room with a slam on the door.

Taehyung looks at Jungkook trying to process what's was going on.

"Wha-what are you doing here?" asked Taehyung as it was the first thing that came into his mind.

"What do you mean what I'm doing here. Is it wrong for me to be here?" asked Jungkook back.

"What do you mean is it wrong for you to be here. Of course it's wrong since it's my place and I never let you into my apartment." said Taehyung angrily.

Jungkook chuckles at Taehyung's outburst.

"Why are you laughing huh!" yells Taehyung since he was soooo done with Jungkook.

"I don't remember you being this feisty with me Tae." said Jungkook calmly.

Taehyung stood there shocked.

"W-what did you just called me?" questioned Taehyung.

"I called you Tae... are you deaf now hubby?" mocked Jungkook.

"Why are you calling me your husband huh!" shouts Taehyung.

Jungkook just lifts his finger and points it towards Taehyung's birth mark.

Taehyung's eyes widen once he realized that he forgot to put his shirt on. 

Then everything clicked together.

"D-don't tell me-" before Taehyung could finish his question, he already got his answer from Jungkook smirking at him.

"Why are you so shocked hubby hm? It's not like we've just met." said Jungkook.

This infuriated Taehyung more as Jungkook was acting all smug with him.

"Get out of my apartment now! And please don't come here again because you're not welcomed here. Plus we're no longer husbands since that was in the past." said Taehyung angrily.

"Sorry hubby, but no can do. I can stay here as long as I want since this entire apartment is owned by me." said Jungkook with a smug smirk.

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