Chapter 36

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(not edited)

"Thanks for your corporation Stacy. We'll take our leave now." said Jungkook.

Both Taehyung and Jungkook stood up from their seats and left since they didn't order anything.

As they both got in the car, Jungkook looks at Taehyung who was silent.

"What's wrong Tae." asked Jungkook softly. Taehyung didn't answer back. Jungkook sighs and starts the car.

Again, Taehyung and Jungkook both didn't talk to each other during the car ride. As they both reached home, Taehyung gets out of the car fast and unlocks the door with his keys.

He then walks to Yeontan's room and grabs Yeontan. Taehyung brings Yeontan to his room and locks the door ignoring Jungkook.

Jungkook sighs as he can feel that Taehyung is mad at him for some reason.

It was now 10:46 am and Jungkook was hungry. So he decides to order pepperoni pizza. He turns on the T.V. while waiting for the pizza to come.

Taehyung P.O.V.

"Tannie... what i-if the child was r-really his. I don't know h-how I'd live with t-that." I vented to Yeontan.

Yeontan looks up at me confused. He walks towards my lap and I start to pet him.

"I'm so g-glad that l-loser knew what p-protection was or else he w1would've gotten m-many girls pregnant. I'm also g-glad that he d-didn't cheat on me."

"I was so s-scared... I don't think I could l-live without that loser." I said while crying softly.

I continued to express my feelings to Yeontan, not thinking that someone else would be able to hear it.

No One P.O.V.

The pizza has arrived so Jungkook decides to bring the box to Taehyung's room since he loves pizza.

As he near the room, he hears Taehyung crying. He stops to listen. He hears Taehyung telling Yeontan about his insecurities and how scared he was.

This made Jungkook sad that because of him, Taehyung felt scared of losing him which broke his heart.

"I promise to not hurt you again hubby."

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