Chapter 29

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(not edited)

No One P.O.V.
Taehyung opens his eyes widely and stares back at Jungkook shocked.

After a few seconds, Taehyung bursts out laughing.

"Go back home with you? That place was never my home. I never felt welcomed there and all I was was your maid. So why would I want to go back there with you huh?" asked Taehyung voice full of disbelief.

This shut Jungkook up, because it was true. He never treated Taehyung right and would only mess and order him around. Jungkook is ashamed of how he treated his lover/husband.

"I'm sorry ok... I promise to hire lots of maids so that you won't have to work anymore. Just come back home with me and be my husband. We can even get married together if you want, just come home with me." pleads Jungkook.

But Taehyung just shakes his head while looking down.

"I'm not going back with you Jungkook. I'm better off here by myself." said Taehyung defiantly.

This made Jungkook mad.

"Well you have no choice! You're going back home with me!" shouted Jungkook.

"Don't you get it Jungkook! That's not my home, it's yours! My home is right here!" shouted Taehyung while pointing to his apartment.

Jungkook grabs Taehyung's legs and threw him over his shoulder.

"Y-yah let me go! Jeon Jungkook!" screamed Taehyung, but it was to no use since Jungkook didn't let him down.

"Jungkook! Let m- *gasps*" Jungkook has slapped Taehyung's butt cheeks to shut him up.

"Did you just slap my butt?!" asked Taehyung in disbelief.

"If you keep making a fuss, I'll keep slapping your butt cheeks." threatened Jungkook.

Jungkook makes it to the lobbies door and walks out of the apartment.

Once Jungkook reaches his car, he puts Taehyung down and unlocks the car.

Taehyung tries to make a run for it, but Jungkook grabs onto his wrist and shoved him inside the passenger seat.

Jungkook seat belts Taehyung and then locks the passenger door and shuts it. He hurriedly walks to the other side before Taehyung can make an escape.

"Fuck you Jungkook! I hate you! Just know that I'll never marry you, you loser!" yelled Taehyung inside the car.

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