Chapter 25

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(not edited)

(Long Chapter Ahead)

Jungkook did not hear what Taehyung was saying.

All he was focused on was the birth mark on Taehyung's left side rib.

Jungkook starts to have flashbacks of his past.


"Hey! Who are you?" asks Jungkook to a boy almost the same age as him.

"I-I'm T-Taehyung, Kim Taehyung." replied Taehyung shyly.

"Well I'm Jeon Jungkook, but you can call me Kook. Let's be friends." said Jungkook extending his hand for Taehyung to shake.

Taehyung looks at his hand and then slowly reaches out his to shake with Jungkook's.
"K-kook I need to tell you something." said Taehyung with his head down.

"What is it Tae?" asks Jungkook.

"Umm... I- I l-love you." said Taehyung shyly as he turns his head to the right.

Jungkook was shocked.

"Umm... Tae... I also love you." replied Jungkook.

Taehyung snaps his head to look at Jungkook.

"R-really? Are you being serious... because if you're not then don't play with my feelings." said Taehyung as his slowly puts his head back down.

Jungkook puts one of his fingers under Taehyung's chin and slowly lifts his face up to meet his eyes.

"I'm being serious Kim Taehyung. Will you be my boyfriend?" asked Jungkook as he looks into Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung blushes at Jungkook's confession and nods his head yes.
"I, Jeon Jungkook, accept Kim Taehyung as my beloved husband." said Jungkook.

"I, Kim Taehyung, accept Jeon Jungkook as my beloved husband." said Taehyung.

"I pronounce you two as husbands. You may kiss your groom." said the priest.

Jungkook leans towards Taehyung's lip and connects it with in seconds.

Jungkook pulls away and the crowd starts clapping for the newly wedded couple.
"Kook... we've been married for 1 year now and I was wondering if we could have some kids... and if not then can we get a puppy?" asked Taehyung with puppy eyes.

Jungkook sighs.

"Tae... we need to spend more time together and then we can start having kids and a dog." replied Jungkook.

Taehyung pouts at the answer and sighs.
"Kook... we both love each other so much, but what if one day my body starts to give up and I'm no longer with you... what will you do?" asked Taehyung.

"Tae... why are you asking this?" asks Jungkook concerned.

"I just want to know what will you do once I'm no longer in this world." whispered Taehyung.

Jungkook sighs. "Well... once you're no longer in this world... then I might as well not be in it as well." replied Jungkook.

Taehyung's eyes widen.

"What? Why would you kill your self Kook!" shouts Taehyung.

"Love... what's the meaning of staying in this world if you're no longer in it with me." replied Jungkook.

"Ok... we'll I don't want you to kill yourself for me Kook... so let's make a promise. If one of us leave this world first, the other will have to stay until it's their time to go, but the one that goes first has to wait for the other in heaven so that we can both be reincarnated together." said Taehyung.

Jungkook thinks about the promise and slowly agrees.

"Ok... let's pinky promise." said Taehyung.

Jungkook lifts his left pinky finger and connects it with Taehyung's right pink finger.

There promise was officially sealed.
"Kook... it's my time to g-go now." whispered Taehyung as tears slowly slides out of his eyes.

"N-no please T-Tae d-don't leave me." cried Jungkook.

"I-I'm sorry L-love... h-hopefully in o-our next life w-we can be t-together again." said Taehyung as his eyes starts to close.


The heart monitor starts beeping and Jungkook's hearing went silent.

All he saw was nurses and doctors rushing into the room to take care of Taehyung.
"What's the point of living without you Tae..." said Jungkook as he was standing at the edge of a cliff.

"I love you Tae... and please wait for me. I'm coming now." and Jungkook jumps off the cliff.
End of Flashback

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