Chapter 20

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It's time for Jungkook to come back home.

His mind was still messed up on what happened last night.

As he reaches his mansion, he knocks on the door.

He expects Taehyung to open the door for him immediately, but after 20 seconds, no one seems to be opening the door for him.

Jungkook once again knocks on the door.

Again, after a few seconds no one comes and opens the door for him.

He gets impatient and opens the door with his key.

As he twists the door knob, he's met with silence and darkness.

Jungkook was very confused by this because usually Taehyung doesn't go anywhere, and Jin usually makes a lot of noises.

He shrugs it off and goes to his room. He changes his clothes and lays on the bed tired.

He then drifts off to sleep.

Taehyung POV
"Thanks hyung for helping me move into your apartment." I said with a boxy smile.

"It's alright Tae... you're like a younger brother to me. So don't worry about it ok." replied Jin.

I look at the clock on the wall and gasps.

"Hyung! It's already 8:30 pm. Jungkook must be home by now. You should hurry and go home before he gets mad." I said hurriedly.

Jin looks at the clock and gasps. "You're right Tae... I should get going. I hope you like this apartment... it may not be much but it is very cozy."

Jin and I share a hug before he left.

Jungkook POV
I woke up from my nap and was surprised my house was still quiet.

"Huh? This is getting really confusing." I said to myself.

I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was past 8:30 pm.

"Wow... I slept for quite some hours." I said.

I then looked at the night stand and saw a letter.

"Huh? Why didn't I see this before?"

I opened the letter and started reading it.

Before I even finished reading it, tears were already streaming down my face.

I've decided to not make this story long :) so the ending is nearing!!

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