Chapter 16

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After Taehyung told Jin about his past life, Jin starts to be more close with Taehyung.

Jin would always baby him every chance he gets.

Taehyung doesn't mind being treated that way, and he's also very glad that he's more close to Jin now.

Time Skip
Two week has past since the incident with Jungkook. Taehyung still does his job, but he mainly tries to avoid Jungkook.

Jungkook could feel that Taehyung hasn't been himself lately, but he tells himself that he doesn't care.

When Jungkook came back home that day, he knocked on the front door, expecting Taehyung to open the door.

But to his surprise, it was Chef Jin.

"Where's Taehyung?" was the first thing that Jungkook asked as he walks inside the mansion.

"Taehyung went out for some groceries." said Jin.

"Oh..." was all Jungkook said.

Jungkook walks up the stairs and right into his room.

He notices that it's clean as always, which brings a smile to his face.

"I don't know what you're doing to me Kim Taehyung, but I'm not going to let you effect next that easily." said Jungkook to himself.

After a while, Taehyung comes back home with bags full of groceries.

"Oh hey you're back!" shouts Jin, happy to see more groceries.

"Yeah, it took me a while since I had to go to different stores." explained Taehyung.

Jin helps Taehyung put away the groceries.

Just as they both finished putting away the groceries, Jungkook comes down the stairs wearing causal clothes.

Jungkook makes eye contact with  Taehyung and walks away.

Taehyung sighs.

"Why do you have to be so rude and cold towards me" mumbled Taehyung.

Jin sees Taehyung's state and feels bad for him.

"If only I could help you in some way." thought Jin.

Jin starts to get the dinner ready since it's already 7:30 pm, while Taehyung goes to Jungkook's room to do his laundry.

Taehyung walks into Jungkook's room and grabs the basket of clothes, but as he's about to leave the room, Jungkook enters the room.

"Why didn't you inform me that you were going out to buy groceries." said Jungkook with a cold face.

I hope you guys know that the pictures up top relates to a scene in the chapter :)

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