Chapter 30

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(not edited)

Jungkook arrives at Jeon Masion and gets out of the car. He walks over to Taehyung's side, but as he tries to open the door, Taehyung locks it.

"Open the door right now Kim Taehyung! Don't make me mad." said Jungkook sternly.

But Taehyung wasn't scared of Jungkook. He didn't want to be here since it wasn't a pleasant place for him.

Taehyung shakes his head as a no. This made Jungkook mad and irritated.

"If you don't open this door right this moment, I'll punish you!" threatened Jungkook, but Taehyung still didn't budge.

Jungkook gets out his car keys and unlock the door. Taehyung gets surprised and tries to hold the door closed, but Jungkook was too strong.

Once Jungkook opens the door, Taehyung tries to run out from him but Jungkook is too fast for him and catches his wrist and pulls him towards his chest.

"You've been a bad boy hubby, now you'll have to get punished." whispered Jungkook seductively to Taehyung's ears.

Taehyung widens his eyes.

"J-Jungkook pl-please let me go." stuttered Taehyung helplessly.

All his confidence gone. Jungkook ignored him as usual and carries him bridal style towards the mansion.

"Jungkook let me go!" shouts Taehyung scared. He starts throwing punches towards Jungkook's chest, but Jungkook just pokes his inner cheeks with his tongue.

Jungkook enters the mansion with a thrashing Taehyung in his arms.

"Jeon Fucking Jungkook let me GOOOOO!" screamed Taehyung desperately.

By now the whole mansion was echoing with Taehyung's protests.

Jin happens to be in the house and hears Taehyung's screaming. He goes and check what's going on.

Jin comes out from the kitchen and sees Jungkook carrying Taehyung bridal style towards his room.

"Maybe I shouldn't bother them." whispered Jin to himself and walks back to the kitchen.

Jungkook reaches his room and opens the door. He shuts the door with his foot and walks over to his bed.

He drops Taehyung there harshly and walks back to lock the door.

Once the door was locked, Jungkook turns back to face Taehyung and smirks.

"Get ready for a wild morning." smirked Jungkook.

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