Chapter Fifteen

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Immortal vs Mortal Derby

Finally, the weekend was here. The local derby was set for this awaited Saturday. The entire Campus grounds seemed to be dyed with two different shades of colors; one side having a dark shade of black, while the other had a tinge mixture of dirt brown and jungle green. Both shades trying to devour each other and expose the bloody battle that was to ensue. A battle not fought with spears and swords, but with kicks and goals. Today was the day when the Black Panther Squad and the Gorilla Unit FC would clash on the green pitch in the mighty name of football.

Student fans of the respective teams turned out in numbers; chanting their team slogans and waving their flags and banners high. Each side dramatically tried to outdo the other. Some of the students even had their faces painted their teams' insignias, while others, especially the diehards, going overboard and painting their entire bodies and dancing like they were high on the African voodoo steam. Exploding sounds of the vuvuzelas and the beating drums deafened the atmosphere, but still played a part in enriching the hovering spirit of enthusiasm.

Evening was fast approaching. About two hours remained before the kickoff at six o'clock. Most of the anxious spectators were already settled at the stands of the school stadium and waiting for the anticipated electrifying game. Others still wandered up and about; either buying snacks from the stalls that were now set closer to the stadium or just loitering around the school grounds. Sharael was among the latter.

"Shar, you sure we won't miss out on the seats? I would hate to stand by the sidelines the entire game," asked Mia. She was the other person presently accompanying Sharael.

"Have some faith on your future hubby, my Princess. I have it all covered," he answered confidently.

"Ayah! Look at you." Mia skipped away from him and stuck out a tongue. "What future hubby are you speaking of? Who said I'll be marrying you? That's a decision I'm yet to make."

"Ha-ha. Stupid girl, haven't I proposed already? Even mom-in-law has given her consent." Sharael looked at her amusingly.

Mia quickly shook her head and argued back, "Nuh-uh, mother just calls you that as a nickname. You're overthinking it, Mister."

"Oh, is that so?" Sharael's grin widened as he leaned closer and caused the girl's breath to hitch. "You're already mine, little girl. There is no escaping me now."

"W-what...? W-who's y-yours now...?" Mia stammered uncontrollably.

Sharael's face was so close to hers. Just now, she was trying to play hard to get, but this proximity made her mind go blank. Her cheeks were completely flushed red. Before she knew it, Sharael had thrown an arm over her shoulders and intimately pulled her closer.

"You're already in my clutches. Don't think about escaping. Now come, my lovely Princess, lemmie show you around Campus before the game starts. I know of a good place you'll really like," he suggested while leading the girl to a certain direction.

"Ayah, you're so bad." Mia pouted but happily followed.


Unbeknownst to the two, were a set of hazel eyes locked onto them from a distance. However, those eyes were currently narrowed into slits and had some tinge of redness. They belonged to none other than Isabella.

The Vampire Queen had no interest in this sporting event. She only came because of one reason, and the reason was one person in particular. Initially, she was unsure if he would show, but to her unpleasant surprise he did. Not only did he come, but he also brought along that market girl. That night she had briefly left with the crowd after Yuanhe scampered away with his goons. So, she was unaware Sharael had asked Mia to the game this weekend.

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