Chapter Twenty

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Unforeseen Decisions

Before the Laracrofts arrived and the whole debacle started, Isabella was found in her study room slouching on the leather sofas. In her hand was the golden goblet now half full with blood. After what happened today, she needed the drink to calm her nerves. The gruff Vampire Queen was like a ticking nuclear. Anything and everything easily vexed her. Even Grandpa Han stood clear of her in fear of getting the short end of the stick.

These past few days Isabella had her work cut out. Hosting the four Vampire Rulers in the city was no issue. They were big boys and did not need to be chaperoned around. The thorny issue was this 'green-eyed' young prince who was crazily searching for the man that apparently stole 'his queen'.

Isabella didn't have to keep tabs on the young Prince Malfoy to know he was secretly hunting for Sharael's identity. It was only a matter of time. Jealousy is a contagious disease that can infect any man and vampire as well. There was no telling what will happen. However, one thing was for sure, her beloved was in danger.

Isabella hated how she couldn't kill off that stalwart vampire prince and be done with the problem. Due to the thorny circumstances at hand, she was left with no other choice but to protect Sharael personally. That was why Isabella was tailing him around town earlier in the day. And then the damn witches happened.

Those pests had the poorest timing. Of all the days, they had to pick the day she was looking out for her beloved. Oh, how Isabella hated she could not find that witch and rip them to shreds. She could've cared less if she made a bloody scene in public. It is not like anyone or anything could've stopped her. Sadly, she was played a fool and returned empty-handed.

Just thinking about it had her seething that she almost crumbled the golden cup in her tightening grip. She grunted and moved the cup to her lips. All of a sudden, her movements froze when she was about take a swig. Her body flashed to the curtained windows and peered outside at the darkness.

She took a deep sniff and let out a low guttural growl, "Witches!"

"Grandpa Han!" Her loud shout soon reverberated in the entire castle. A few moments later, the old man hurried into the room, baffled and alarmed. "Kill off the lights and lock yourself in the undercroft," she commanded and vanished from the room.

Grandpa Han proved quick-witted and acted without delay. Whatever that must've unsettled the Queen must be something very perilous. Before long, the whole castle went dark.

Isabella stalked through the dark hallways. The blood-filled goblet cup was stashed away somewhere. She entered one of the rooms facing the main entrance and peeked through the white curtained windows. There, she spotted them. Two witches appeared from the forest and approached her abode. One was older, whereas the other was younger. Both had curly ginger hair. Foreigners, she suspected. She could only sniff out the two, meaning they foolishly came alone without backup.

"Hmph! They have some nerve." Isabella sneered and went to welcome the bold and dead witches.

Since there was no one to invite them in, the two witches entered on their own accord. Isabella lurked at the other end of the dark lobby ready to ambush them. She could hear their bated breaths and drumming hearts in their chests. She could smell their fear and...

"This scent..." A familiar scent entered her nostrils and her body went rigid instantly. Her hazel eyes focused on the younger witch and turned crimson straightaway.

"It's you!" she growled and appeared before the horrified witch in the blink of an eye.

"I will suck you dry and rip you into pieces!" Isabella grabbed her by the neck and hissed venomously.

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