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"The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies."


13th October 1645

Somewhere in Europe, in a desolate and densely forested area, sudden rustling sounds ricocheted around. Dawn was fast approaching yet the heavy dark clouds that covered the heavens like a thick duvet, casted an unyielding darkness over the land.

The forest stretched far and wide, appearing like an endless carpet splayed over the hilly lands. Tall thick trees towering in salute formed an indiscernible labyrinth, with their outstretched leafy branches creating a complete canopy overhead. No light could penetrate through, so the forest was ever dark even during the brightest days.

Old tales that date back eons have been told about the forest. Horrifying tales that would even give a grown man endless nightmares. None dared venture into the forest for it was believed to harbor hellish creatures that only exists in nightmares. Still, that didn't deter few brave souls_ or better yet fools_ who over the centuries tried testing the forest worthy fame. Only to never return...

So, these sudden rustling sounds that rang within the forest was a strange occurrence. A place where even the nosiest creatures dared not make a sound. These sounds were soon followed by heavy pants. Soon a figure rushed past. It was a person running through the forest. But who? Who would dare run rampant in this daunting place?

A fairly dark-skinned young man garbed in a tattered servant's clothing soon came into view. He appeared to be in his early 20s given his smooth chin and boyish outlook. Apart from his heavy pants, his body drenched in sweat from his clothes sticking to skin, revealed he had been running for quite some time. The dirt smudged over his bruised up face, with the twigs and leaves sticking out from his disheveled hair and lastly his muddy shoes, exposed the hard battle he had fought against the thick foliage.

His flustered cheeks were covered with dried tears, which had streamed down from his anguish-filled dark eyes. He was clearly running from something. Which begged the question, from what?

Maze of trees and their dark shadows blinded his line of sight, and without a sense of direction, the young man just ran aimlessly. The further he fled inside the forest, the more lost he became. How he lamented at his misfortune that landed him here.

Fleeing to this haunted forest was not within his thought-out plan. He was well aware of its daunting tales. However, once he was spotted only two choices remained for him. Either flee to here or suffer dire consequences. He had to run. He had to escape. For only calamity awaited him back there.

Every part of his body screamed in pain. His muscles were cramping up with fatigue. He could even taste the metallic taste of blood from the constant pressure subjected to his exhausted lungs. He was losing all air and energy and couldn't help stopping to take a breather.

Surveying his unfamiliar surroundings, there was nothing but just woods and thickets. The silence that enveloped the area was enough to hear his heart thumping from all that running. It was a safe distance he thought. There was no way he could have been followed all this way.

Just then, a cool breeze kissed his sore skin making his body go stiff. Not a moment passed when the breeze again drifted across, but this time it carried with it a soft chuckle.

"Oh no..." gasped the young man.

His face became pale and his heart drummed so loud you could think the African drums were set ablaze within his chest. His head snapped from side to side, back and fro. All he could see was nothing but the dark shadows of trees with their outstretched branches looking like claws. The eerie grave silence further heightened his anxiety.

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