Chapter Eleven

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Yuanhe Gundwalle

It was late in the evening in the downtown area of Vonza City. Sharael was busy taking his usual sundown strolls along the liveliest local street in town. The Haramu Street. He leisurely bypassed the diligent, fervent and competitive vendors squawking their honeyed words to the passing crowds. Even though it was nearing peak of the night, the Haramu Street was still crowded with locals wandering up and about.

After his encounter with that woman from the Red Lotus Society, Sharael left and went back to his normal business. There were things he did not want to get involved into for he had long retired from that stage. From what that woman revealed, the person after the Barthwells was not the Society but one major player. A mysterious and very resourceful individual who favors manipulating things from the shadows.

Then again, as things stood, there was no cause for alarm because the Barthwells weren't an easy target either. As long as whatever was happening won't affect his newfound normal life, then there was no need for him to step in.

A sudden gathered crowd up ahead soon caught his attention. Gatherings like so were a common occurrence since most of the locals here were basically idle. It could have been a small sideshow to attract customers or a dramatic brawl that enthralled them. Typically, it wasn't worth Sharael's time. However, a certain familiar voice screaming angrily had him hurry to the scene.

"Hey asshole!" a girl's voice shouted. "Don't you have better things to do other than to come here and harass us, poor folks? Do you feel like a big man now? You and your pack of loyal dirty dogs have no shame. Why don't you bully someone your own size and let's see if you can dare act so smugly. Tsk!"

The girl was surprisingly none other than Mia. The sweet girl whom everyone was accustomed to had now turned to one feisty young cat. She was confronting some group of young men. Her pair of adorable eyes that always sparkle with innocence and happiness were now glaring defiantly and menacingly at the guys.

"This little bitch! How dare you insult our young boss? You oughta be taught a lesson with that bigmouth..." One of the young men took a hostile step forward, but was stopped by a raised hand from another standing at the forefront and appeared taller than the rest.

The guy had a dashing wild charm that was expounded perfectly from his sharp brown eyes and a brown messy hair. Except, he gave off airs of a gang member with the few piercings, silver rings and visible tattoos to prove. From the reverence poses the others had, he was definitely the ringleader. Yuanhe Gundwalle was his name. He was the firstborn male son of the leader of the Blackrock Gang; one of the underground syndicates in the city.

The Blackrock Gang was a criminal syndicate which ruled illegally a part of the city. They were infamous because of their unlawful undertakings. For example; every single month their lackeys would be sent out to collect protection fees from the helpless local business owners. Although illegal, the hapless locals had no option but to comply. The police always turned a blind eye to this racketeering since they were kept under their payroll.

But then again, this simple fee collection was misused. These thugs always used it as an excuse to undertake their harassments.

Currently, Yuanhe was here with his gang of pillagers in the pretense of collecting protection fees. He was just here to see her again. The adorable and angelic Miama Ratelle. Ever since he first laid eyes on her selling roasted African sausages with her mother, he had grown deeply infatuated. Despite her constant rejections, he still never gave up. Mia even went ahead and furiously alleged she was already engaged to another. Still, that did not deter the guy. He was persistent like a fly; becoming a constant bother for the poor girl.

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