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Doctor: mom sad we have some news
Doctor: I'm sorry but we've done all we can and she's not with us anymore
His words broke me
I wanted to break down and cry right there but I kept myself together in the moment
Doctor: we'll leave you two alone I'm very sorry
He leaves the room
And Quinton turns to me
The pain in both our eyes was killing
With one look he pulled me into a hug
No words were said we just held eachother my loud sobs and his silent tears
Quinton; baby
He squeezes me tighter
Quinton: I love you princess
Me: I love you too
Me: I'm so sorry
Quinton: princess it's not your fault

the next day:

i woke up the next morning, Quinton was already up. he was packing all the stuff back in the hospital bag because we were leaving today. he noticed me looking at him. the kids were all spending the week at bryces house

Quinton: "morning babe" he came and softly kissed my lips
me: morning
Quinton: i'm gonna bring the stuff to the car i'll be back.
me: ok

he brought the stuff and came back up

Quinton: ok ready?
me: mhm

the nurse walks in

n: hi chloe how are you feeling
me: "eh" i mumble
n: ok im gonna bring you a wheelchair and bring you to the car.
me: ok

she wheeled a wheelchair into the room and Quinton helped me onto it.

we went to the car and Quinton helped me in then went in on the other side. he started the car and i did up my seatbelt.
the whole car ride was silent for like 3 minutes

Quinton: hey
me: hm
Quinton: baby it's not your fault stop getting mad at yourself. you did nothing wrong

me: "yes Quinton clearly i did do something wrong because i killed my own child. i had one job and couldn't even fucking do that right. i hate myself, i hate my fucking body i hate my life" i bursted into tears
Quinton: "hey hey" he pulled over
Quinton: stop blaming yourself. your body is perfect. there's nothing wrong with your body baby.
me: yes there is, i killed three of your children
Quinton: no you didnt, stop. it's not your fault that your water broke, things happen for a reason. Gods Plan remember?
me: can you just drive me home please?
Quinton: ok

we get to the house, Quinton takes me out of the car and upstairs to our bedroom to change me. he sits me on the bed and takes off my shirt putting one of his sweatshirts on me then taking off my pants and puts pyjama pants on me. he throws my hair up into a bun

i glance in the mirror

me: "im so fat" i mumble
Quinton: babe you just had a baby, it's normal to have extra weight. besides you look no different in my eyes. you're always gorgeous. i don't want to hear you say that about yourself ever again.
Quinton: "i'm gonna make something to eat, get some rest. i'll wake you up when it's ready" he lifted me up and put me under the sheets closing the blinds and shutting the lights then kissing me on the head before walking downstairs.

i fell asleep but soon later got woken up to Quinton shaking me slowly

Quinton: i made you something that won't upset your tummy
me: i'm not hungry
Quinton: you have to eat. even just a tiny bit
me: no
Quinton: baby..

he didn't say anything, he just came and laid next to me. i turned to face the other way and he sighed. A couple minutes later i felt two arms snake around my waist, he pulled me towards him and kissed my head.

me: i'm gonna take a shower
Quinton: mhm

i get up and walk to the washroom

Quintons pov:
Chloe walks into the washroom
a few minutes later i hear the water turn on. i also hear cries so i get out of bed and walk to the bathroom to see what was going on. i open the door and i see Chloe bunched up in the shower with her clothes on, head to her knees crying. she heard the door open and looked at me wiping her eyes quickly

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now