JULY 4th

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I woke up to the sun shining in
It was so peaceful and-
Now it's over
Brently started crying
I got up and fed her
Once she stopped crying and ate she went in her pack n play while I made coffee and went to our balcony
I sat there for thirty minutes until I was alarmed with a knock on the glass door
It was quinton holding Brently
He opened up the door
Quinton: mornin
Me: morning
He sat in a chair beside me
Quinton; your daughter was missing you
He sat her in my lap
Me: she was your daughter first you know
He kissed my and sat down
Quinton: don't mean nothin she's your daughter second
Quinton: what's in your hand
Me: coffee
Quinton: uhuh you know your not supposed to have that while your breastfeeding
Me: well I don't care
Quinton: your gonna make Brent short
Me: do you know how tall I am she'll be short anyways ain't that right yes
Quinton: mhm shorty she could be 6'5 dunking on everybody but your gonna shrink her
Me: we already have Arden to do that
Quinton: you don't want 2 kids in the nba
Me: we don't even watch the nba
Quinton: yes me and Arden do all the time
Me; good
Quinton: gimme that
I hand him my cup and he drank the rest
I got up and sat in his lap
Me: I love you to death
Quinton; mhm whatcha want now
Me: me I don't want nothing
Quinton: you only say that when you need something so what is it
Me: will you go to the store with me
I kiss his cheek seducing him
Quinton: baby stop before you can't back out
Me; uhuh we're going to the store like we used to babe
Quinton: fine I will go to the store with you
Me: great get ready
I smacked his thigh and took Brently inside
I showered and brently showered with me
I put her in this and I put this on

I woke up to the sun shining in It was so peaceful and-Now it's over Brently started crying I got up and fed her Once she stopped crying and ate she went in her pack n play while I made coffee and went to our balcony I sat there for thirty minutes...

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She looked so adorable I couldn't
Brently: mama I don't like these
She pulled at her pants
Brently: too tight
Me; baby they're elastic
Brently: too tight
Me: your diaper
Brently; ya
I took the shorts off and loosened her diaper
Me: better
Brently; yaya
Me: mkay
I put her shorts back on and I put this on

Without the cardigan I did my make up Quinton got out the shower and and got dressed Quinton: what is she wearing He held Brently Me; oh the cutest outfit ever Quinton : no Chloe she's not wearing that Me: why not Quinton; she looks like a waddlin...

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Without the cardigan
I did my make up
Quinton got out the shower and and got dressed
Quinton: what is she wearing
He held Brently
Me; oh the cutest outfit ever
Quinton : no Chloe she's not wearing that
Me: why not
Quinton; she looks like a waddling slut
That's funny it made me laugh
Me: she looks cute q
Quinton: she looks like mini porn star
Me; that's so rude she's your baby
Quinton: not looking like that
Me: she likes that outfit don't you Brent
Brently; ya mama I cutes
Me: see
Quinton:I can practically see her nipples
Me: they'd be the only ones you'll see you keep over reacting
I looked at him like that and took Brently
Quinton: fine whatever your the boss
Me: good boy
Quinton: mhm
We got in the car and went to the store
We got a lot of food
I went to grab the last thing eggs and we were going to pay he came to the cart with a box of beer
Me: what in the hell do you think your doing
Quinton: hey just cuz you can't drink don't mean I can't
Me: you won't
I moved the box out of the cart
Quinton: ay that's for me
Me; I don't care your not a alcoholic
Quinton: I always drink it's vacation
Me: I don't care I don't want Arden to get any ideas or anything
Quinton: I'll just buy it behind your back
Me: you don't need it if I see that in the house I'll smack you all the way to aa
Quinton: mhm I'd like to see you try
I smack his cheek
Me: talk to me like that again
Quinton: damn I'm sorry
Me: good now go put it back I'm not married to a alcoholic
Quinton: oh no I was just sorry I'm not putting it back
He ended up getting it and we went home
I put brently in this suit

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now