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October 17th
Rowens pov
She texted me she was on her way from parent teacher conferences
I finished the set up
The candles the windows and blinds shut
The inside of our house was completely shut away from the world
I had myself far through the long romantic walk of the house
Alex: rowen? Why's it dark babe
Alex: awe flowers babe
I heard her kick her shoes off
And walked over the flowers
Alex: did you make dinner cause I'm starving and my feet are killing me
She walked through the house the rose petals and candles
Alex: this is so cute so sexy what did you do
She made it to the end
Me: hi
Alex: hi? What is all this
Me: something very special
Alex: whattt your scaring me
Me: I got some permission to do this if that helps your answer
I got down on my knee pulling out the box
Alex: rowen! You didn't rowen! Oh my gosh rowee
She covered her mouth as I opened the box holding the ring
Me: you know what I'm asking don't you
Alex: yes I do,
Me: will you marry me lex
Alex: yessss yes I will yes rowen yes
She leaned over me
Alex 📡: I'm crying rowen I can't believe you did this
Me:give me this finger
I slid this ring in her finer

Alex: this ring is so gorgeous, so expensive it's too much why not just some small ring
Me: cause you deserve 5 carats but I knew you'd only accept 3
Alex: 3 carat diamonds rowen
Me: and then little half carats all around
I stood up
Alex: I love you so much, so so so much rowen griggs
Me: I love you more
I kissed her
Alex: you said you got permission
Me: alberts blessing especially Louise's
Alex: you asked them?
Me: ofocurse my Catholics father in law and mother in law they said I'm accepted into the family
Alex: ofcourse you are your perfect
Me: your mom did make me promise we'd keep Cuban traditions at our wedding, I don't know that that includes but I agreed
Alex: you don't know what you got us into
Me: what?
Alex: a misa de fianza we'll exchange wedding rings and mom and dad and a bunch of my Cuban family will bless our marriage
Me: your crazy that sounds like fun
Alex: I think, you have to vow to take care of me physically financially emotionally and care for our family
Me: I can vow to that baby of course
Alex: oh shit! Rowen shit shit Shit no we can't do this
Me: why not you already said yes no backsies

Alex: no I'm supposed to be a virgin the church does this thing to assure I'm a virgin
Me: I'm sure that can be falsified
Alex: maybe
Me: what else
Alex: you'll have to learn all the dances
Me: cmon I can dance

Aiden: okay white boy
She rolled her eyes

We spent the rest of the night talking about our wedding

Telling her parents who already knew
Louise volunteered to cook the wedding meal
Because it's a Cuban tradition which I'm fine with
And we told mom

Sterlings pov
Me: hi how far are you from home
Cooper:35 minutes or so
Me: could you come home please
Cooper: I'm basically on the way what's wrong
Me: he's hurting really badly cooper something feels wrong
Cooper: the baby?
Me: yes something feels wrong
Cooper: okay okay I'm im coming home as soon as possible
Me: thank you

I sat on the couch trying to breath but it hurt so badly
I don't understand what's going on I've done everything right
We're so close to his due date
Cooper: cmon we're going to the hospital

Me: cooper hold on your moving too fast
Cooper: what's wrong
Me: I don't know

He helped me to the car and I declined the seat back closing my eyes
Carson: mommy what's wrong
Me: nothings wrong baby
Carson: your okay
Me: yes I'm okay I'm just taking a nap baby
Carson: okay

I felt light headed and felt my conscious slip away

I woke up in the hospital

Cooper: holy shit oh my god sterling never scare me like that again
Me: hm
Cooper: you passed out I think
Cooper: I'm gonna call the nurse
He pressed the little button
Me: what time is it
Cooper: 8:30 pm
Me: mmkay
I laid my head back and the nurse came in
Nurse: hi miss grant how are you feeling
Me: really lightheaded
Nurse: okay so I'm gonna get the doctor in here because he's found something, can you confirm how far along you are
Me: um really close I can't think it's in that app in my phone cooper please check
He checked
Cooper: 32 weeks and 4 days
Me: yeah
Nurse: okay
She left and the doctor came in
Doctor: hi sterling
Me: hi
Doctor: your feeling light headed you said 
Me: yes
Doctor: with your husbands permission we drew a little blood and your red blood cell count was extremely low
Me: what does that mean
Doctor: it's explaining the light headedness and the loss of consciousness
Me: okay
Doctor: have you been extra active these past few weeks
Me: I mean only a little a few long hours at work but that's it
Doctor: so these past few weeks has been your baby getting ready to deliver
Me: that's far away though like 2 months almost
Doctor: possibly but I can bet your feeling him kick in your lungs and he's getting ready to come into the world and your baby is doing a complete 180 in your body and your doing long shifts at work, or maybe even something you don't think could hurt him like making a homemade fresh cooked meal things like that being in your feet for hours or running around with your kids tiring you out and your body's still trying to do so much
Me: so how do I fix that
Doctor: take lots of vitamins throughout the day and little power naps or even just resting this is the last stretch of the pregnancy your having a hard time he is too he wants to come out
Me: mkay
Doctor: take it easy the rest of the pregnancy eat 5 or 6 good proportionate meals throughout the day that doesn't mean no carbs carbs are good nourish the baby and yourself
Me: okay
Doctor: get enough rest drink plenty of water I know your bladder is being pushed on but drink lots of water
Me: ok
Doctor: I also have some bad news for the baby
Cooper: you said he's okay
Doctor: he is okay he's doing really well
But I'm the ultrasound we noticed his heart beat was fast, faster then even a regular fast heart beat for a baby
Me: so he has a fast heart beat
Doctor:  tachycardia and it could be due to maybe a hole in his heart
Me: what
Doctor: calm down it's nothing you did wrong either of you you'd know if you had this your parents would have this if it was genetic his heart just didn't fully form
Me: well he still has time it can fix itself right
Doctor: well there's always a possibility as he grows in his live he can grow out of it but as of now no it's gonna be something he'll have to deal with
Me: is it bad
Doctor: for some yes for others it's just something that hurts the quality of life
Me: so what's gonna happen
Doctor: sometimes these spells will happen where his heart beats faster then normal and it's likely gonna scare him which will make things worse, but it's gonna go away
Me: is there ways to fix it
Doctor: not now, right now we have to let him come first and then once he's older, bigger you can get him into a cardiologist to talk treatment but there's nothing for it without hurting you
Me: mkay
Doctor: and there's always the chance that as he grows it closes up there's just no way to know or be sure
Me: okay thank you
Doctor: if it's alright with you the nurse is gonna administer some medicine and then we'll keep you for a hour after the medicine to make sure your blood pressure goes back up
Me: alright
He left and the nurse came and gave me medication
And Carson woke up
Carson: daddy can we go home
Cooper: not yet buddy come lay down
He pulled him up on his chest
Cooper: are you feeling okay?
Me: I am yeah
Cooper: okay, I love you sterling
Me: I love you too
I laid there watching Carson lay on coopers chest
Cooper held him close tracing his hands in his hair putting him to sleep
Our kid
Has a whole in his heart
I know it's my fault
But what did I do?
I never drank I'm eating healthy foods all the things I did with Carson and Carson is okay
And then the door opened and Avery came inside
Avery: are you okay!
Me: oh my gosh why'd you come all this way
Avery: cause cooper said you in the hospital
Me: I'm fine
Cooper: the baby had a hole in his heart makes his heart race
Arden: I think Harper had that too
Harper: what
Arden: your heart was so fast when you were a little baby
She started making scared faces
Harper: does that mean I'm fast
Arden: yes super fast
Harper: Carson! Daddy down
He put her down immediately and she went to cooper on the couch
Harper: can I play with Carson
Cooper: let's see does he want to play
Cooper slowly woke him up
Harper: hi
Carson: hi
Harper: I brought my bluey toys do you wanna play
Carson: daddy?
Cooper: you can just stay in the room
He hopped down and they went and played in the corner
Arden took a seat in the couch
Me: y'all really didn't have to come
Avery: I just wanna make sure your okay
Me: I'm fine my blood pressure was low that's it
Avery: okay
Me: and there letting me go home soon anyways
Avery: ok good
She stood beside me
Me: how's the house
I looked to Arden
Arden: it's alright
Avery: it's nice as heck it has a full basketball court in the backyard and a pool and outdoor kitchen it's crazy
Harper: daddy said we can make s'mores
Arden: when it gets cold
Harper: can Carson make s'mores with us daddy
Arden: sure

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now