Best summer ever

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May 26th
We drove to San Diego for the big nationals
This dance I have been working on forever
Called live forever
It's reallllllly good

Aiden: go on baby
I looked as he pecked my lips
Aiden: so amazing
Me: thank you
I got up and they called my number
Going on stage
I re ran every move in my head
I have to nail this
My music started and I did my thing
Ooo shit okay

Leaving it up to them
I went up to aiden in the audience
I sat in his lap
Me: I suprisingly didn't mess up or forget a step
Aiden: I knew you wouldn't brent
Me: I just have to hope everyone else messes up
Aiden: you don't need to do that your gonna win cause your way better
Me: thank you and shush Caitlyn's on
We watched her dance
Ahhh she's amazing
Me: I gotta go congratulate her I'll be back
I kissed his cheek
And ran down to find here
Me: you looked fucking amazing c
Caitlyn: really
Me: yes it was amazing
Caitlyn: thank you I needed that
Me: you got this in the bag dude your winning
Caitlyn: oooo that would be great

We hung out back stage waiting on the last few

And they started awards

Annoucer: and in 3rd place with 277 points anna grace at downtown dance

Oo I'm nervoussss
Annoucer: our runner up with 294.4 points
Caitlyn Moore at la dance emporium
Oh yes
I hugged her so tight
My bitch won
We'll runner up but that's okay
Me: congratulations caitttt I'm so proud of you
She smiled and got up getting her award

Annoucer: and our first place dancer, tonight's winner who will hold this title for one year, winning with 300 points, Brently Griggs at la dance emporium

Dude dude dude
I immediately heard loud screaming and cheering
Knowing that's my family
My boyfriend and mom and dad
So sweet
I got up getting my award
Standing beside Caitlyn
I hugged her gently and stood with my trophy and sash
They dismissed everyone and I went and hugged Aiden
Aiden: I knew your gonna freakin win
He picked me up as I laughed
Me: okay put me down
Me: aiden I'm serious
I laughed and he set me down
I hugged him again
Mom: congratulations Brently you looked so beautiful out there
Me: thank you momma
I hugged her and dad
I gave Aiden my trophy and medal and sash
Me: I'm gonna get my stuff so we can go
I ran back to the dressing room
It was a sad goodbye
This is my last ever competition
Like ever
Marie: guys everyone come give Brently and Caitlyn a good goodbye this was there last dance ever
Everyone piled up hugging us
I love these girls man
Marie: and y'all should know Caitlyn and Brently are both going off to Chicago to dance professionally for Joffrey ballet
Everyone screamed
The best possible reaction
There so sweet
Marie: congratulations guys, we're all so proud of you both

Why's she all of a sudden being nice
Me: I'm gonna miss y'all so much
I hugged them
Caitlyn: yeah

I got my stuff and left

Mom: are you hungry let's go eat
Me: yeah
We got in the car and went to go eat dinner

And drove home

Rowens pov
I packed all my shit
And it's sad I'm leaving
I just
We're probably not gonna get the same rooms I'll never see Alex again
Fucking sucks
She's going back home
New Jersey
And I'm going home for the summer

Ima miss her
We we're actually getting close 
I took my bags to my car and went back up to make sure I had all my shit

I decided to stop by there room
Knocking on the door
Julia opened the door
Julia: oh I thought you'd leave by now
Me: nope I'm about too is Alex in there
Julia: yeah
I came inside
Alex: hey
Me: hey
Alex: Julia
Julia: oh dammmit I have clothes in the dryer
Alex: yeah
Julia: ill be back
She left
Alex: what's up
Me: nothing I'm about to catch my flight
Alex: oh okay
Me: just wanted to say bye
Alex: you can text me whenever or call you know
Me: yeah but we probably won't be back here
Alex: well  I'm different we can still study and stufff and ya know hang out
Me: yeah
Alex: I'll see you after summer
Me: mhm
Alex: bye rowe
Me: bye lex 
She hugged me

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now