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April 8th
Alexia's pov
Me: rowen I'm scared
Rowen: for what
Me: what if they don't like me
Rowen: you say that like I've ever cared about there opinion
Me: you don't?
Rowen: no honestly
Me: so if they don't like me, you won't dump me
Rowen: no I won't do that lex

Me: okay good
We pulled up to a big gate trying to hide a even bigger house
Me: shit I forgot you said your parents are rich
Rowen: there humble so it's okay
Me: my outfit is ugly
Rowen: Alex shush

We got in the driveway and he opened my door

Me: I'm so nervous shit

I took his arm
Walking behind him
Rowen: they kill nervous people so watch out
I bit into his bicep
And we got to the door and he opened it

Looking around it's all white and nest and clean
Not like my house
Which he's yet to see unfortunately
My family knows about him though
Chloe: rowen! Gosh your getting taller
Rowen: nope same height mom
Chloe : you look so nice dads still getting dressed
Rowen: mkay
Chloe : rowen introduce us please
She directed her attention to me and she was just under my height
We looked eye to eye
Rowen: mom this is Alex
Chloe: that's pretty is it short for something or just Alex
Me: Alexia
Chloe: aw I love that, so, your dating yes?
Rowen: yeah this is my girlfriend
The smile that grew on her face
Oh Kay this makes me feel better
Chloe: how long?
Me: um 9 months
Chloe: nine months? Rowen I couldn't have met her on Christmas
Rowen: hey she didn't want to
Me: rowen that's not true I told you I did
Rowen: ok whatever it's my fault Easter is easier though
Chloe: well anyways I'm so happy to meet you.
Me: me too
Chloe: have I said your absolutely gorgeous
Me: thank you
Chloe: and I love y'all's coordinating outfits
Rowen: yea
His dad came in the area
His Dad: hey rowen
Rowen: hey
His Dad: whose this
Chloe: rowens girlfriend, Alex, Alex this is my husband quinton
Me: it's nice to meet you
Quinton: you too
He smiled at me
Quinton: are y'all in school together
Rowen: yeah
Quinton : alright what are you in school for
Me: um teaching
Quinton: teaching, what do you wanna teach
Me: elementary
Quinton: and you decided on Harvard?
Me: um yes sir
Quinton : what made you pick Harvard
Me: well they offered me a scholarship um academically I just wanted a good education
Quinton : well good
He walked away
And I held closer to his arm

We spent some time with his mom and dad

Before it was about 8 pm and we went to his room
Laying down together
Rowen: so
Me: your moms too sweet she's the best
Rowen: yeah
Me: I don't think your dad likes me
Rowen: he does
Me: he like completely didn't believe I got into Harvard
Rowen: cause your too pretty for Harvard.
Me: hope your dad doesn't think that
I smiled as his hand held my cheek
Rowen: I do though
I nudged into his arms
Me: I like spending the night with you this is only like the tenth time
Rowen: we should do it more often
Me: yeah

Rowen: but your classes are all early
Me: well that sucks for you
We went to sleep together

April 9th
Sterlings pov
I woke up and put Carson in the cutest little outfit

He's the most adorable
With little bunnies on his chest

Ugh. Love my son but I wish I had a daughter
Anyways I showered and put a little white dress with white flowers that hung at my knees
And did my makeup
Cooper: god my baby momma is the hottest
He rubbed my hips
Me: mm thank you
I smiled and held my hand on his
Cooper: where's this dresss from
Me: dolce
Cooper: well they did good
Me: mhm did you see his outfit
Cooper: mhm adorable

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now