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October 3rd
Alexia's pov

I sat up in my bed working on this homework
Rowen laid beside me
Kissing my hand
He is so like touchy
I've never liked it like that but I like this
Rowen: where'd you get this ring from
Me: my dad
Rowen: what's it for
Me: it's just a family ring
Rowen: it's cute
Me: it's too big for my finger
I laughed
Me: ok shhhh i have to work

I studied for a upcoming exam
Rowen: do you want me to quiz you
Me: mm sure
I handed him the work
And he sat up
And quizzed me
Rowen: yep
He puckered his lips
Me: ew
Rowen: everyone you get right is a kiss

I rolled my eyes and kissed him fast
Doing that after every question

I got super turned on
And I held his neck
Rowen: lex
He stopped
Me: hm
Rowen: I love you
He what
He whatttttt
I stopped kissing him
My body was under his
Me; I uh
Woah woah what what wait

Me: like actually
He fixed his hair
Rowen: like really
Me: I really really really really like you rowen
I just don't like that word
Rowen: mm okay
Me: I don't mean that bad
He got up getting his stufff
Rowen: I got class later anyways bye
Me: oh bye
He left
He doesn't have class
Fuck did I do
Julia came
Julia: heyy
Me: hi
Julia; what's up
Me: rowen loves me
Julia: one month in damn
Me: well we've been friends for a long time and I know I feel a special way about him
Julia: what happened
Me: I didn't say it back
Julia: ooof
Me: I feel bad
Julia: what'd you say? Like I don't
Me: no I just told him I really like him a lot I just don't like that word
Julia: so it's okay you told him you don't like the word love
Me: no I didn't tell him that I just don't know what it is I like him he's so hot and sweet I love the things about him
Julia: so it's not about the word
Me: it is, I know how I feel I just don't know if love is the word and I don't wanna lie
Julia: okay find a word and tell him how you feel
Julia: I don't think it matters the words, he just said how he feels about you and you say I really like you that's not equivalent
Me: ok
I got up and went walking to his dorm
And banging on his door
Rowen: what oh huh
He stood at the door
Me: I'm sorry I didn't mean to like say that and mess it up I just
Me: I know what I feel for you rowen but I don't wanna say it's love cause that's like scary if you wanna say yours is love then that's fine but I can't not yet
Rowen: I get you you like me
Me: I adore you rowen, I'm like crazy about you and when I say I like you I mean it in the highest possible level
Me: I don't want you to feel bad I'm not saying I L you
Rowen: lex shush
He kissed me
Me: cause I just want to make sure it's love before I say it is that ok
Rowen: that's fine
Me: okay cause I don't want you to feel bad for not saying it
Rowen: baby it's fine
Me: baby?
Rowen: shit is that not cool
Me: no no that's really cool
Rowen: okay good

Brentlys pov
Todays our first performance

My very first true ballet performance
I'm excited
Nolan is coming to suprise Caitlyn
So cute

Nolan: where's she at
Me: I'm her room go in
He snuck in with flower s
And I heard her scream
Caitlyn: awe my gosh

There really cute I'm super happy for them

Caitlyn; hey Brent
Me: hey
I smiled
Feeling the most pain in my chest
I miss him
I miss his touch
His words his voice
His warmth
Everything about my boy
He just made me so
And loved and comforted
He was my fucking home
And he threw that away
Everyday I miss him
Almost ruin my makeup over him

My heart aches for him
Chloes pov
I sat on the couch beside quinton

Quinton: hey baby
Me: hey
I kissed him
Quinton : do you have something today
Me: no I just wanna be with you
I cuddled up to him on the couch
Quinton : how do you feel
Me: good really
I looked yup to him
Quinton: good, I'm really proud of you
Me: yeah
We watched a movie
Me: I was thinking
Quinton: about
Me: trying again
Quinton: for a baby? Impossible
Me: no like having sex again
Quinton: like today
Me: yeah
Quinton: do you think your ready
Me: I feel ready
Quinton : we can try, only if you really really are sure your ready
Me: I'm not a virgin q I mean I can handle it and
Quinton: I don't want it to scare you
Me: well be gentle
Quinton; ofcourse but, only if your okay
Me: it's been 3 and a half years I think we can do it again
Quinton: okay
He got up and helped me up going to the bed room
Me: can we just basic right now nothing before just sex
Quinton : yeah ofcourse baby
We got undressed
Me: I want to keep this on
I pulled my shirt down
Quinton: okay, please just tell me to stop anything, anytime and I'll stop immediately okay. Your completely in control
Me: thank you

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now