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I woke up with a terrible feeling in my stomach
And tomorrow is my birthday great
I can't move really
I rolled to check the time
Fuck it's 10 am the kids
I jumped up limping too the living room
Quinton; oh good morning baby
Me; the kids are late for school
Quinton; they were just in time 4 hours ago so no
Me: why did you let me sleep
Quinton: your sick you don't feel well I thought sleep would be the best thing
Me; oh well thank I guess
Quinton: I made muffins want one
Me: I can't eat
Quinton: awe ok why don't you come lay down
I laid in his lap and he cuddled me
Quinton; wow your hot
Me: mhm
We watched a show before I had to barf
Me: move move I'm going to puke
He pushed me up following behind me
I made it to the kitchen bathroom and barfed
Quinton: poor baby
He rubbed my back my stomach hurts so bad
He got me a wet rag
I'm 33 and still hate throwing up
I cried on the floor
Quinton: I'm getting you a doctors appointment
Me: no I'll be fine
Quinton: you've been like this too long 3 days Chloe I can't watch you be in this much pain
He called
Quinton: hi can I make a appointment for Chloe hall
Quinton: what are your symptoms, fever vomiting stomach pain yea no eating
He pushed on my stomach
Quinton: where does it hurt did that hurt
Me: ow ow fuck  yes
Quinton: I guess lower then but I think it started higher
Me; can't she just tell what it is
Quinton: ok is that serious
Quinton : well shit ok thanks
Me: what'd she say
Quinton; stay here I'm going to get some stuff she said she thinks your appendix is gonna bust
Me: what?
Quinton : calm down she said to go to the er
Me: what if I die q
Quinton: you'll be fine... I hope
He ran and grabbed our phones and shoes and some clothes in a bag
He came and picked me up
I was  hysterically crying
Me: I'm gonna die  I won't Ben see my kids graduate or rowens first girlfriend or  Brentlys or Sterlings or you I'll be gone
Quinton: your not gonna die
Me: you don't know that
Quinton: calm down before it does bust
I shut up
We got to the er and someone came to us
Nurse: what's wrong
Quinton: we called the doctor and she said her appendix is busting
Nurse: we need a stretcher
He put me on the bed and they wheeled me to a open room
Nurse: ok mrs griggs I'm gonna push on your stomach and you tell me if it hurts and how bad it hurts on a scale of 1 to ten
Me: ok
She pushed around
Me: no no no a little yea 6 mhm worse ow ow ow 10 a hundred ow fuck
Nurse: I need a doctor stat
Me: what's wrong
Nurse: your appendix is not just busting its so close to rupturing
Me: am I gonna die be honest
Nurse: if we don't remove it immediately possibly
The lady came back
Lady: there's not a doctor on call at the moment
Nurse: well call all of them she needs surgery now
She left for ten minutes and came back
Lady: none of them can make it within the hour
Nurse: listen she might not make it past the hour call doctor Ron and tell him to get here asap he lives five minutes away
Me: um nurse
Nurse: yea honey
Me: can you send my husband back quinton Griggs
Nurse: of course
Q came back
Quinton: what are they saying baby
Me: I'm dead if they don't remove it like now and there's not a doctor so I'm dead I just wanted to tell you that I love you and to tell the kids that too
Quinton: your gonna live this isn't over Brent's 3 barely your not dying.
He made a call to Bryce and told him everything and to check the kids out and bring them to the hospital
Me: no I don't want them to see me cry
Quinton: Chloe I don't wanna say it but we don't know there's a chance you could die ofcourse we hope that chance is small but if you do atleast see the kids before you do
Me: can't I just be with you I just wanna be with you
Quinton: you can be but tell the kids you love them I'm sure they're scared more then you are they might loose there mom
Me: ok
The kids and Bryce came in
Bryce: hey
He gave Brently to q
Sterling: momma
Me: hey baby.
She hugged me
sterling: are you ok
Me: mhm I'm fine baby i just have to get somethings removed and I'll be better
Sterling: ok Avery's worried too
Me: wel you go and talk to her while I'm in surgery and when you get off the phone I'll be out
Sterling. Mk I love you momma
Me: I love you too
I kissed her cheek and Arden came and hugged me
Arden: please don't die mom I know I'm not the best kid but I need you to wake me up every morning I love you so much
Me: I'm not bear I promise you and your not a bad kid you turned my life around and your so important to me I'm not leaving you I love you too
Arden: good luck momma
Me: thanks a
Rowen; goodnight mommy sleep good I lub you
Me: I love you too Rowe

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now