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May 20th
Brentlys pov
His arms wrapped around my waist and he kissed me
Aiden: do you want to do something fun
Me: maybe what is it
Aiden: wanna go surfing look at the weather today it's perfect
He showed me his phone of the weather app

Me: mm todays gonna be so warm
Aiden: mhm
Me: what if I say no
Aiden: I'll go without you
Me: I don't have one of those suits
Aiden: we can go buy you one
Me: no that's too much
Aiden: if you have a suit we can go more often
Me: yeah but we live in Chicago there's no water there
Aiden: so
Me: fine
I got ready and we went to the store finding me a cute pink wet suit

Me: I thought they only had black
Aiden: mines all black because when I got mine that's like the only color they had that and dark blue
Me: Aiden you know I don't know how to surf
Aiden: then that's your fault cause I taught you before
Me: that was forever ago
Aiden: no
Me: yes the one time before we ever started dating
Aiden: you were so cute then what happened
Me: really?
Aiden: yeah you got cuter
Me: that's what I thought I thought you were gonna say something mean
Aiden: there's nothing mean I could say
He finished getting his wet suit up his legs
And his abs we're showing perfectly
It was mwah
Me: aiden
Aiden: hm
He ripped the tag off my new wet suit and was fixing it in his hands
Me: you look so hot
He smiled at my compliment
That smile makes me wanna kiss him so badly
Aiden: step in it
I did and he pulled it up my body
Aiden: make your arm a fist
I did and pushed one arm in but the other wouldn't go in
Aiden: pull your arm out let me fix it
I pulled my arm out
Aiden: well here's the problem dummy take your rings off
I pulled the rings he gave me off my finger and put them in the car
Aiden: okay now try again
I put my arm through and it worked
Aiden: alright
He zipped me up
Me: can I zip yours since you did mine
Aiden: no
He moved his arms in his suit and and reached behind him and zipped it
And I almost cried
Me: it's like a divorce
Aiden: excuse me
Me: from your abs
I mourned the loss of such a beautiful site

Aiden: shut up
He smacked my head

Me: owwww that hurt I lost brain cells from that dummy
Aiden: come on
We went to the ocean
And got on our boards and went out surfing
But I'm terrible
Me: aiden help meeeee
Aiden: lay your stomach and swim out
I followed him
Aiden: catch this one 

I moved up standing in the board but it completely wiped me out
Hurting my back
After a few more attempts
I gave up and just sat in the sand
I pulled the wet suit down to get somewhat of a tan

I watched him surf for a good 30 minutes probably longer
Aiden: what are you doing come surf me: I suck at it
Aiden: you don't your just not great
He smiled and sat down beside me
Me: what are you doing I was having the most fun watching you
Aiden: really
Me: mhm you looked so good
Aiden: ofcourse i did
He planted himself on the sand beside me
Aiden: you looked good, for the 3 minutes you were out there
Me: shut up
Aiden: you didn't get any sleep last night you have eye bags
He wiped his thumb under my eye
Me: don't talk about them
I grabbed his arm
Aiden: I can't wait til we go back to Chicago and you get your medicine I'll force it down your throat if I have too
Me: ya know what you could force down my throat
He looked shocked that I said that
Me: your lips you pervert
I smacked his arm

Aiden: mmm that's what I thought
Me: no you didn't

Aiden: you remember our third kiss was here
Me:mnm it was like 5th
Aiden: are you sure
Me: yeah cause we kissed at school 2 times then at my house when you got your car and then you came and swam at my house and then here and then like 40 million times after
Aiden: we should recreate it
Me: no I was a bad kisser then
Aiden: yeah you were but you were hot so I didn't mind
Me: mmmhm
I leaned over moving my leg a little to get closer
Leaning my head
Aiden: what are you doing
Me: kissing you
Aiden: no ma'am, your left I'm right
Me: what if I wanna be right
Aiden: no your left
He fought me
But I gave in
Aiden: 40 million and one
I kissed him again and again
Aiden: 40 million and 2 40 million and 3 damn
Me: stop talking
Aiden: yes ma'am I'll shut up now
He took each of my kisses  so gently
Loving every minute of this wonderful makeout
I stopped the kisses
Aiden: Brentlyyy
He whined as I moved in his lap
Aiden: mm this is better
He pulled my hips closer
And we got back to kissing
He bit my lip
Me: ow
I laughed
Aiden: less talking more kissing
Me: less biting vampire

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now