Cute girl💙

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Rowens pov
November 9th
I sat in organic chemistry
Listening to this girl completely correct the teacher

The teacher who claims to be a genius
Wrote 4 books on the subject and apparently the textbook for the class
And she is gorgeous too
The girl
Not the teacher
But still

I wish I knew this girl
She's beautiful and smart

Around 430 the teacher was tired of it and dismissed the class after assigning a 2800 word paper due next week with a partner
I grabbed my stuff and got up
This is my chance
I went up to her as she gathered her books and put them in a light green backpack
Me: hey
Girl: hi
Me: that was really cool
Girl: what?
Me: like correcting and making her stutter like that
Girl: oh thanks
She laughed
Me: what's your name
Girl: Alex
Me: that's a cool name
Alex: thanks what's yours
Me: rowen
Alex: rowen is a cooler name for Alex
She stood up

Me: well you don't meet many girls named Alex
Alex: well it's not my full name but it's what I go by

We walked up the many steps to the door
Me: do you have a project for the paper
Alex: no I was gonna just do it myself, if you haven't noticed a lot of people in this class know what there doing

Me: yeah I've noticed
I chuckled
Mm she's so hot
Me: well I don't have a partner either

She looked at me as I opened the door for her
Me: wanna be partners

Alex: are you smart?
Me: I'm- yeah
Alex: then, I hope your not lying, sure
Me: cool cool, what are you doing in this class
Alex: well I wanna be a teacher what are you in here for
Me: just for fun
Alex: are you actually smart or just here for fun
Me: why would I go to Harvard for fun
Alex: no idea

Me: well I don't wanna be a doctor or anything like that
Alex: well what do you wanna be
We walked outside
Me: something to get rich
Alex: do you come from a poor family
Me: uh not really no
Alex: oh ok
Me: why
Alex: cause that's just a lot of peoples history when there main goal is to get rich
Me: well that's not my main goal I'd like to do something good for like people but yeah I wanna be successful
Alex: so why would you take organic chemistry
Me: I needed something on my schedule and it wasn't that hard in highschool
Alex: that's what I thought but it's way hard
Me: I mean it isn't that hard
Alex: the equations
Me: they aren't bad there pretty easy

Alex: maybe your just a genius
Me: maybe I am
Alex: so we're partners for the essay? Genius
Me: yeah teacher
Alex: soooo do you want my number or something
Me: yeah yeah here
I opened my phone to a new contact
And she gave it back
I saved it
Alex: wait! Could you turn around for a second
Me: uh sure creep
I did
Alex: you are! The kid who sits two rows infront of me in calculus
Me: I think I do
Alex: okay well it was nice to finally meet the guy I've been cheating off of
Me: wow, remind me to not let you teach my kids
She laughed
Alex: you've gotten me good grades so thanks
Me: your welcome

Alex: okay well I gotta get to class
Me: ok well have good day
She laughed
Mm a perfect laugh too
Alex: thank you uh you too
She walked away
Alex: wait when do you wanna get started on this
Me: I'm free whenever honestly
Alex: is tomorrow good
Me: yeah, the Cabot library
Alex: sounds good 5pm
Me: yeah
Alex: see you then

I left and went home
Chillin in the couch

Sterlings pov

This baby is getting huge
But I love him so it's okay
Cooper is obsessed over this baby
We go buying baby stuff all the time the sad thing is we don't have the room for this stuff

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now