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I woke up to once again brently crying
Quinton hugged and got up
He took brently out her bed and rocked her trying to shush her cries
Quinton: are you hungry princess yea
He takes her to the kitchen I'm guessing to get a bottle
I got up a little bit later and went into the kitchen were he was warming up a bottle
Me: here let me feed her
Quinton; no I got it baby
Me; q she doesn't like bottles just let me feed her
Quinton; well she'll learn
He takes the bottle out the warmer and puts the nip in her mouth and she drank it
Quinton: see drinking fine go back to bed
Me: it's 7 the kids have school
Quinton; I got this baby go
Me; no I'll go wake them up
I go upstairs and wake up arden
Me: come on wake up it's your last full week of 8th grade
Arden; ugh can't I skip momma it's Friday
Me: nope gotta go your almost out summer time
He groans and sits up
I was picking up little things off his floor to clean up a little
Arden: can you leave so I can get ready please
Me: yep hurry please
I go wake up sterling and rowen and go downstairs
Quinton made sausage and eggs
I ate and he ate
Me: kiss
We kiss and I take brently from him
Arden finally came down
Me: hey when's your graduation
Arden: uh I think it's next Friday
Me: ok
Arden: bye momma bye dad
Quinton: bye a
He left and went with his friends
Sterling and rowen came down and got there food
Me: cmon guys Emily will be here in just a minute
Sterling: hi Brent
That's her nickname for Brently
She takes her out of Quintons hands
Quinton; hey no gimme you have school
Sterling: ok bye daddy bye momma
Rowen; bye daddy bye mommy
Me: bye babies have fun at school mkay
They leave
Quinton: woah brently
Me: what
Quinton: god she needs a new diaper
He takes her up to the nursery and changes her diaper
I got a phone call
Me: hello
Manager: hey Chloe listen so a director came to me the other day and he wants you to star in this new movie
Me: um can you send me the baseline of the movie
Manager: yes it's a very good movie and I think you should do it they're willing to pay whatever it takes they just want you to be the star
Me: mkay can I think about it
Manager; ofcourse I'll send you his number when you make a decision let him know because they want to start filming the first of June
Me; ok thank you so much
Manager: ok bye
Me: babye
I hang up and was very happy
Quitnon: why are you thanking someone so much
I laugh
Me: well they want me to star in a movie I need to think about it but
Quinton; oh you better do it baby your the best actress out there
Me: I don't know I want to but like brently
Quinton: I'm so offended I can take care of my children baby it's fine now call him back and tell him you'll do it
Me: ugh I'll do it later
Quinton; no now call him
My manager texted the number for the director
He looked and read it
He snatched up my phone and called the guy
Quinton: hi yes this is Quinton Griggs
Quinton; I'm calling to let you know that Chloe would love to do the movie
Quinton: yea she wishes she could call but she left her phone and she went to the store real quick
Quinton; ok I'll let her know thank you
He smiled and hung up
Quinton; ya know what fire your manager because I'm gonna be your manager I sounded so formal omg
I laughed he did sound formal which made him so cute
Me: I can't believe you did that I hate you now
Quinton: mhm we'll now your staring in a movie so stay mad at me all you want but I'm the best husband slash manager you could have
He kissed me
Quinton: baby your gonna have to watch her for a little I have a meeting
Me: mk when will you back
Quinton; I should be back before 2
Me: ok
We chilled and played with brently for 3 or so hours
He went to go get ready
Me: bye q
Quinton: bye baby
Me: say bye daddy
I wave brently's hand for her and he laughed
Quinton: bye princess
He comes and kisses me and kisses brently's head
Quinton: I love you
Me: hmm I ... hate you
Quinton: good byeeee
He leaves
ok dumb ofc I'm not going to a damn meeting I am going to pick up a suprise for Chloe and rowen and Arden but really sterling she's been begging to get a puppy so I found the most adorable toy poodle in white and I know that's the exact kind she wanted she's so small and cute
I was driving to the store to pick up dog food and things for the puppy
I picked up a kennel food collars leashes treats toys training pads and a bunch of stuff
I was on my way to the breeders house to pick up the puppy when a car came speeding down the road he was going like 80 miles a hour
I stayed over in my lane as much as I could but this guy was like drunk or something
He swerved speeding up and smashed right into me
The last thing I saw was a car driving past
I was crushed in the car and cut and bleeding out and I passed out
Like 20 minutes went bye and I heard sirens
Someone pulled me out of the car and laid me on a stretcher
They moved me into the ambulance and started working to try and hit me conscious again
They looked in my back pocket looked at my wallet my Id
One of the guys told them my name
We got to the hospital and they kept doing things get me up
I was trying to put brently down for her nap it was already 2 40 and I was worried where Quinton was
He's supposed to be back by now
I texted him

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now