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3 weeks later !!
( sorry bout the time skips but there's nothing else to do sooo)
I wake up and shower throwing m this on

But in whiteI go make e kids lunch and breakfast and layout some money for Arden It's the last 2 weeks of school it's been a struggle with the pregnancy and all but we made it because today is may 13th baby is due tomorrow so we'll see sterling wa...

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But in white
I go make e kids lunch and breakfast and layout some money for Arden
It's the last 2 weeks of school it's been a struggle with the pregnancy and all but we made it because today is may 13th baby is due tomorrow so we'll see sterling was 3 days late Arden was 1 day late and rowen was technically 6 hours late but it was the next day so she's probably gonna be late
Sterling: good morning
She comes down and hugs me
Me: how are you so happy this early
Sterling: it's almost summer mom duh and I'm going to high school soon
Me; yes your growing up
Sterling: mom
Me: yea baby
She motions me close to her lips
Sterling: why haven't I started my period yet
Me: well i don't you could start in 2 years or in 2 hours my mom didn't start until she was 14
Sterling: oh ok
Me: don't worry about it Belle it's not something to beg for trust me if you take after me your screwed
Sterling: ok
Sterling: ok bye mom stormi and Avery are outside
Me: ok have a good day
She runs out the door
Rowen: morning momma
Me: mornin little man
I hug him
Me: hurry and eat Emily is on her way
Rowen: ok
He eats at the bar
Me: ok I packed you a grilled cheese and grapes and gummies and yogurt and a danimals
Rowen: do we have goldfish
Me: mhm you want some
Rowen; ok
I pack him some goldfish too and a caprisun
Me: ok Emily is outside have a good day Rowe
Rowen: bye momma you too
I kiss his head and he goes out the house
Me: Arden!
He doesn't come down
Quinton: morning baby
Me: morning
I go upstairs into ardens room
Me: come on Arden wake up your gonna be late
I shake him up
Arden: mm no I'm tired
Me: come on get up your late
Arden: can't I just skip
Me: no it's almost your last day If you don't get up I'm gonna start tickling
Arden: stop mom no
He gets up and goes to his closet and puts a shirt on
Arden: can you get out
Me: mm mhm
I leave and shut the door
I go downstairs and make him a plate
He comes down and grabs his bag
Me: here I made you breakfast
Arden: I'm not hungry
Me: ok well here's some money for lunch
Arden: ok
He takes the money and leaves
I start tearing up
Me: he hates me
Quinton: what no he does not come here
I spin around to him and he hugs me
Me: yes he does  you see how he acts around me
Quinton: your his mother he doesn't hate you I promise I'll talk to him later ok
Me: yea but
Quinton: shush forget about it this baby could pop out any second and your worried about our 15 year old son who is probably just mad at something else or tired like he said baby
Me: ok
Quinton: go lay down your super pregnant
Me: really you don't say
I wipe my tears
Quinton: go  I'll be there in a minute after I clean up and eat this
Me: ok but I'm going outside
Quinton: ok
I walk outside and lay in a tanning chair
Quinton comes out and we hang out until it was time to go get  sterling and rowen
Me: cmon I said I'd pick them up today
Quinton: babe you shouldn't be driving
Me: I never said I was driving you will I'm riding
Quinton: no
Me: yes
I get up struggling a bit
I go to our room and put shoes on and Quinton followed
Quinton: just stay here please
Me: nope
I slide my shoes on
Me: god I feel like a blimp
I walk through the kitchen and feel wet
Me: oh shit
I've been having minor contractions all day
Quinton: what what happened
I give a little smile
Me: I'm going into labor
Quinton: what no your early
Me: she don't care she's coming q
Quinton: are you sure
Me: I'm sure
He looks around before kissing me and running to the room
He grabs our bag we've had packed for a month
I start walking to the door
Quinton: cmon cmon let's go
He helps me out the house and into the car
He drives us to the hospital
A nurse comes up to us
Quinton; she's pregnant
I laugh
Me: my water broke
Nurse: ok how far along are you
Me: I'm due tomorrow
Nurse: ok let's get a wheelchair
They put me in a wheelchair and wheel us to a room
I get into a gown and into the bed
Nurse:  your just about 3 centimeters you have a bit of time
Me: okay
Nurse: I'll be back in 10 minutes
She leaves
Quinton; are you okay
Me: more like are you okay baby you broke a sweat just grabbing a bag
Quintkn: yea I'm fine I just haven't done that in so long
Me: ok old man
He kisses me
Quinton: how much longer
Me: calm down wait
He paces back and forth
Quinton: you got my hopes up now I have to wait
Me: shut up and sit down
He sits down
Quinton; what about everybody what about sterling and rowen and Arden
Me; do I have to do everything gimme a phone
Quinton: no I'll do it call Bruce tell him to come call Charli tell her to come call everybody else tell them to come at different times and have Emily get the kids
Me: wow there's my smart man
He chuckles shaking his head
Quinton: Bryce um Chloe's in labor you should get down here oh and tell everybody they can come too after not all at once tho cuz like yea and Charli can come now
He hangs up
Quinton: Charli addi and Bryce are coming now
Me: ok Ow
The nurse comes in
She checks me
Nurse: ok your soo close 8 centimeters
Me: mkay
Nurse: I say 4 minutes I'll be back with the doctor
Me: ok
4 minutes later My contractions were like 10 seconds apart well actually 48
The nurse and a doctor come in
Doctor: m your 10 cm are you ready to push mom
Me: mhm
I grab Quintons hand
Doctor: when I say push ok
Me: ok
Doctor: push
I push groaning really loud
Doctor: good good she's crowning let's get another big push
I push again squeezing his hand really hard
Doctor: your doing great mom on push again we almost got her out
I push and look over at q he looks so nervous I wail out pushing harder
Doctor: come on mom we got the shoulders out one more big big push and your done
I push one last time
Doctor: she's out dad wanna come cut the cord
He nods and goes over there and cuts the umbilical cord
Doctor: ok mom push big right here
I push out the placenta and soon I hear her crying
Joy, fills my body she made it I was deathly scared
Doctor: she's perfect mom
Nurse: stable heart rate
Doctor: wanna hold her
I nod and the nurse hands me the tiny newborn baby in a pink and blue blanket
Her eyes are still closed but she's gorgeous the smallest little nose and ears tiny little eyes 
Quinton came around to me and stood over me watching the baby
She opens her eyes and they were the perfect shade
A light light Hazel-y green just like Quintons
She had the perfectist little freckles around her cheeks and nose little angel kisses tiny little fluff eyebrows in blonde  
Me: she's adorable
Quinton: mhm
He kisses me
Doctor: we're gonna take her back and get her cleaned up a bit but we will bring her back in about 15 minutes
Me: ok
I hand her our baby and she puts her in the box thing
I look over to Quinton he looked so happy
His eyes meet mine and he just hugs me
Quinton: I love you so much
Me: I love you too
Quinton: I'm so proud of you
I giggle
Me: yea well couldn't have done it with out you
He chuckles
Quinton: hah literally
He wipes his forehead and sits on the couch beside me
* knock knock *
Bryce addi and Charli were at the door
Bryce: ok love birds where's my niece
Addison: yea where is the little one
Charli: hey wifey
Me: hey guys
They hug me and q
Quinton: there gonna bring her back in a minute
Bryce: ok
Bryce and Addison sit on the couch and Quinton pulls a chair to me
Nurse: here we go
She brings rolls in the cart thing with our baby in it she places our little girl in my hands
Nurse: I'll come back in a bit with the birth certificate
Quinton: ok
I hold her for a few minutes admiring the beautiful thing we created
Me: wanna hold her
Quinton: ofcourse I do
I hand her of to Quinton
And he becomes about the happiest person on earth
He finds her hand and holds it with his finger and it tightens in his fingers
He holds her for about 15 minutes
Bryce: hurry up dude I wanna hold my neice
Addison: Bryce shut up
Quinton: I guess you can hold her
He hands her off to Bryce and Addison and charli
Within 40 minutes they all held her
Bryce: can you name her Bryce
Me: Bryce Griggs it's a girl get over yourself
Bryce: that'd be so cute
Me: no we be already picked a name
Addison: what is it
Me: you'll see later
The nurse comes back with the paper
Nurse: do y'all have a name
Me: mhm
I tell her the name we chose I personally fell in love with this name " Brently Paige Griggs"
Charlu: that is so cute I love it
I laugh
Nurse: yes it is let me go make a copy for the records and I'll give you your copy
Me: ok thank you
She leaves again and I scoot over for Quinton to sit and he does
Bryce: anybody else hungry
Addison: omg leave your annoying this is supposed to be about Chloe and Quinton and the baby
Bryce: anyone wanna come im dying for some Chick-fil-A
Addisons; come on guys we're gonna go get some food and we will come back
Me: I mean y'all don't have to y'all can see he Sunday
Bryce: see bet
He comes and hugs Me
Bryce: congrats guys
Me: thanks
He leaves
Charli: can I hold her again she's so fucking cute
Me: haha yes here
I hand her brently
Charli: I'm in love this girl is mwah beautiful
Me: thank you
Charli: omg she has your nose and Quintons freckles and eyes and your lips
Me and Quinton laugh
Charli: I'm sorry here
She hands her back
Me: omg your fine babe
I hug her
Charli: I'll leave so everyone else can come in
Me: ok 
She leaves
Quinton: schooch
I move over and he sits beside me
Me: she's so  precious
Quinton: no she's adorable
Me: whatever word you wanna use she's perfect and I love her
Quinton: what ya think I don't
He kisses me
I laugh
Me: no I thought you love me
Quinton: I do but this thing is much much cute 🥰
Me: yea
About 4 hours later
Everyone came all the boys and they brought presents and balloons and Thomas and Mia and Alex and kouvr and all them came and they brought us a little teddy bear and one for her nursery it had all the boys and the girls signed it
It was so cute we had tons of balloons
Everyone else left because we promised we'd bring the baby to kios house this Sunday
The nurse comes back
Nurse: do you want her to go to the nursery for the night to let y'all get some rest
Me: um I guess so
Quinton: yes
I hand her the baby and she puts brently back in the tub and rolls her to the nursery
I move onto q's chest and he wraps his arm around me
Me: I love you
Quinton: I love you more now get some rest I don't think you've slept the best for 8 months
Me: no not really night
Quinton; night baby

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now