Back together?

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Sterlings pov
June  23rd
Madison: hey I bought tampons
Me: thanks babe my periods next week
Madison: same
Me: ooo we're syncing
Madison: good

The doorbell rang
Madison: I got it
She went to the door and I put the groceries away

Madison: sterling
Me: yeah
She shut the door
Madison: your fuck boy is here
Me: my what

I was legit in a tiny bra work out set and little shorts and pimple cream and my glasses
And he walked in
She laughs
Madison: well, I can feel the sexual tension
She raised her eyebrows and walked away to her room
Me: um hi
Cooper: hey
Me: what's up
Cooper: well I was wondering if you wanna like go out
Me: like a date or just going to get food or something
Cooper: like a date but just goin to get food
He laid a bouquet of flowers on the counter
Me: like later
Cooper: like now? If your free
Me: I'm free, but I look like this
I smiled backing up showing my outfit
Cooper: you look fine
Me: I have pimple patches on
Cooper: I'm serious you look good
Me: your lucky it's dark outside
Cooper: yeah
He smiled as I walked around the counter
And went to my room
Me: and luckily all my clothes are dirty
I yelled so he could hear

And through on like a flannel that matched and fixed my hair in a slicked back pony
And brushed my teeth and took my pimple cream off

And slipped on some sandals

Cooper: are you ready
Me: mhm
He went to the door and I grabbed my phone and we left
Me: where's your car
Cooper: we're walking, don't you know the New York lifestyle
He laughed
Me: okay walking's good but your feet will hurt
Cooper: your the one wearing slippers
Me: there cute slippers though
Cooper: ok cute slippers
We walked down the side walk
Me: where do you wanna go
Cooper: somewhere super New York
Me: well if you want something you can't get anywhere else I know the perfect place
Cooper: ok where
Me: this place is actually delicious but you might get food poisoning
Cooper: your scaring me now
Me: you'll be fine I've only gotten food poisoning here 3 times
Cooper: 3 out of how many times
Me: like a hundred
Cooper: Jesus
We walked and talked just about everything and life
And how crazy it is that he got the offer in New York and I'm in New York and how it's like workin out
And we got to my favorite place
Rockos tacos
A food truck yes
But it's delicious
Cooper: rockos tacos
Me: his name isn't really rocko
I laughed
Cooper: oh my god

He laughed

Cooper: what do I get what do you get
Me: well I get the supreme taco extra sour creme two and then you can't get a drink here the drinks are nasty and then the burrito with no beans
Cooper: what's the point of a burrito with no beans
Me: no they have beans but you have to say no beans or else it's gonna be all beans and like rat poop or something
Cooper: you did not take me to a place that has rats
Me: calm down there's really not rats, atleast I hope
We got to the window and I ordered mine and he ordered the same thing
And he paid
Cooper: what are we supposed to drink now
Me: just saliva I guess
Cooper: we could've gone anywhere else
Me: this place is good trust me

We got our food and sat on the curb
Cooper: this better be good
Me: it will be trust me
I took a bite of my taco
And he watched and took a bite of his
Me: so?
Cooper: it's not, half bad
Me: no it's really good
Cooper: it's alright now if I had a drink
Me: ok sue me
I ate my taco
Cooper: okay it's better  now
Me: how
Cooper: it just the flavors are better
Me: it's like month old grease
Cooper: and you eat this a lot Hoe are you not 10 million pounds
Me: well I don't eat it that often and my roomate we cook a lot actually so
Cooper: you?
Me: I cook yes
Cooper: noodles?
Me: no all sorts of things I'm practically a chef
Cooper: the only things you've ever known to cook is noodles
Me: that is not true
Cooper: yes it is
He laughed
Me: I cooked so much stuff like steak
Cooper: I cooked steak any time we ate it
Me: okay well I cooked things besides noodles
Cooper: maybe like potatoes
Me: okay but tell me it wasn't good
Cooper: no it was
Me: well take all that and times it by 10
Cooper: ten times the food or ten times better
Me: both
He laughed

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now