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Quinton has been in this damn coma for like almost a year now
I can't help myself ofcourse I went to the doctor im depressed
Ofcourse I thought so but I couldn't believe I'm actually medically depressed I have to take a bunch of pills
As mich as I wanna cut and this and that I have to be a mother
I can't breast feed right now because of the meds so I have to do formula which I hate I miss letting the feeling if her needing me I guess that sounds weird but I don't care
Sterling hates this she cries to me every night and I just wanna make her feel better
So basically I think we're all ready for him to wake up ofcourse whose not but paparazzi has been swarming me so I stay in more
I woke up and went on my phone
Oh btw yes school has started and brently has started walking now she look actually so much like Quinton she really does she had his nose and eyes and cute little tight blonde curls like bleach blonde almost white there gorgeous
She started crawling a while back but won't walk or talk
I laid in bed for a while until brently started crying thru the monitor
Me: shut the fuck up I'll end it all right here
I rolled over and got up
I slowly walked to her room
I changed her diaper and went back downstairs to make her a bottle
I mixed the formula and ofcourse she hates it
I called the doctor
Dr: hello
Me: hi um it's Chloe um Griggs I'm wondering because brently won't drink formula so when can I put her back on breast milk
Doctor: oh honey aren't you on ~~~ for depression
Me: yea but I can stop taking it I just need her to eat I'll handle it without medication
Doctor: ok well I'd wait about 24 or 48 hours after you stop taking it so it can clean out of your body because we don't want that getting in your milk and her drinking it
Me: ok so around tomorrow night thanks
Doctor: no problem I hope everything gets better we're praying for y'all here
Me: thanks that means a lot bye bye
I hang up and rocked brently while she had her formula

After she ate I put her in the swing and went to check and make sure everyone was up for school
Rowen was fine I don't think he really understands the situation but he misses q
Arden isn't taking this too well but I make sure he knows I love him and Quinton. Loves him and if he ever needs or wants to talk I'm available
I went to sterlings room
She's not there
Me: s
I walked in her bathroom and saw something that practically killed me
She was crying her eyes out and had a mini razor in her hand with dried blood
Me: STerling!
She looked over and dropped her blade
I went to her
Me: what in the hell do you think your doing
Sterling: I'm sorry momma I don't want to
She says crying
Sterling: please please don't be mad at mei feel so lost and sad and I want my dad back
Me: baby I'm not mad at you I know you miss your dad but your not gonna cut yourself never hurt yourself if your dad found out you... you'd be in so much trouble I told you we can always talk
Sterling: you just seem so sad I dont wanna hurt you by sharing my feelings
Me: I just I want your dad back too always share your feelings
I pulled away and kissed her head
Me: how many times have you done this
Sterling: just a couple times it helps really mama it does
Me: sterling I promise you it doesn't look
I rolled up my sleeve and she sees the marks I've always hidden
I pulled up my shorts and showed her the ones on my thighs
Sterling: I thought that was a birth mark you told me
Me: I lied baby that doesn't matter don't be like me I cut ever since I was 14 and I looked hated myself for it I ruined my body and people made fun of me for it I don't want you to go through that so stop nothing in this earth is worth hurting yourself
Sterling: I'm sorry
Me: promise me you won't ever ever ever do it again sterling
Sterling; I promise
Me: if you need something to help the pain we will go to a therapist or find a solution on our own but you will not cut yourself or hurt your body
Sterling: ok
Me: so talk to me why do you think you need to do this
Sterling: I don't know I just miss him he always helped me and gave me good advice and he was like my best friend I just miss my fun protecting dad and when we used to get ice cream on Saturdays and have long talks in the car and I miss when I was a kid no one told me growing up would be this not fun
Sterling: I don't understand how someone that your supposed to worship or whatever can do something so horrible or something so mean dad never did anything to anybody he didn't hurt anyone he didn't deserve this and we don't either
Me: we all miss him Belle
Sterling: yea but I think I miss him most and when I used to be his princess and no offense but now brently his princess and he's gonna do all our things with her
Me: baby you'll always be his princess and just because you have a sister now doesn't mean he'll forget about you your still gonna be his princess and his first babygirl
Sterling: but what happened he said you were his princess first and I took that from you now she'll take it from me
Me: it's just a name he always finds a way to make you feel special no matter what just like he's gonna find a way to make brently feel special
Sterling: I just hope he wakes up I don't like not knowing if he will or not
Me: he will baby I know it he's not leaving us this
Me: let's go lay down and talk ok
Sterling: ok
We went to her bed
Me: how about you skip school today
Sterling: ok
I called the school saying she's sick
We cuddled for a while talking
Me: what do you mean You didn't know growing up would be so bad
Sterling; just like I hate it I have boobs now not a lot but more than most girls at my school and all the guys do is hit on my and call me sexy and crap this guy smacked my butt and when I told the teacher she said I shouldn't be wearing leggings but we are allowed to wear them I don't get it
Me: what?! Who was it
Sterling: some kid I never knew
Me: sterling you should've told me what teacher said that
Sterling: miss Danielle
Me: I'm gonna talk to her listen the next time someone comments on your outfit fight back stand up for yourself and if a guy touches you like that tell them I'll kill him because I promise to god your 13 no one will touch you like that
Sterling: and this guy he um asked me to put my elbows together like touch them and I guess it's my fault but i did it and he took a picture
Me: do you know what that does baby?
Sterling; no
Me: it makes your boobs look bigger and pushes them up so you have more cleavage
Sterlign; oh so he had a picture of my boobs now
Me: basically who was it
Sterling: Levi
Me: Averys ex boyfriend
Sterling: yea
Me: I'm speaking with your principal that's disgusting he's 14 that's like child pornography
I got on my phone and called the principal I have his number personally
Principal: hello principal Jennings hi misses Griggs
Me: I need to set up a meeting with you please whenever can be convenient for you
Principal: ok what's this about maam
Me: we will talk when can I come in
Principal: I'm free this afternoon around 1 sound good
Me: sounds good
Principal: ok great I hope everything is going good
Me: it defiantly should be thank you David I'll see you at 1
Sterling: mom it's not a big deal
Me: I am your mother and trying to me your father too til he's up but I'm going to protect you you do realize he could send that into any paparazzi sight and well let's just say people and the media won't be your friends
Sterling: ok
Skip to one
I got griffin to
Watch sterling and brently and I went to the school
Front desk lady: oh hi miss Griggs suprise seeing you today what can I help you with
Me: hey Wanda I had a meeting with David today I have a few things I'm concerned about
Wanda: oh dear what's wrong
Me: my daughter is being very sexualized and I'm not happy about it
Wanda: oh boy well his office is open you know where it is you can go on in he will be in in a bit
I go and sit down
He finally came in
He shook my hand
David: pleasure seeing you today Chloe
Me: mhm
David; so what's up
Me: for one I need you to tell me exactly in the handbook where it says leggings aren't allowed
David: well I can't do that because it doesn't say that we do allow students to wear clothes they are comfortable in as long as no inappropriate wording or body parts are exposed
Me: so sterling could wear some black leggings and a t shirt and Birkenstock's
David: yes she could and can whenever
Me: than please explain to me why she was sexually harassed and then when told some authority she was blamed because " she shouldn't have been wearing that"
David: what do you mean by sexually touched like was she raped or something or can you tell me what happened exactly
Me: a little boy touched her bottom you butt he smacked her butt I consider that sexual harassment
David: well then yes if she was following dress code there is no reason she'd be blamed so do you know who the boy is I can call him down
Me: well I'm sure you can do that another time I have another issue Jacob greenhaw you need to call him down here
David: ok what did he do
Me: he has some inappropriate pictures of my daughter
David: did she send them because if so I can't help that it's on you
Me: no she did not she understands where she is in life and that her life will be destroyed if she took or sent inappropriate photos and knows the trouble she will be in
David: are you sure
Me: question me all you want I know what exactly my daughters doing
David; ok I'll call him down (calls him down) what exactly is this picture of
Me: her chest
He comes down in the office
Jacob: what's up mister j
David; I've told you once I'll tell you again it's mister Jennings
Jacob: mhm so what's up
David: I need to search your phone son
Jacob: for?
David: you have a couple pictures you shouldn't have don't make me call your mother
Jacob: fine
He hands over his phone
David: did you take a nasty photo of sterling
Jacob: nah bro I swear I didn't
David: would you like to explain this
Jacon: oh ah so we was playing this game right touch your elbows and everyone did it micheal just snapped a photo of her doing it it's no big deal
Me: if it was no big deal why didn't you delete it
Jacob: aren't you like averys "mom" or whatever she talked about you a lot
Me: delete the Photo David that's child pornography shes 13
David: son I have to turn this to the police and they're gonna destroy it
Jacob: you can't do that it's my phone
David: maybe you should think about that before doing stupid things your lucky I don't write you up
Jacob: whatever dude is sterling to much of a wuss to talk to me about instead she told her mommy
Listen kid I don't know how you live or how your mom raises you but your 14 not an adult learn some respect first of all second the only reason your playing football this year and the past years is because of me and the large check that we write so be grateful and be a child there's no rush to grow up because I promise you'll want to go back
Jacob: whatever
Me: you need to have that kid benched that's so disrespectful I have to go
I went to my car and went home
Time skip 3 days
I woke up and got the kids off to school
Finally I can breast feed Brent again
I fed her and she was like loving it
Anyways I gave her a bath and we played in the floor
After about 4 hours I put her down for a nap
I soon got a call
Expecting it to be one of the guys or something I picked it up
??: hello it's los angles city hospital is this Chloe Griggs
Me: yes it's her what's up
??: ma'am something ms up with your husband I'm uninformed on what it is good or bad but I as told my miss jen to call you fast
Me: ok thank you so so much I'm on my way
By now I had tears
??: ok bye bye now
She hug up and I quickly put brently in her car seat
Thank god thank god he's probably up
Or fuck what if he died
I don't care the kids need to see him
I got in the car
I rushed to pick up rowens school since it's the closet
Me: hi yes I need to check out Rowen Griggs
Fdl: ok your hus mother correct
Me: yes
Fdl: please sign him out and I'll get him down
She calls his classroom or whatever
Rowen: mommy!
Me: hi baby do you have your stuff
Rowen: mhm
Me: great we have to go ok let's go pick up sissy
We get in the car and go to sterlings school
We got her and went to ardens school
Sterling: momma what happened
Me: I don't know baby we have to go to the hospital
Rowen: we're gonna see daddy
Me: yep
Sterling: is he ok
Me: mhm
Me: sit tight I'll be right back
I run in
Fdl: hi how can I help you
Me: I need to check out arden Griggs like right now
Fdl: what's your relationship to him
Me: I'm his mother
Fdl: ok do you know his teacher
Me: can't you look that up I don't really know Stacy something
Fdl: ok I'll look it up
She looked it up
Fdl: oh I'm sorry miss Stacy said to not bother her she's giving a test until 2:15
Me: well I need my son so
Fdl: I'm sorry ma'am I'll have to wait until 2:15
Me: I understand this is important he needs to take the us test or whatever but I really don't care because my husband has been in a coma for almost a year and he could be awake right now or he could be dead no matter what me and my kids will be in that hospital in 15 minutes
Fdl: I'm very sorry but that's our rules I'm calling security to handle this
Officer: ma'am what's the issue
Me: I need my kid now I'm going to rhe hospital
Officer: if miss Kelly said you can't go out there you cannot I'm sorry
Me: where's John
Fdl: he's in his office
I go knock on his office and open the door
John/principal: hi Chloe nice to see you
Me: can you take me to ardens classroom please
John: ofcourse just let me see which class he's in now
John: ok miss Stacy let's go
John: what's going on honey
Me: I do not know he's probably dying or he's awake we don't know
John: well hopefully he's waking up I know how hard this has been and we all wish the best
Me: thank you
We get to the classroom and he opens the door
Miss Stacy: I'm giving a test
John: I need Arden please he needs to check out
Miss Stacy: after the test
Arden looked around and saw me
Me: get your stuff please
He packed up his stuff and stood up
Miss Stacy: Arden sit down and finish your test
Me: first do not tell him what to do second I do not really care about a stupid test there is more things that are far more important
Eva who was sitting in the corner of the classroom waved at me
Me: hey
Eva: can I come
Me: yes come on
I grabbed both there hands and walked out
We went in to the car
Eva: what happened
Me: we will see when we get there do you want to go to the hospital
Eva: to see uncle q um
Me: we can drop you off
Eva: ok I don't know what my dad wants me to do
I dropped her off at home and sped to the Hospital
We went inside and sterling and rowen ran to his room
Arden wasn't far behind
I heard rowens squeaky little voice go " dad!" I'm the happiest sound ever
I wave of relief god thank god
I sped up walking to his room and saw him sitting up with sterling. And rowen and Arden hugging him
God to see him was like the best thing that could ever happen it was a miracle I think
Seeing his hazely eyes light up and just I was happy again
I had brently s car seat in my hand
I quickly set it down in a chair and they moved off him
I walked over quickly in my head but I guess it was slower in real life
I hugged him so fucking tight
He whispered he loved me to referring to the thousand times I said it every night
I slowly started crying
Me: I missed you so so fucking much
Quinton: I missed you too baby
Stwlring: let me hug him now
I realized I guess we hugged for a long time but I never wanted to let go ever
Until ofcourse brently was whining
I took her out of her car seat while they had a chance to hug him again
I calmed her down and cleared my tears
After a couple hours 2 or so everyone was here seeing him or had saw him. And wanted to give me and him time alone
So Bryce took the kids home I insisted on keeping brently here so I could feed her whenever
I sat in the chair beside his bed
I kept lookin. At him it felt unreal he was here
Quinton: why do you keep staring at me babe

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now