Youre grounded

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I woke up to sexy husband
It's like January 24th
And I'm gonna admit something we admitted the other day

That something has been off
And I know that happens in a lot of relationships but I won't wanna be like a regular marriage
I want to be myself with him weve been together close to 20 years
And I've always felt a strong beautiful love for him
And I want that to stay that way
I just have felt like the things between us haven't been the same in a long time not that it's bad but
He's right we need to have sex more
Our relationship was so good when we had sex
He was happy. I was happy we were happy and I love and had an amazing connection
But I'm my mind the overthinking kicks in deep at night
When he's at work kissing a million people for the new movie
And I am really scared about it
I let him in on that and he agreed that after the movie I'll have him all to myself again and I'll give him the sexual time of day of course

I woke up and rolled over to him
I kissed him
Quinton: mm baby
He moved his hand on my low back
Me: morning babe
Quinton: morning
Yes we're naked yes we had sex last night
And look babes is happy
Quinton: do you have work today
Quinton: yeah sorry baby
Me: it's okay q it's your job
Quinton: I gotta get up soon so
Me: let's shower
I sat up removing my covers
Quinton: together
Me: mhm
I smiled

We went to the bathroom and showered together
Making out a little  by ur we eventually got out
I put this in

I did my face care and went to go fix the kids breakfast As it's time for them to go I made muffins since there running late Me: GUYS! Let's get going now

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I did my face care and went to go fix the kids breakfast
As it's time for them to go
I made muffins since there running late
Me: GUYS! Let's get going now

And soon all my babies had there backpack on and a muffin in there hand I hugged them all and kissed their heads
Me: y'all need to go bye now
Arden: bye momma
Me: bye bye bye
I shut the door behind them as Quinton came behind me
Fixing his sleeves
Me: ooh whatchu wearing
Quinton ; just clothes
Me: you look extra cute this morning
Quinton: thanks baby
He kissed me
Me: when are you leaving
Quinton: like 20 minutes I have to go
Me: mm well I made you coffee
Quinton: mm thanks
Me: and there's muffins if you want
Quinton: okay
We went to the kitchen and he ate a muffin and had his coffee while I cleaned the dishes
Quinton : your so sexy
Me: thanks baby
Me: can you do me a favor
Quinton: mhm what
Me: could you pick up the dry cleaning
Quinton: yeah what time do the close
Me: 6 I think
Quinton; okay That all
Me: all I can think of
Quinton: mkay
Me: oh wait could you take my car and fill it up
Quinton: mm yah
He kissed my cheek
Me: I think you gotta go or you'll be late
Quinton: mhm bye baby
Me: bye quin love you
Quinton: I love you too
I kissed him
Quinton: what do you thinks for dinner
Me: I don't know yet I'll let you know when I do
I pecked his cheek
Me: lock the door behind you please and have a good day
I went to brentlys room
And gently woke her up
Brently: mmmm mommy no
Me: babydoll we gotta get up time for daycare and to see your friends
Brently: mnm
Me: yesssss cmon baby I can take you to starbies if you hurry
Brently: ooh yes
Me: cmon I'm going to start your bath okay
Brently: tay
I kissed her head pulling her covers down
I pulled the stopper in her tub and ran her water
It was almost hot just perfect
Me: cmon Brent
She slid out of bed like a grumpy old man
Rubbing her head
As she stripped and got in the bath
I poured her toys in
Me: we can't play with the toys for long we're in a hurry if you want Starbucks
She nodded and played with her toys while I grabbed a towel and wash cloth
I got down as she laid in the water
Me: lay back and let's get your hair wet
Brently: kay
She did so and I brushed her hair back
I sat her back up while she played
I washed her hair and grabbed the loofah
I pouted her soap on it and sudsed it up
Me: are you ready wash your body
Brently: mhm
She washed her body
Brently: mommy can I play for a little longer
Me: five minutes im gonna get get your clothes
Brently: kay mommy
I went and picked out her outfit
I came to the bathroom again and put her towel laid against my chest
Me: ok cmon
I unstopped the tub letting the water out
I grabbed her little hair wrap
And wrapped her hair up
Me: come here and let me dry you off
She jumped out of the tub into my arms causing us to both laugh and I set her down scrubbing the towel over her body
And she giggled
Me: let's hurry and get dressed
She wrapped her towel and grabbed her underwear putting them on
I helped her out this cute little outfit

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now