
16 0 1

May 30th

I quickly shut his phone
As I heard his foot steps through the apartment
I wasn't doing anything wrong
I just felt bad
For what I saw

Aiden: hey
Me: hey
Aiden: what's up
Me: mm nothing

He leaned over me kissing my cheek
Aiden: do you wanna go get lunch
Me: no I'm not hungry
Aiden: you don't want any Chick-fil-A 
Me: no I'm good
Aiden: no Chick-fil-A, no Mexican
Me: mnm
I laid my head on the side of the couch

Aiden: what the hell is wrong with you
Me: nothing I'm goin to bed

I got up and went to the bedroom
Why would he do that to himself or his career
I held my little bear that we made together

I laid by myself for 30 minutes before the door creaked open
Aiden: whatcha doing
He came and put his weight on me
Me: nothing
Aiden: what's wrong
He wiped my cheek
Aiden: why are you crying
Me: just hormones I guess
Aiden: what were you looking at on my phone
Me: just tiktok
Aiden: mhm
He walked around
Aiden: you can tell the truth I don't care whatever you were doing
Me: just looking around I was bored
Aiden: what'd you find
Me: nothing
Aiden: you left all my apps open
Me: sorry
Aiden: what were you doing in my emails
Me: I don't know I'm sorry I looked
Aiden: it's okay I told you I don't care
Aiden: you can be on my phone and look through my phone nothing bad is in there it's all you mainly
Me: ai
Aiden: yeah baby
Me: I found something
Aiden: what'd you find
I sat up crossing my legs
Me: why
Aiden: why what
Me: why did you decline New Jerseys offer
Aiden: what? Are you talking about
Me: your emails I found one New Jersey wants you and your not going
Aiden: yeah I'm staying with Chicago
Me: why jersey is your dream
Aiden: to play for them yeah of course I'll always want that
Me: so why would you not take the offer
Aiden: because I don't need to play for them
Me: I don't understand why not you've always wanted to play for them and you have a chance to go play for them and your not taking it that's the stupidest thing you've ever done
Aiden: no it's not
Me: yes it is why aren't you taking that offer
Aiden: is that even a question
Me: yes it is what the fuck are you thinking Aiden
Aiden: I'm happy here I have you were getting married everything's great why would I go to New Jersey and leave you hear I don't want to be long distance with you
Me: I could go with you
Aiden: your dance isn't in New Jersey so no you can't go to jersey
Me: I'd go to be with you
Aiden: You need to be here, the offer wasn't even as much as Chicago I'd be making less money there and I wouldn't have you it's not worth it to me
Me: but it is because it's jersey and you love that Team and you have always wanted to play for them
Aiden: I'm okay not playing for them right now
Me: cause of me
Aiden: no
Me: yes
Aiden: are you actually mad right now
Me: yes you should've taken the offer it's not about money

Aiden: I'm not talking about this there's no need for you to be mad
Me: why would you do that just tell me
Aiden: because I made a stupid decision before and I'm not making it again, I want to be where you are Chicago is willing to pay me more then jersey would
Me: but that's your career
Aiden: Joffrey is your career we've already been through this once brent mine isn't more important then yours
Me: yours makes more money
Aiden: exactly I make more here and I have time with you and I get to watch you dance and have you at my games that's better then playing for jersey
Me: Aiden
Aiden: Brently I'd rather be here then there and I'd rather get better here and jersey want me when I'm better and pay me more, maybe when your done dancing
Me: then I'm done dancing I don't want you giving up your career jersey is like the second best team in there league and your turning them down
Aiden: because I like being here so stop crying please jersey isn't offering me anything anymore
Me: whatever you don't understand

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now