Meet your parents 💖

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I'm going to meet coopers dad today
And step mom and stuff
Eee I'm so excited
I'm getting ready right now
I wore this red ish skirt and a black top

I'm going to meet coopers dad today And step mom and stuff Eee I'm so excited I'm getting ready right now I wore this red ish skirt and a black top

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And I did my makeup and straightened my hair
And I went to his house well the address he sent me

I pulled up to this

Omg I got out and rang the door bellCooper: heyy Me: hi you never told me your house was like this Cooper: I told you I'm not poor idiot Me: I know but this is like rich Cooper: says you He had the door opened And this dog came and greeted me

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I got out and rang the door bell
Cooper: heyy
Me: hi you never told me your house was like this
Cooper: I told you I'm not poor idiot
Me: I know but this is like rich
Cooper: says you
He had the door opened
And this dog came and greeted me

Omg I got out and rang the door bellCooper: heyy Me: hi you never told me your house was like this Cooper: I told you I'm not poor idiot Me: I know but this is like rich Cooper: says you He had the door opened And this dog came and greeted me

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Me: oh m g is this your dog
Cooper: family dog but yeah that's rebel
Me: omg I love him or her which one
Cooper: him
I squared down to the dogs level
Me: omg he's adorable
Cooper: uh I'm cuter
Me: yes but it's a puppy. How old is he
Cooper: a year or so
Me: omg I'm inlove
Cooper: okay stop that's enough
Me: jealous much hm
Cooper: more then much

I stood up and kissed his cheek
Cooper: you look cute
Me: always
We went inside his house
Cooper: so this is my dad and my step mom Jessica and my little brother Brayden
Me: hi
Jessica: hi it's so good to meet you
Me: you too
His dad: yeah it's nice to finally meet you
Brayden: sup
Me: um hi
I said to the boy that was legit a inch shorter then me max
Cooper: do you wanna your
Me; yes please
I smiled as he toured me around the living room and kitchen
And then up the steps to his room and his little brothers room and the little room that's for the dog
Me: why is this the cutest thing ever your house is the coolest
Cooper: no we don't have a big gate like you I'm very sorry
Me: shut up
Cooper: and I don't have a pool
Me: how old is your brother
Cooper: twelve why
Me: I'm as tall as a twelve year old
He laughed
Cooper: yeah loser
Me: omg
Cooper: are you hungry
Me: another thing about me I'll eat til I'm on my 600 pound life
He laughed
Me: but I'll never be there cause I have the fasted metabolism of anyone you'll ever see so I'll be a stick forever

Cooper: false you have a nice ass
Me: really that's means so much

Cooper: good
We went downstairs and they were about to sit down and cooper let me sit right by him
And when I tell you it was the most amazing dinner I've had in 5 years I mean it
The food was delicious his family was the best
Anyways we finished eating and I was about to leave
Me: I'm so jealous of you
Cooper: why
Me: your family is the best ever and mine asked if you've had sex those don't compare at al
Cooper: well your dad kids told me he does like me after so
Me: what
Cooper: he said I'm welcome anytime and to hang out with you he said he's just worried for you because people could use you
Me: that bitch

I opened my car door and sat in the seat
Cooper: did you have a good time atleast
Me: no I had a great time I love your step mom and dad and your brother is like cute  as ever and your dog I'm literally coming over in the middle of the night and taking him
Cooper: no you won't
Me: I love that dog already so much he's the cutest
Cooper: yeah that's just a reason to come back
Me: I mean your a good reason to come back but I'm not leaving without the dog
I smiled
Cooper: I'm glad you had a good time and didn't cry this time
Me: me too
Cooper: and I'll see you at school tomorrow then
Me: yep bye coop
Cooper; bye s
I kissed him just on the lips like a little kinda peck
And I shut my door and was about to pull out and go home but I so forgot
I stopped the car and got out
Me: actually I won't see you tomorrow
Cooper: your not goin to school
Me: no I'm busy all day
Cooper: oh okay
Me: so I'll see you Tuesday
Cooper: I have a game
Me: and I'll see you there too
I smiled
Cooper: okay bye, again
He kissed my cheek and I got in my car and went home

Chloes pov

I was getting ready for the day and quinton was hugging onto me
Me: quinton stop
Quinton: wanna make another baby
Me: one no I don't two I can't have anymore kids and three there's a chance it'd be a girl and  you can't handle a girl
Quinton: what I can too
Me: no I'm just disgusted with how you were the other day to that boy he's a good kid and very sweet and respectful
Quinton: I told him that
Me: you upset sterling you know how much she was stressing over that and you asked him too much and your too personal and I can't believe you asked that poor kid if he's had sex that's not something you discuss with someone you barely know or at the dinner table or around my 8 year old and 13 year old

Quinton: can you chill out I understand I'm protective of her but after what happened I don't wanna trust any guy around her
Me: okay but you have to let go shes 18 in may and the more you act like this the further she's gonna go and maybe not come back
Quinton: but for real I think he is a really good dude for her he was telling me how he actually really likes her and I apologized for asking him if he had sex and he said he wasn't looking for that so that's good
Me: see just fyi if she brings him over again which she might not cause you made her cry I don't have any problem with him being here or in her room door closed and everything
Quinton: okay I just don't want her to get pregnant
Me: you need to talk to your daughter
Quinton: yeah
He said and left
Sterlings pov
Me: what
I replied to the knock at my door
Dad: can I come in
Me: I guess I'm still mad at you though
He came in and shut the door
He sat at the door of my bed
Dad: I'm sorry about how that dinner went with cooper

Me: you should be
Dad: and I shouldn't have asked most of those questions so I'm really sorry so I just wanna say that I understand I have to let go of the little girl you used to be cause your almost an adult now and you And make your own decisions and you made a good one with him I really do like him he's nice and sweet and very respectful and I'm perfectly okay with him in the house and hanging out with you and being here and y'all I guess dating or whatever you two are you have I guess my blessing in a way
Me: great no offense but if he asked me out I'd say yes with or without your "blessing" I was so mad I asked you to make it go okay and I figured the one person to understand that the most would be you the lengths you go to make mom happy and everything I just wanted one night with y'all and him to meet
Dad: I know sterling and I mean it from the bottom of my heart I'm sorry I didn't mean to freak you out I just wanted to get a feel of who he really was anyone can say yes sir and no sir as a act
Me: yeah but he's really nice
Dad: I know
Dad: just ever since you were born I wanted to protect you from the same thing I couldn't protect your mom from and I failed at that and I'm sorry but
Me: but it was my choice to go there obviously I didn't want that to happen but it did and I'm over
Dad: yeah I just want you to find someone to support you and be able to protect you and treat you right and buy you anything you want
Me: yeah
Dad: and I'm really proud of you for not letting him get what he wanted obviously ya know he did but now he's in prison if you would love let him he wouldn't be in prison right now
Me: yeah
Dad:so I'm only saying this this once that I'm cool with you and him being whatever you are, talking boyfriend and girlfriend or whatever
Me: yeah
Dad: and I guess I'm okay with him in the room but none of that ya know
Me: what's your obsession with that cause you tell me that literally every day but you let Arden do whatever
Dad: yeah but it's a little different
Me: well he literally told me he doesn't expect that at all
Dad: good
Me: unless I choose to
Dad: which you won't
Me: not now
Dad: good when your 18 do whatever
Me: okay conversation over thanks dad bye
Dad: what
Me:that was nasty what you said and I'm going to bed
Dad; okay look I love you
Me: I love you too night
Dad: goodnight s
He kissed my head
And left and I went to bed

I'm in love /Q.G/ part 2 (:Where stories live. Discover now