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"Who are you?" Jisung asked.

"I am a stranger to you... why did you let me in a-and gave me a clean clothes... and let me sleep in your bed..." He said not understanding anything.

He smiled. "I don't know..." he turned around and waked to the kitchen...

"What would you like to eat?" Jisung asked him.

"I can't eat here... you already did so much for me..." He said.

"It doesn't matter if I did all of that... I just wish, that when my parents ware in a similar situation, that someone else would do the same... and I do to others, what I wish that they did to me or my close ones." he said. "Then? What would you like to eat?"

"A-anything..." He said.

"Ok then." Jisung said.

He prepared some scrambled eggs with a bread for both of them.

"The breakfast is done." he said.

He got up. "Anyways... what's your name?"

Jisung asked. "Minho..." he said quietly.

"So... minho... what exactly happened that you ended up lying inftont of my apartment?" he said. Minho felt the urge to tell him, but he didn't really wanted to.

"I... was drinking a lot... I guess..." He chose to lie.

"Why didn't you bring a phone with you? Ware you drinking alone?" He nodded embarrassed for something, that he didn't even done.

"That isn't really good... do you know that... why did you even went out and drink by yourself? That's kinda weird..."

"You know... I like to be alone..." He laughed nervously. Because that was true.

"You do?" he asked and minho just nodded. "Ah... and... what about... family... or friends... or.... girlfrie-"

"no..." He said with a faded smile.

He looked down on his food little bit sadly. "I'm sorry... if that was insensitive- "

"No... don't apologize... its not wrong of you to ask... people shouldn't be afraid, to ask anything... no question is dumb question..." minho said and smiled softly.

"And you? What is your name... I'm sorry that I didn't asked earlier..."

"No, it's ok... my name is jisung." he said.

"Jisung huh..." minho said and smiled. He wanted to ask so bad, if he's by any chance interested in... guys. But he saw a box full of red roses in front of the window. He figured out, that it really doesn't matter if he does or doesn't... he probably has someone already.

"Anyways... I should probably go now..." He said.

"Where are you going?" Jisung asked. "Home?"

"Y-yeah... home..." He said nervously.

"Ah... ok then..." he handed him his already dry clothes and after that he left.

Jisung looked around his room and sighed. "Again lonely jisung?" He said to himself.

"But you had the choice of having someone as your girlfriend... partner... wife... its your fault so don't cry about it." As he was talking to himself, he realized, that he is lonely.

He decided to put on some clothes and go on a short walk to get some of the "clean" city oxygen.

As he was walking, he realized, that he wants to have a girlfriend.

He had a girlfriend once, because he kinda felt pressured to have one. He also felt bad for saying no to her. That's why. But he later learned, that he doesn't need to push himself into relationships.

But his feelings ware mutual. He won't catch feelings. But he wants to now.

He had his mind full of thoughts till he heard some girls laughing. He was annoyed by that because it triggered anger in him.

*when he was little, he had an anxiety whenever he was around too many people. After few years, it got a lot better.*

So he looked and saw few girls talking in a nasty way to a guy.

As he walked closer and his anger raised massively, he saw him. Minho.

He needed to protect him and so he decided to listen for a while.

"Bro you're so lame..." the one said and others laughed.

"You won't ever be able to have a girlfriend in a million years..." again the others laughed.

"Not even your own family wants you." The other one said.

Now he had enough. He walked from behind the corner confidently with a smile.

"Oh hey bro! What are you doing here? Who are these chick's?." he said and smirked. "I'm jisung, that's how yall are allowed to call me." Jisung hated this attitude, but he knew exactly what worked on these type of girls. And that is a guy without a brain.

They stared unbelievably at how pretty he was.

After that he held one of the girls jaw and kissed her lips. "When you're gonna visit me babygirl?" She was still little shocked.

He put a finger on her lips when she wanted to say something and answered for her. "Oh I'm sorry, I haven't invited you... thank god." he said with smirk.

All of them stayed quiet while looking at her jealously.

"Let's go..." He said as he walked away with minho.

"Do you know these girls?" Jisung asked curiously.

Minho knew them. They ware going to the same school as he did before he dropped out. So he nooded.

"Next time... I'm not gonna hold myself anymore and slap one of them. And I don't care that girls shouldn't be hit by a man. They weren't acting like a girls minho. This is a bully behavior." Jisung said worriedly.

Minho was impressed at how forward he was. He expected jisung to be quiet and scared as he was.

Minho couldn't really talk as they ware walking because he was still in shock from what happened.

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I'll try to update asoften as possible💕

𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now