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"So, do you think, that you deserve to cum sugar ball?" Minho asked.

"Y-yes..." jisung whined. He needed it.

"Aww... all needy baby... do you think that you're ready to take me?" Minho said.

"Yes please~" jisung whined again.

Minho smiled and stoped lubing his dick. "We'll see about that. I'm not gonna be good anymore."

Minho went over to jisung and put his dick straight in.

"Ahh... hyung..." jisung whined.

"Are we having a problem fluff ball?" Minho asked with a smile.

"N-no..." jisung said with a shakey voice.

"Good. Let's continued then." He said and sped up his pace.

Jisung started moaning frequently. "H-hurts... s-sorry..." jisung started moaning all the words out.

Minho stopped again and went down to his ear. "You said that you had no problem... are you lying to me sweetheart?" He said and continued.

"S-sorry... I'm sorry..." jisung cried out a little. After a few more thrusts jisung came. He was all teary and unprotected.

Minho now felt bad. What should he do now. "Ji... are you ok?" Minho asked.

Jisung was all sweaty and covered in his own cum lying in front of him sobbing tryna hold his tears.

"Y-yeah..." jisung said through his sobs.

"No... no, you aren't..." minho said. "...why didn't you said anything..." minho said.

"I-i wanna pleasure you too... but I'm not able to... I'm- I'm too weak..." jisung said in between his sobs.

"Baby... you don't have to be woried about me being pleasured... I already am pleasured by being with you... and I want nothing more than that..." minho said connecting their foreheads.

"T-thats not how it works..." jisung said and turned to the left curling into the ball not looking minho in the eyes anymore.

He was ashamed by himself. Being too weak, too fragile, too scared.

"Then how it works..." minho said lying besides him hugging jisung from the behind.

"How can you sleep with someone who isn't able to... to make you... you know what..." jisung said shyly.

"Cum?" Minho said.

Jisung nooded quietly. "I mean... its my job to make you... cum. Not yours to make me..." jisung sighed and turned around to face minho. "How can you hire someone for a job, that they're not able to do... I'm useless... i-is it because of me right... I'm doing everything wrong-" jisung couldn't finish sentence and was cut off by minho kissing him.

"Jisung please... for the love of God... don't say that... you're not useless... stop blaming yourself for things that you cannot change... its too much for you, you're too overwhelmed with it baby... its just a matter of time till you get used to it... so please... don't think that your weird for not YET being able to fully satisfy needs of my body." Jisung was quietly crying hugging minho and burying his face in minhos chest. "Even small steps are big steps for someone else... we just need to realize it." Minho patted his head. "And I'll be patient with you as much as you ware patient with me back then."

Jisung was looking at him with a teary eyes. "Back then... I felt useless... I felt like I was a burden, especially to you... but you gave me money, home, place to live and mainly second chance to live a good life... I just wish that you would realize, how important and amazing human being you are..." minho said brushing with his thumb over jisungs cheek. "Now... I'll clean you and... do my thing. Then we can sleep." Minho said and kissed jisungs forehead.

Jisung was still in shock from minhos speech. Minho got up and took a towel from a bathroom leaving it soak in a bowl full of water.

He went back to the bedroom where he saw jisung already sleeping. "Jisungie... you can't sleep yet... I have to clean you..." minho said softly.

Jisung wasn't waking up so minho took the towel and softly cleaned his body from the cum and sweat.

He then went to the bathroom to make his painfully hard erection go away.

He was palming himself for some time till he finaly came. He washed himself up and went to the bedroom lying besides jisung hugging him from the behind.

They warent wearing any clothes so jisungs hot body was comforting for minho who was pretty cold.

After few minutes, minho fell asleep as well.


When jisung woke up, he realized, that again, he was in the bed alone. This cold feeling was going through his body.

He turned around to face the door when he heard it open.

"Hi baby." Jisung smiled, when he saw minho standing in the door frame with a hot chocolate and toasts on the plate.

"Hi." Jisung greeted minho as well.

Minho smiled and placed the plate on the nightstand. "Did you sleep well?" Minho asked.

Jisung nooded and took the hot chocolate that minho was handing him. "But... how about you hyung... how did you sleep?" He asked.

"Only like... two hours... i think..." minho said. "But that doesn't matter. I'm glad that you've slept well." Minho smiled and patted jisungs head.

"We'll see what the doctor says about it..." jisung said.

"Why do I even have to go to the doctor... I feel good enough to walk. And I think that's enough..." minho said and got up from the bed to give jisung some clothes, but when he stood up, his vision went blurry and his head spinned. He fell pack down at the bad and lied down. "Okay... maybe not."

Jisung chuckled and patted minhos head. "I'll call felix, take your time with the standing up." Jisung chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah... whatever." Minho chuckled as well.

Jisung grabbed his phone from the nightstand and scrolled through his contact.

After a few minutes, felix finaly called back by a video call.

"I'm sorry hyung... some bitch in front of me is buying food for ten of her kids and it takes so fucking long..." felix said.

"We'll that's a fucking lie. I have only four kids young man." Jisung could hear some woman's voice.

"Really? By four kids you mean your four chins?" Felix said back.

"Young man- what's your name?!" She said loudly enough for jisung to get scared.

"Felix, I don't think that it's the right time for us to talk-" jisung said.

"No, it's the bestest time for us to talk. And you and your four chins, talk to my lawyer." Felix said and grabbed his bag full of food.

"Execuse you?!" She said all shocked.

"Execuse my ass. Now shut up and let me talk to my friendie. Bye~" He said and walked to the car. "So, you're calling me, do you have some tea to spill bestie?" Felix said all excited as he sat into the car.

"I don't think that I do... I just wanted to talk to you..." jisung said.

"That's great sweetie. Anyways, where is that fruity man of yours?" Felix asked. Jisungs eyes widened.

Minho was sitting on the same bed hearing everything.

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𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now