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"Few more minutes and I would've kill all of them." he walked angrily.

"Thank you..." He said.

When they arrived to jisungs home he kneeled and bowed in front of jisung.

"Thank you so much... I'm such a burden to you..." He said as his tears started appearing in the corner of his eyes.

"Minho..." he crouched in front of him and lightly with both of his hands lifted his head up. "You will never be a burden to me. You should not feel the need to thank me for that... even tho... we know each other such a short amount of time, I still care about you..."

He said while watching his eyes. Minho couldn't stop thinking about the moment, that jisung kissed the girl. It was bothering him.

"What are you doing mimho..." he was saying to himself. "Stop thinking about it..."

Jisung gave him a warm smile and helped him get up.

"Sorry for asking, but do you have a home, minho?" He asked.

Minho shaked slowly his head from side to side.

"You should've said so... I would've help you..." jisung said worried about him.

But jisung had only one bed. No couch no mattress.

"I'll take my savings and order us a mattress." Jisung said.

Minho was immediately against it. "No jisung, don't spend your hardly earned money on it..." jisung chuckled sadly.

"Minho... when my step parents left Korea to live in Europe, they made me a bank account on which they send me money... the thing is... I never wanted to spend the money for stuff, that is for me. That's because my shitty step parents don't care about me and never did. That's why they left and only send me money." Jisung looked down.

"That's why I'd rather spend the money on a stuff that is for my friends. I don't need their money... I don't need them Minho." Jisung said with a comforting smile.

Minho watched jisung talk. "Alright then." Minho softly smiled.


"Do you have anything?" Jisung asked.

"I don't really own anything..." minho said.

"Let's buy you some clothes then." Jisung smiled and grabbed his laptop.

Firstly they agreed on buying a couch on which could minho sleep. Jisung wanted to buy him a mattress, but minho convinced him to buy a couch so he would have one.

Then they went to look at some clothes.

"What would you like to buy? And don't be shy, pick whatever you like." Jisung said.

Minho was shy because of his inner self, he had to chose a basic looking clothes.


After they've looked through five online shops, they bought some sweaters which minho actually liked, black and white shirts, socks, some more underwear, two pants and few more things.

Jisung finally after an hour closed the laptop.

"Sooo... now what?" Minho said.

"We should eat, it's pretty late already." Jisung needed to go to school tomorrow.

"Do you go to school minho?" Jisung asked.

"No... I dropped out of school because... because of people like the girls that... today..." minhos words sounded broken and his sentences didn't make any sense but jisung could understand well.

"I understand..." jisung said. "We should get to know each other before we start living together." Jisung said as he clasped his hands together.

Minho nooded.

"So...I'll start... hmm.... let's start with a full name. My name is Han jisung."

"My name is Lee minho." Minho was thinking about what he should ask. "How about favorite food? Mine are pancakes."

Jisung smiled. "Oooh... we will be a good roommates... I love pancakes as well. But my favorite food is any type of cake." Jisung said. "Hmmm... how about... ah- have you ever dated someone?" Jisung asked.

"Hm-?" Minho panicked. "Y-you first." He said shyly.

"Oh I have... but it wasn't much you know... I didn't wanted to lose her as a friend." Jisung said. "And you?"

Minho panicked. Should he lie. Should he not... "Y-yeah... I have..." he said. His heart was pounding quickly.

"Cool. Now is your turn minho." He said.

"Oh... yeah... how old are you?" Minho asked. " I'm 20 this year."

"So you're my hyung? That's cool! I already turned 18 this year." Minho nooded.

And so they ware getting to know each other for the rest of the evening.


It was a bed time so they had to decide on who's gonna sleep where.

"I'll sleep at the floor jisung." Jisung turned around and minho could already see jisungs angry eyes.

"No you won't hyung. I won't let you sleep on the floor like some kind of dog. That's not nice..." he pouted.

"But where ware you sleeping when I was sick?" Minho asked.

"On the flo- ahm... that isn't important... you know what? We can sleep on the bed... its large enough to fit two people in it. And it's only for once..." jisung said.

Minho felt like crying inside. Sleeping besides someone that beautiful. Is he dreaming? "O-ok... as you wish..." he said shyly. Jisung smiled and went under covers.

Minho turned his back to jisungs as they lied in the bed under one sheet. As they ware lying back to back, minho tought about what happened today.

He should be happy that he has a new home, but he felt sad. He didn't exactly knew why. But he did.

- 1 year later -

Minho got up from a couch that he slept on and went to the bathroom to clean his teeth.

He put on his clothes and went to the school with jisung walking next to him. He was finally able to pay for his things like he promised to himself.

As he walked into the school, people ware staring at him pretty often because of how pretty he looked.

Jisung walked with him to school but stopped at the lockers. He was waiting for his best friend to show up.

"Hi felix." He said when felix hugged him from the behind.

"Hi sung." Said felix. "It's been a while since I saw you..."

"I know... but family is way more important than I am felix." Jisung said.

"Oh please..." felix chuckled and hit him lightly. "Yeah and by the way... who's that beautiful guy that went to school with you?"

- - -

This will be yet interesting

𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now