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Jisung lied down on his back and waited.

Minho howered over him and pushed his dick in.

Jisung moaned but quickly covered his mouth.

"Shh... don't wanna be caught baby..." jisung shut his eyes.

"S-sorry..." jisung said quietly. "I just- it's hard to take you all at once..."

"It's ok... I'll wait till you manage to take me fully." Minho said and kissed jisungs forehead.

Jisungs heart stopped for a second. "It's been like this all the time... and so many times he wasn't able to fully enjoy sex with me... because... because I'M not able to STILL manage my self even after so many tries." He was talking to himself.

Jisung turned around, face down and put his hips higher. He then put his finger into his mouth and bit down on his nuckle. "P-please... fill me in h-hyung..." jisung said.

"Jisung you've now told me that-"

"Minho, I'm ok. It's nothing, that I wouldn't be able to take in. Please, I'm ready." Jisung said and bit down on his nuckle again.

"If you say so..." minho said and started pushing in.

"Argh- p-please... faster." Jisung said as his eyes filled with tears.

"Ok then." Minho said and sped up.

"Jisung tought, that the pain wouldn't be as strong, when he speeds up. Tho it was still the same pain.

"Y-youre super tight ji... are you even enjoying this?" Minho asked.

"Y-yeah... I do enjoy it." Jisung said.

"But you warent as tight last time..." minho said. "I knew it..."

Jisung quickly looked at minho and back down on the mattress.

"Ji... stop thinking about pleasuring me... I'm really fine..." minho said.

"H-how did you-"

"It's obvious... look how badly you want it in, but your dick and hole says otherwise... ji, we've once had this talk... I want you to be happy... and feel pleasure... stop thinking only about me and think about yourself..." minho said.

Jisung was still looking down on the ground.

"Ji, promise me now... you won't push yourself to your limits... I want you to be safe." Minho said.

"But, If I wouldn't risk... I would never ask you to work for you... if I would never risk, I would never be into guys and stayed sad and lonely with someone, that I don't... no... cannot love... minho, if I wouldn't risk... I would never let you stay at my house... and I'd hate not having you in my life minho..." jisung said already tearing.


"Fuck- Just do it already...!" Jisung said.

"Y-yeah..." minho started with his one hand twitching with jisungs nipple and with the other one stroking jisungs dick. "But let me at least make you feel comfortable."

He did that for about, two minutes, till he saw, that jisung was fully hard. "Now we can ji... lie on top of me." Minho said.

Jisung nooded and howered on top of lying minho. "Now suck these fingers." Minho didn't gave him his hand tho, he grabbed jisungs hand and pushed jisungs own fingers into his mouth.

"Do you like that princess?" Minho asked with smile. Jisung started blushing.

"I chose this position, so I can watch you." Minho said and grabbed that jisungs hand and pushed the two fingers into jisungs ass.

Jisung moaned quietly, his legs started shaking and his hands as well. "It's just a prep baby... you can lie on me." Jisung listened what minho said and lied down on him.

He placed his head far enough onto minhos shoulder. "Does it hurt that bad?" Mimho asked.

Jisung didn't answered. Minho started moving with jisungs hand in and out. After about three minutes, minho felt, like jisung got more used to it. So minho took jisungs fingers out.

"Do you want it ji?" Jisung knew, that minho won't let him stop, till he himself will be able to cum. So he just nooded. "K... I'll go as always, half in for now..." minho said and pushed his dick in.

Jisung nearly moaned loudly. There ware tears building up in his eyes as minho started moving in and out.

"Ji... its gonna be ok..."

"B-but I'm already cumming..." jisung whimpered quietly.

"Ji..." minho paused. "Let me go fully in... please..." minho said.

"D-do it... just... don't ask..." jisung said.

"Ji, I want to experience pain together with you... don't go through it yourself... if you won't be able to go any further, bite down my shoulder. You'll see... it'll be better."

"M-minho..." jisung said and minho finally pushed in his whole dick.

Jisung was already not able to do anything at this state. "I-im... gonna cum... n-now..." jisung said.

"Go a head baby..." jisung buried his head in minhos chest and in a few seconds came on his and minhos body.

"I'm not stopping baby." Minho said.

"J-just... continue..." jisung said uncomfortably.

"Does it still hurt baby?" Minho said as he started speeding up.

"I-it does... a lot..." jisung said.

"Bare it with me baby..." minho said and held jisungs hand. "I can feel it coming soon as well."

Jisungs mind was already going crazy. He just had to do something,... something.

He bowed down and started sucking minhos nipple. "B-baby... that's my job." Minho said and only softly placed his hand on jisungs head.

Tho minho found it super hot seeing jisung in this state. It turned him on.

"I... think I'm going to cum... sung..." minho said.

Tho jisung was way quicker and came one more time. Jisungs legs tighten around minhos waist and his hole tighten as well making minho cum.

Minho put all sweaty jisung on the mattress. Besides tissues and glass of water. There was nothing, with what minho could clean them up.

"Let me just clean you a little." Minho said.

Jisung nooded still catching his breath.

"Ji, thanks... you're making me incredibly happy..." minho said.

Jisung chuckled. "It's my job to make you happy, isn't it..."

Minho smiled. "Rest... you need it..."

- - -

That was a looong hiatus...
Sorry 'bout that...

𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now