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"Do you have a girlfriend?" She asked.

"What? Mom, what are you talking about... that's just... someone I know..." changbin said. "And it's a guy..."

"YOU HAVE A FRIEND?!" changbin tried to calm her down.

"No mother, he's just a visiter... nothing deep..." changbin said.

In a mean time, the two boys went inside. "Hey there pussy cat." One of the boys said to felix. "Whatcha doing at our bros place?" The other one said.

"Guys, I really don't wanna have an argument with... how old are you..."

"We're thirteen." One of them said and looked at felix annoyed.

"Fuck it, yall are old enough to know the truth, so guess what... I'm getting layed by your older brother and soon or later, I'll be your brother-in-law. I don't care if you like it or not. Yall better get used to me or find another brother." Felix said and smiled. The two boys looked at him annoyed and walked to a different room.

"Mom, please... can't you visit me some other time?" Changbin said, as he was trying to convince his mother not to come inside.

"You're acting weird changbin. Go and make me coffee, thanks." Changbin sighed.

"Hello miss." Felix said, got up and bowed.

"Oh my, you're so handsome... no need for informalities. Call me autie." She said happily.

"If it makes you happy auntie." Felix said and smiled.

"Mom.... stop with that..." changbin said from the kitchen.

"Shut up son, don't make my coffee too bitter like last time. Remember well. Half of cup milk, half a cup of cappuccino, three spoons of sugar." She said.

"Auntie... you sure have a sweet tooth like me... but how do you stay in suuuch a good shape... are you in your 30-ties by any chance?" Felix said.

She laughed while covering her mouth. "Oh my son... you know, how to make a woman happy..." she said. "I hope that my two sons grow up into gentleman like you, sadly for their older brother it's way too late." She sighed.

"Mother I can hear you clearly." He said from the kitchen.

She chuckled. "He is kind and stuff, but unsocial as heck. That's the polar opposite of me as you can tell."

Felix was listening to her every word.

"But at least he's not hard to handle." She said and looked at felix. "If he was like me, I think I would end up being addicted to antidepressants." She kinda chuckled.

Felix was listening. "But again, I'm like this, because my life is kinda miserable. Then I remember that I have kids, green grass and blue sky. Thats what makes me live." She smiled. "I really hope, that you stay in my son's life for some time, because you genuinely look like a nice person. Make my son's life colorful again please." She said. "Now I gotta go..."

Changbin was walking with the coffee slowly. "You're going? What about the coffee?" He asked.

"Give it to him instead. He told me, that he drinks the exact same coffee as I do." She smiled at felix. "Hope, that we see each other again." Felix smiled.

"I'll fulfill your wish auntie." Felix said and she left.

As the two boys ware playing in a different room. Felix walked back to sit on a couch.

"What ware you two talking about?" Changbin asked.

"Hmm... nothing you should know about. Anyways, I like your mother. She's a sweet woman." Felix said.

"Shes kinda loud sometimes." Changbin added.

"I don't mind that. People like that make me feel positive." Felix got up and walked up to the door preparing to leave. "can't wait to meet you again seo changbin. Maybe not today... maybe not in a year... but I'm willing to wait, so... let's hang out sometimes." Felix smiled and left.


I'm not proofreading this until I finish my exams TT

𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now