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Aeri opened the door with a bright smile.

They greeted eachother and went inside.

Aeri wanted to have a movie night as her second date but in the cinema ware no good or interesting movies that day, so they decided to watch something else.

They sat on the couch and turned on the movie.

It was romantic movie because aeri was scared of horror movies which jisung actually liked. Tho both of them didn't minded something romantic so they decided to watch that.


They ware half way in the movie but jisung had his head full of thoughts.

When they ware in middle of the movie, aeri started kissing jisungs neck. Jisung could feel his worries leaving. She left few dark marks on his neck as she moved onto the lips.

It felt as if she wanted to dominate him because she moved on top of him and pushed him to the side hovering on top of him.

It didn't felt right to him. Something felt off. Tho he decided to ignore it and continued.

She took off his shirt signaling jisung to take off his shirt as well. So he did took off his shirt revaling his honey like skin.

She lowered her ass to sit on his crotch and lightly stared moving on top of him.

Jisung moaned in between the kisses. That turned aeri on as well. She slowly put her hand on jisungs croch unzipping his pants.

Jisung shut his eyes and let aeri lead.


Minho was sitting on the couch video calling with Felix.

"Baby you've been quiet for almost five minutes." Felix said worriedly.

"You know felix... I tried... I tried to be nice and welcoming... thinking that I'll be able to... to forget... or feel better... but I still feel miserable and empty..."

"Minho sweetheart... I'm so sorry..." felix said.

"Ah... its ok I guess..." minho said sadly. "I'll go and take a nap..." minho said.

"Ok... take care minho..." felix said and ended the call.

Minho sighed and lied himself on the couch.

He tought about what might jisung do right now.

No, he didn't wanted to think about it. It might make him cry.

"Shit..." he said to himself. He already cried and then after a few minutes...

... he fell asleep.

When he woke up, he felt pressure on his chest.

"Is this what heart attack feels like-" He opened his eyes and there he was. Jisung was lying on top of him.

Minho got scared a little. What was he doing on top of him.

"That isn't right." He said to himself. He knew, that jisung might regret sleeping on minho so he took him into his hands and walked to jisungs room.

He put jisung into his bed and covering him with his sheets.

When he turned around to walk away, soft sleepy voice called him.

"Hyung..." jisung said.

Minho turned around when he heard his small voice.

"Please... stay..." jisung said.

Minho was thinking. Should he stay? He sighed.

He lifted jisungs sheets and went under. He automatically turned his back to jisung.

Jisung hugged him from behind and snuggled his face into minhos back.

Minho got nervous. He tought "what the hell... what is he doing? That's not good..." minho tought.

He said that he should sleep and try to ignore it.


It was morning and minho didn't sleep at all. He was tired... and hard.

Because minho couldn't feel his hand anymore, he needed to turn and lie on his back.

One of jisungs hands was under minhos back where it had some space the other one was on his chest

Jisung started to slowly waking up. He blinked few times and looked up.

Minho closed his eyes immediately pretending to be still asleep. He tought that jisungs gonna run out of the bed when he realizes that he slept besides minho.

Tho jisung sat up and was looking at minhos face. He then slightly touched minhos hair and with the back of his hand touched minhos cheek.

Minho slowly opened his eyes pretending to be finally awake. He saw jisungs beautiful face and wanted to smile because jisung was his only reason to smile.

"Good morning." Jisung said.

"Good morning." Minho said as well, he wanted to ask jisung so bad, why he wanted to sleep besides him, but he tought that it might be uncomfortable for jisung to talk about it.

Minho turned from his back to the side to face jisung.

"How was your date?" Jisung looked down.

"It was ok... I guess..." jisung said little bit unsure.

Minho nooded and realized, that he was hard as hell. He wasn't used to this situation because he slept alone on the couch.

He immediately slipped back under the sheets making jisung confused.

"Did something happen hyung?" Jisung asked all confused.

Minho wasn't answering. He got too nervous.

Jisung saw minho wiggling a little with his legs which made him realize, what's happening.

Jisung got too curious for some reason. He had the biggest urge to ask.

Minho could see, that jisung probably knows by now by the look on his face.

Minho got super embarrassed about it.

Jisung took all the confidence he had and asked.

"D-do you want me to help you hyung?" He said shyly.

Minho looked at jisung not believing his own ears. In his head, he was asking himself 'isn't he straight? Should I decline? Isn't he drunk? No... no he isn't...'

So minho only quietly nooded with hesitation.

So Jisung waited till minho takes off his pants.

Jisung hesitated, he didn't knew, if he's doing the right thing. This was a big change for him and it all happened so quick.

Minho saw how hesitant he is so he took jisungs hand softly and put it on his dick.

Jisungs hand was little bit cold so minho flinched a little.

Jisung started stroking slowly. "L-like that?" Jisung asked nervously. Minho hummed as he tilted his head back.

Jisung started stroking little bit faster starting to get used to what he was doing.

After five minutes, minho finally came covering jisungs shirt in cum.

He was deeply breathing in and out. When jisung heard his deep breathing he got butterflies in his stomach for the first time in his life.

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𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now