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"... I've never seen you here..." that someone said.

"I-im working for Mr. Lee..." jisung said not wanting to continue in this conversation.

"Ah... I get it." He said. "You're his slave." Jisung backed off.


"Then tell me... who are you." He said and signaled jisung to go with him.

"I-im Han jisung..."

"Hmmm... then Han jisung... tell me, how is it like to   'w o r k'   for Mr. Lee... or better say... how good is Mr Lee at   'w o r k i n g'." he asked.

Jisung gulped. "alright... I guess."

"Just alright? Man... if he's just alright at work... I should give his position to someone more capable-" He was cut off.

"N-no... he's- amazing... i-im just learning... and he isn't pressuring me to do stuff that I'm not comfortable with doing." Jisung blushed and looked down.

"I see I see... I knew that he's like that in bed." He said.

Jisung widely opened his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that... I knew all a long what you're talking about." He smiled sheepishly. "But why would you say at first that he's just alright?"

"Because I'm mad at him." Jisung said right away.

"What did he do to you?" He asked.

"I don't know... its just... we know each other for a long time already, but I think that he changed so much from the last time that ive seen him. He's more passionate about his work than about anything else..."

"And by anything else you mean spending some time with you... am I right..." jisung sadly looked down.

"I see I see... let me talk to him after we go and have a lunch together, hm?" Jisung shyly looked at him.

"But wait... what's your name?" Jisung asked.

"My name is hwang hyunjin. I'm the ceo of this company." Jisung slightly opened his mouth and bowed.

"Cmon... don't be so polite." Hyunjin said and chuckled. "You don't even work for me bub." He said and patted his head.


When they arrived to the company's restaurant, hyunjin politely asked, what jisung wanted to eat.

So hyunjin went and ordered the food and walked to where jisung was sitting.

"So jisung, what exactly is the problem here. I want to know if I'm overworking my workers and employees." Hyunjin said and smiled at the servant that brought them the food.

"Could you please show me any schedule that he needs to complete?" Hyunjin took his phone out of his pocket and placed it on the table.

"Here, take a look. He never misses anything, he never took a day brake unless he had everything finished. Just look here, this is everything, that he should do in a week. When I take into consideration, that he is working pretty fast mainly because of his knowledge about everything then... he should be done in a few hours per day." Hyunjin was calculating everything in his head.

"He's working till the late night... won't even walk out of his office. And when I tried to convince him, that what he's doing is bad, he said that I know nothing about it." Jisung saddened.

"I never expected that he likes to work THAT much. Do you know why is he like that jisung?" Hyunjin asked with a worry.

"No... actually... work is one of the things that he got compliments on when i think about it. I think that it might play a big role in it as well as he heaving it in his genes." Jisung said. "It's a little bit complicated."

"Yeah... that is probably the reason he's been so passionate about his work. I want everyone under this company to be safe and healthy... he isn't the primary example of that..." hyunjin sighed. "I'll try to talk to him without mentioning you in our conversation..." hyunjin said and reassured jisung with his smile.

"Thank you so much... I was starting to get worried." Jisung said and smiled to himself.

"You like him don't you..." hyunjin said quietly.

"What?" Jisung said confused.

"Nothing... let's go to my office." Hyunjin said when he saw, that jisung already finished his food.


Minho was sitting infront of three stacks of papers reading every and each bit properly before moving on to  the next paper.

He didn't felt tired, hungry or anything else. He just wanted to work.

In a few minutes he heard a knock on the door. When the door opened, hyunjin walked into the room.

"Hey minho." He said, minho immediately stood up and bowed. "Cmon, don't act like we haven't been to the gay bar together."

"I-im sorry... I cannot think clearly." He said and blinked few times.

"You should take a rest... I looked up how much work you did and I think that you're doing more than enough." Hyunjin said and placed a hand on minhos shoulder.

"B-but... I wanna do at least these three stacks... i-its not a lot..." minho said and nervously bit on his lip.

"Let's not do that... help me take these three stacks to the different office... I know someone who hasn't been helping me a lot lately. I need to make em learn a lesson, they're not gonna disobey me, not now, not then not later... I still need to remind them who is the baddest, prettiest and gayest bitch in this household-"

"Ok, ok... let's go..." minho grabbed all the stacks and walked behind hyunjin.

"Put em here. There sure gonna enjoy it like you do." Hyunjin said and knocked on the door.

Before someone opened the door, hyunjin was already walking away. Minho quickly walked with him only looking backwards because he heard something falling.

"H-hey... wake up... someone bring a water!" Someone said.

"What happened?" Someone else said.

"He fainted, help him..." they said.

Hyunjin only looked behind him as he was walking with his hands in pockets. "Look... he even fainted when he saw that he has the opportunity to do your work for you... he's even happier than you." Hyunjin said and smiled.

"I don't think-" minho started only to be cut off by hyunjin.

"Then don't think... its way easier."

- - -

I'm tired:) I hope that there aren't any mistakes after rereading two times because I zoned out the first time...

𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now