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And that's how minho ended in a gay bar. Yeah it might sound little bit weird to just jump into this situation like that, but besides few other words hyunjin grabbed minhos hand and just made his way into his own car.

"Minho... If you've told me earlier... we could've do this together from the very beginning." Hyunjin said little bit stressed out.

"I don't think that this is right tho... that's such an un-holy thing to do..." minho rambled.

"And if being a gay would be a sin... would that made you straight? It wouldn't am I right... so fuck it and enjoy it till you can..." hyunjin said.

They arrived into hyunjins favorite bar and went in.

At first minho didn't felt right, it felt wrong, but then he realized that there are people, that understand him, won't judge him, because they all want the same thing... dick.

"Hey there..." some dancer got minhos attention.

Minho just looked at him but as a reflex he couldn't really smile. From minho radiated cold aura which not only one dancer found really attractive for some reason.

Hyunjin glanced at the both where the dancers do vip dances for a one person.

"Go... go and enjoy it..." minho hesitated, he didn't really wanted to, but hyunjin said that it relieved his stresses every time. He said fuck it.

He went with the dancer into the both after he paid for the vip.

"Can I start?" The dancer asked. Minho just nooded.

The dancer started moving with his body teasingly.

Minho wanted to feel his body. It was the first time, that someone was this close to him teasing him like that.

He was barely handling it. He was on the urge of breaking his character totally when the dancer touched his chest.

After a minute, the timer went off. "Hope you've enjoyed my dance."

Minho only bowed slowly and left the both.

Deeply inside his heart was beating loudly. He was nervous and excited at the same time.

Hyunjin came out of the cabin as well and went to the bar where minho was sitting.

"So, how did you liked it?" He asked.

"N-not bad..." he said and shyly looked down.

"Aww... so you liked it..." hyunjin said. "You know that you can even sleep with them?"

Minho widely opened his eyes.

"Don't look at me like I'm crazy... I'm at least honest with you. And yes, ima go and tell the men right there that I would like to see one of these dumplings in my king sized bed at 9pm." Hyunjin said and got up. "You should to. I see... your hardened lollipop wants to be sucked." Hyunjin said with a sassy attitude and turned around to go and make an appointment.

Minho couldn't believe that this was the same person that he got to know for the last few months. But... maybe he was right.

"W-wait..." minho said. "C-could you... h-how to say it... could you... ahm..." he couldn't say it.

"Yes... I'll tell them. There's no need to be stressed  they won't judge you, it's their job... you don't have to pay me this time." Hyunjin said and went to one of the secretary men to pay for the appointment.

A lot of men ware looking at minho. They would all wish to have him.

"Minho, all done. You're such lucky guy... I would like to have someone like me as a friend..." hyunjin said jokingly.

"Yeah yeah... whatever..." minho said and walked out if the club.

"Man... we need to do that more frequently... lately I've been stressed out a lot..." hyunjin said.

Minho was just nooding as always until they got into car.


Jisung was lying in his  bed on his back. He turned to his right side.

"Why does it hurts..." he asked himself.

"What... minho leaving you here?" Said felix when he placed his hand on jisungs head to pat it.

"No, my back." Jisung said. Tho he knew that what felix said was right.

Felix rored his eyes and took a sip of his drink.

Jisung tried everything to make himself feel better. He tried to workout, meditate, rest,... but nothing worked.

"S-should I call him..." he asked himself. He shaked his head from left to right quickly. "No... I shouldn't bother him..."


Minho was sitting on his bed stressed. This doesn't feels right, or it does...

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. He looked at the time and it was him.

He went to the door and opened. The dancer was standing there with a small bag and phone in his hands.

"Hi, am I on the right address?" He said.

Minho again just nooded and let him in.

"Sooo... I bet you're top. Am I right." The dancer said.

"What do you think..." minho said and took off his shirt.

The dancer flustered. "I-i think so..."

"You do hm..." minho hummed and howered on top of the dancer.

In that second, everything that bothered or stressed him fell down his chest.

Minho was looking into his eyes passionately. Finaly, he made up his mind. He wanted to fuck him bad.

"Take off the rest of your clothes." Minho said when he started undressing himself.

He sat up and took his pants and underwear off.

When both of them ware completely naked, minho looked at him and sheepishly smiled.

"Now I know for sure that I'm the top." He said. The boy got goosebumps all over his back. "Now lay down."

The boy lied slowly on his back as minho pinned his hands down.

Minho felt good for the first time, actually... for the second time in his life.

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𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now