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Jisungs fingers ware slowly sliding next to minhos spine carefully not to shift his spine by accident.

He was used to massaging because of his step mother. She always came after shoping, sat on the couch and let jisung massage her back, face, hands and feet.

"Are you starting to feel pleasure hyung?" Jisung asked.

"I-i... don't know what I'm supposed to feel..." minho said with a shakey voice.

"Feeling, that you want more, need more... something like that. But you might not feel it this time... and tomorrow you're body will hurt, but the more you experience it, the more you'll want it..." jisung said.


"How was it hyung?" Jisung asked.

"Awful... but good for my back sooo... I guess that's good." Minho said putting on his shirt after a quick shower.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment? Never mind... but hyung... its the first time, that I heard you whimper..." jisung said.

"U-uh... was it that interesting?" Minho said.

"H-hot... hot is a better word." Jisung said shyly.

"Hmmm... now you know how I feel, when your beautiful whining, moaning body is under me? How I can't control my self because I'm going fucking crazy over you?" Minho said.

Jisungs cheeks turned red when he watched minho passionately talking about how he enjoys seeing jisung in that state.

"Did you ever felt this way? Feel of protection, feel of dominance, feel of responsibility?" Minho said slowly.

This totally opened jisungs eyes. Yes he felt this way, but couldn't pin point the feeling.

"People think that being top is this easy thing... and actually... my first time was the hardest for me because I was confused about my feelings, unsure about what I'm doing, worried if I'm doing things right... " minho patted jisungs head. "Being top isn't for everyone... even tho you've never topped me, now you've had the chance to kinda experience me in my sub state..."

Jisung chuckled. "I guess so... tho it was just a massage..."

"Yeah, yeah..." minho chuckled as well.

"Anyways-" jisung started but was interrupted by a phone call. "Ah... its an unknown number... hello?..."

"Hi my sweat little amazing bestest out of the best-"

"Felix, what you did to that police man-"

"It was a bitch, not a dick... I had no power... I h a d n o p o w e r... I'm only good at sucking..." felix dried his nonexistent tears. "Anyways... let me continue... I'm at the police station, it smells here like ass and i left my ice cream in the car... get me out of here~ it's not nice to be in the prison for a while..."

"You were in the prison before?" Jisung asked. Minho was just all confused looking at jisung.

"Yes... in the monopoly... but that's not the point... get me out..." felix whined. "Im telling you... the soap that they use in the prison isn't good for my soft ass..."

"Felix... you've never been in the prison-"

"But I've fucked a prisoner... his ass was like an sandpaper-"

"Mister your time's out, please, end the phone call-"

"Insted of mister, you should call me master you ugly-"

After that, the call ended.

"How am I supposed to pay for his problems all the time..." jisung said and walked to his own room to put some jeans and jacket on.

Minho walked behind him listening. "I'll pay..." he said.

"No... you shouldn't pay for everything and then expect me to just sit and smile like an sunshine sitting on a shit." Jisung smiled. "I'll use my step parents money... I mean... its not for my good, so it won't hurt to get rid of it." Jisung took his wallet and phone. "Are you going with me?" He asked.

"Yeah... Felix is still my friend too..." minho said and chuckled.

"Yeah... one annoying friend..." jisung sighed. "If he won't find himself a rich sugar daddy... he's fucked..."


"Jisungie~ my closest friend-"

"Do not associate me with you in these kind of situations... you're my classmate and that's it." Jisung said putting his wallet inside of his pocket after they left the station.

"Oh c'mon babyboy... I know you would never ever let me go. We love each other to that point that we wouldn't be able to breathe if one of us died."

"Ah... whatever. Now you don't have your drivings licence for some time... you're fucked." Jisung said.

"And again, it's all my fault-"

"It is... you're only job was to act your age and move your head up and down like a donkey... is it that hard to not insult people that have more power than you?"

"More power?! Maybe more chins-"

"IT WAS THAT WOMAN FROM THE STORE?!" jisung said all shocked.

"M-maybe..." felix looked the other way.

"Felix, you're too much... you're worst than four year old kid... no... then ten four year olds together..." jisung whined.

"Yeah, I'm just on another level..."

"THATS NOT WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO SAY OR FEEL..." jisung crouched down in defeat.

"I know sungie... but you know, that I can't take my life seriously... I've had enough of that seriousness in my life... I'd rather die happy than in shit tons of worries and depression..." felix said and hugged jisung. "That's why I wanna see on my grave "in memories of Lee yongbok all loved friend and always happy person..." felix paused.

"and I've always wanted to be on a TV... why not combine both and have my death in a TV... 'death cause - chocked on a dick-"

"Hey felix." Minho walked up to them. "I would like to hear an explanation..."

"Oh you're here too? That's so cute... you still care about your old friend?" Felix said dramatically. "Wait... its weird that you're here... do you have a criminal fetish-" jisung covered his mouth quickly.

"He pissed the lady that was standing in front of him in line and she happened to be policewoman... the rest... ah... I think you can imagine it..." minho sighed when he heard it.

"I'm guessing that you don't even have your driver's license-"

"No, I don't." Felix said unbothered.

Minho sighed. "Ah... you're sitting in the back..."

- - -

Quick update:)

𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now