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In the morning, jisung woke up.

He looked around to check, if minho was there. Minho wasn't lying besides him, so he knew, that felix woke up as well.

He opened the door and saw those two arguing.

"... then how do you explain the smell of fucking cum in the room. Minho, you horny pervert... fucking in a room, where your friend sleeps."

"P-pervert? Nothing happend-"

"Oh stop lying... I bet you've enjoyed fucking jisung in front of me sleeping. At least you should've woke me up so I could join-"

"Hell no... I would never do that." Minho argued.

"Guys?" Jisung said all sleepy.

"My poor baby sungie~ does your ass hurt-" felix said in baby tone.

"Why would it hurt?" Jisung asked.

Felix turned at minho. "Hmmm... so you're not as big as i tought-" minho pinched felix's arm. "Ah... that hurt you know..."

"Good morning sungie. Did you sleep well?" Minho asked.

"Sure he did, when he got that dick-" minho shut Felix's mouth.

"Hey... stop covering my mouth you dick. At least buy me one when you're already making enough money..." Felix said.

"What, you're missing one?" Minho asked.

"You know... its always better to have more dicks... one to jerk off of, one that'll buy you a house,... there's a lot you know..."

"I think, that it's time for you to leave..." minho said.

"Are you kicking me out just now?" Felix said dramatically.

"Yes. Now get out." Minho pointed at the door.

"Yeah, yeah whatever..." felix said, put on his shoes and left.

"Finaly... we have some time for ourselves~" minho said and sat on the couch.

Jisung smiled and sat besides him.

"Wait- did we at least pay for felix's taxi?"


"Those fucking lovebirds... they fuck in front of me while I'm sleeping and then throw me out..." felix looked at the street light close to the building and found some taxi number.

He called there and in a few minutes, the taxi arrived.

Felix said, where he wanted to go and the taxi driver nooded.

"Are you sad?" The taxi driver said.

"Why would you even ask me that? As if we ware close... stop crossing my boundaries..." felix said.

"I don't think, that I'm the one crossing boundaries... You're sitting on the front seat... because you look so depressed, I couldn't kick you away." He said.

"You know... worries later turn into depression... and I think, that ive had enough of that lately."

He chuckled. "I understand-"

"How? Why are you smiling then?" Felix said.

"Its a bad habit.... and also part of my job, after I arrive home, my mouth muscles are strained and my feelings go numb." He said.

"I'm genuinely surprised, that people like you are strong enough to even stay alive at this point... you know... being taxi driver... probably not having kids at your age-"

"I- am only 22- and thanks for reminding me, that my life is miserable... there's this saying that the end of the game is, when you give up, but there's a lot of games, that you just cannot give up on... such as l i f e."

Felix tought about it for a second.

"It would be selfish to make people worry about me... and if I'd decided to just simply end it, I would make them sad... worried... depressed..." he parked at the parking lot. "I don't believe in God... but if I've decided to just end it by myself... I would gladly go to hell willingly." He put on his happy face again and said goodbye to felix.

Tho felix grabbed his face. "It doesn't work like that... when those people aren't able to make you smile naturally, then they don't deserve to be happy either... you can do whatever you want... stop caring..." felix said.

"Are you trying to encourage me to kill myself?" He said and chuckled.

"I- Don't laugh... no... not about the killing... ah- just... stop caring about what others might feel, when they don't care about your feelings... ah... see you..." felix said and left the car.

After he left, felix had his thoughts full of him and his words.

"He's kinda wise in a messed up way... like I am..." he said and walked inside his house.

Felix was super smart even as a kid. Always praised for that but not happy, felix lived like this his whole childhood.

It's not, as if he didn't liked being praised. It's that he was praised from people, from which the praises didn't mean anything to him. He always wanted to be praised by his parents. Tho they didn't cared about the good things he was doing. Instead they focused on the flaws that felix had.

They warent mad, when felix came out to them. But they started discriminating against him because of it.

Then one day he said to himself. "Dumb people have it easy... they live their life not caring or giving shit about others... they're happy because they have... no worries..."

He then realized, that this part of him was slowly killing him.

That's why he left his parents house and for a while moved to jisungs house.

Jisung witnessed both of felixs sides and that's why he's little bit more understanding of his actions.

He was watching TV for a few hours, when in a few minutes, he could hear a door bell.

"I didn't ordered a slave today-" he yelled so that the person behind the door could hear but when he opened the door, the taxi driver was standing there.

"Oh... I didn't know, you work two jobs... you're like a batman... in the morning taxi driver, at the night-"

"Y-you forgot your phone... I remembered where you live... so a came here to give it to you..." he said and handed him the phone.

Felix opened his door little bit more revealing his white silky bathrobe.

"You left your phone on the seat intentionally... did you." He said.

"Hmm... maybe I did..."

- - -

Long time no see babes

𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now