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Another day, minho woke up. He was freezing because he fell asleep without a blanket.

"Ah..." he sat down on the couch.

In a second, jisung came up to him with a scrambled eggs on the plate and some bred.

"Good morning."jisung said happily.

"Ah, good morning." Said minho as well.

It was a saturday, minho did liked saturdays because he knew that jisung stays at home and isn't around people that could potentialy get his attention.

Tho today jisung seemed different, weird.

As he placed minhos food on the table in front of him he rushed to the bathroom. That wouldn't be as weird of course, but he was nicely clothed his hair was styled and he smelled like a parfume shop.

"Are you going somewhere?" Minho asked.

Jisung looked at him and nervously nooded.

"Where?" He asked again.

"Just... visiting my aunty." He said.

Minho nooded but didn't really wanted to believe him.

"Ah yeah minho... Felix needs to pick up some things. He'll be here in a minute." That didn't sounded good to minho as well.

"Okay..." minho said and continued eating his food.

Jisung run out of the bathroom and grabbed his keys and phone.

"I have to go minho..."


"Bye." Jisung said and closed the door.

"Bye..." minho said softly when he already closed the door.

He was looking at his food playing a little with it.

In a two minutes, he already heard the bell ringing. He walked to the door and saw Felix.

"Hi my sweet little lollipop." He greeted minho.

Minho with confused eyes walked out of the door to let felix in.

"I came here to be your company while jisung is on his date." Felix said.

That hit minho hard.

A date...

"Did he told you minho?" Minho looked at him with teary eyes.

"Oh sunshine... it'll be good..." felix said trying to comfort him.

Felix patted the spot besides him on the couch.

"Minho, jisung... is straight..." felix looked down. "I once tried... it broke my heart once... and I would never tried to sabotage you, believe me..."

Minho looked broken inside.

"I- I knew that I had a zero chances... but I cannot stop..." minho said.

"I respect you for that... but minho... I would hate to see you suffer..."

Minho was thinking.

"Then... if I can't be the best... boyfriend to him... I can at least be the best 'best friend' to him."

Felix smiled. "Minho... he would be so proud of you if you'd found a good match for you... I'm sure you'd do the same thing."

"Y-yeah..." minho mumbled.


Jisung arrived to the place he was supposed to meet the girl. He was happy that he finally has a girlfriend now, that he's comfortable with having one.

𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now