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"How about now..." said minho teasingly.

"N-now?" After such a long time, it felt as if jisung totally forgot minhos personality. He felt as if minho was someone that he got to know yesterday.

"Yeah, why? Are you nervous baby boy?" Minho asked.

"N-no I'm not." Jisung tried to say confidently.

"What's all the stuttering about. Does my baby have any experience?" He asked.

This made jisungs face red and hot. "N-no..."

"Hmm... why? With your face... I highly doubt that its hard to find someone." Minho asked and went closer. Jisung was slowly backing up till his back touched the wall. "Trapped are we?"

There was something about minhos aura. Something mysterious, cold... but hot.

"Tell me honey... was I the only one that was touched by you?" Jisungs head turned to the right feeling embarrassed. Minho noticed how shy he was about it. "You know, that's super hot... me, being the only one touched by you..."

Minho put his thigh in between jisungs legs and moved with it to the left and right slowly again and again.

Jisungs hands went from touching the wall to being on top of minhos shoulder and his back. He then placed his head on minhos shoulder breathing deeply.

"So you like to ride my thigh... how about me." Minho whispered into jisungs ear.

"Fuck-" jisung sighed when minho speed up.

"I bet you like to be obedient little puppy." Minho said and put his leg down on the floor.

Jisung started to melt down because of lack of touch. "H-hyung..." he whined.

"What's up honey... already missing my touch huh... Let me help you then." Minho took jisung into his arms and placed him into his bed.

This was the first... no second time, that jisung felt something inside of him. He felt butterflies in his stomach.

Minho took off his shirt and then pants with underwear.

Jisung covered his eyes as fast as he could. "Ah baby... don't pretend like youve haven't already stroked me.  Stroked me till I felt like I could finally die in peace... you made me feel so good and so worth it. I could go crazy..." minho was looking at jisung when in minute, jisung finaly uncovered his eyes.

He was staring down minhos length. "Woah... I didn't knew that my dick would caught your eye like that, but I don't mind actually. Tho, I'm getting bored of people being surprised by me, I wanna be surprised for once." Minho said teasingly.

"Everyone... so there was more than one person?" Jisung asked.

"Yeah." Minho said.

"How can you agree to sleep with me when you've had better people in your bed." Jisung tilted his head to the side sadly.

Minho howered on top of jisung connecting their foreheads and closing his eyes.

"Do you really think that I would be able to decline your offer? I'm sorry, but I would never be able to do such a thing." Minho said and lifted his head.

"Are you serious?" Jisung asked.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Minho asked and smiled sheepishly.

"N-no..." jisung said shyly.

"Can I take off your clothes?" Minho asked.

Jisung was shy, shy like he never was. He was never naked in front of minho. He felt anxious.

𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now