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"Now that you have some free time, how about you spend it doing something more fun..." hyunjin said.

"By fun you mean what..." minho said.

"Have some fun with your princess for example..." hyunjin smiled and pointed to his office.

"Princess...?" minho said and walked to the office looking into the corner.

"P-please... i-it looks bad on me..." he saw jisung in a skirt and barey with sweater and thigh highs everything in baby blue color.

Jisungs honey like skin was glowing and his colar bone was peaking from underneath the sweater because of how big the sweater was.

"C'mon I wanna try some more clothes on you..." someone whined so he looked at who it was and was surprised to see yeji. "It's a destiny. God wants me to try some more clothes on you my cute little donut..."

"J-jisung... what are you doing here?" Minho asked all confused and panicked when he saw jisung in his CEOs office.

"I told him to stay in here for a few minutes, but I wasn't expecting yeji to be so... excited over him. I've never seen her so excited..." Hyunjin said.

"Jinnie... look at him, on his body... there's nothing that wouldn't fit him... I need to try out as much clothes on him as I can." She whined in a cute way.

"No more..." jisung whined and run to minho hugging him closely.

"But wait... how do you know about jisung... I've never talked about him..."

"And that was a mistake. He should've been the first thing that you would talk about. Bold of you to assume, that I wouldn't be interested in such a cutie." Hyunjin said teasingly.

Jisung could feel, how minhos hands tighten around him as hyunjin said it.

"Just kidding..." hyunjin said and chuckled. "You two should now go and enjoy your free time together." Hyunjin said.

Jisung wanted to take off the clothes but got shy in front of hyunjin and minho. He didn't really minded yeji because his body was always called out for being too feminine by guys. So he stopped when he realized that he couldn't take off the sweater.

"I hope you won't take it off sweetie... you look like a doll with it. Keep it, it's yours now." Yeji said. "But if someone asks you, where you've bought it, at least promote me a little." She said and smiled.

Jisung blushed and nooded. She knew that he had a problem with showing off his skin.


"Look at this jiji... you need to try it out..." she said.

"Ok... where can I change..." she was confused. It was just a crop top, not even a pants. But she decided to just turn around and not look.

Jisung put it on and panicked.

"I-its too short..."

"Wait, let me look..."

"N-no... please, don't turn around..." but she was already looking at him covering his stomach.

"Oh cmon... ji, you need to be more confident... its just a crop top..." he was pulling it down from the front as much as he could.

"I... don't feel comfortable in it..." he said.

"Why... I bet your body fits it really well..." she whined.

"No... my body is nothing that should be appreciated..." he said.

"Why tho... it still doesn't make sense." She said.

"I was always made fun of because of my body, I got too embarrassed to take my shirt off because of that... they said... that I look too feminine and then laugh at me..." jisung said.

"Is being too feminine something, that you should be embarrassed of?" She asked.

"N-no... its not..." jisung said all panicking.

"See then? They might not appreciate it... but do you care about bunch of idiots that tell you this and want to fuck a girl with body that you have? Cmon... I bet that someone that loves you, would never judge you for your body... in their eyes, you're shaped by a god like an angel... they see you perfect the way you are... and they would hate if you'd change for someone else..." yeji said.


Jisung walked with minho into their apartment. When jisung closed the door, he felt minho hugging him from the behind.

"Why do you always look so good... my perfect doll..." he said while burying his nose in jisungs hair smelling the nice scent of his shampoo.

"Now you're all cuddly but normally you wouldn't make any time for me." Jisung said. He was mad at him because once he acts this way and then the other way around.

"Ji... I'm sorry... to be fair with you... I have no idea... its as if something in my head snapped and I don't know..." he said placing his head on jisungs shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Jisung asked.

"As if it wasn't me... I know it sounds like a lame excuse... but it's how it actually is..." minho said.

"Really?" Minho nooded. "Have you tried to do something with it? Like... going to a doctor or something else?" Jisung asked worriedly.

"I've haven't even realized it till you've kinda kicked my ass with your words." Minho said.

Jisung smiled a little. "Minho, maybe... we should go to a doctor for a check up..." jisung suggested.

"Do you really think so?" Minho asked.

"I know that you might just be overworked... but I just wanna be reassured, that you're doing ok..." he said.

"If that makes you happy jisung..."

"Could you please give me your doctors number? I'll give them a call." Jisung said.

Minho nooded and grabbed his phone and dialed the doctors number.

"Hello, this is doctor choi's  secretary, how can I help you?" A female voice said.

"I would like to ask, if you have any free appointment this week." Jisung asked.

"Let me look. Yeah... there should be this friday. Does that sounds good to you?" She asked.

"Yeah, it fits perfectly."

"On what name am I reserving the appointment?"

"Lee minho." Jisung said.

"Ok... Mr Lee..." she repeated minhos name to type it in the database. "Is that all you wanted?" She asked.

"Yes, thank you so much." Jisung thanked and ended the call.

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𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now