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"Let's be real here changbin." Felix started. "No one ever wanted to know anything about me. They just wanted to fuck and leave." Felix said.

"I really wanna get to know you Felix." Changbin said seriously.

"Yeah yeah, whatever..." felix said.


The rest of the day, they both spend chatting and laughing at random situations that both of them ware in.

"To be fair... I enjoyed today." Felix said.

"I did as well." Changbin smiled and placed his empty glass on the table.

"I hope, that we can chat again soon." Felix said and changbin nooded.

Changbin put on his hoodie and walked to the door.

"See ya." Felix said and waved.

But changbin instead of responding kissed the top of felix's head.

Felix froze. He didn't know, what the hell just happened.

But as soon as he realized, changbin was gone.


"Jisung can we talk?" Felix asked.

"Felix, were in the middle of something." Jisung said.

"Are you two fucking or what?!" Felix said.

"No. Just get to the point felix." Jisung said.

"I think, that the person, that i like, likes me as well..." felix said shyly.

"Thats amazing felix." Jisung said happily. "Finaly you're going to have a normal boyfriend."

"I know... its hard to believe, that someone like me is going to have a boyfriend." Felix said.

"C'mon felix... of course you're going to find someone. And its not hard to believe it either. I always believed that you'll find someone, who's gonna like you for YOU, and not for the service you're providing. Even tho you're sometimes hard to handle, you're still a good person with good intentions. You deserve a good man by your side." Jisung said.

"Awww... jisungie... that's the sweetest thing that you've ever said to me. Thank God, that ive recorded this call for later, when you're going to be mad at me." Felix said and chuckled.

"Hey- delete-"

"Enjoy your sex Bai~" Felix said and ended the call.

He happily lied down on his bed and closed his eyes.

"Is this the feeling?" He said to himself.


Changbin was sitting on a couch.

He finally did it. He somewhat confessed to someone.

But he didn't wanted to sleep with felix right away. Actually he didn't wanted to sleep with him, mainly because he didn't wanted feelix to think, that love is only about fucking.

That's why he doesn't want to step over the boundaries.

Changbin felt happy. His life was about to change.

The End


Hi my little luvs. I hope you've enjoyed this book. It was supposed to be minsung only, but I wanted to make felix happy as well. So I got him a boyfriend. *the book was supposed to have only 30 chapters... but anyways... have a nice day! Bai~

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