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"M-man?!" Jisung said all shocked. He never told felix, that he liked minho.

"Oh my gosh, don't tell me you forgot that you're gay. Yes, MAN." felix sighed.

"Felix-" jisung said covering his blushing face.

"Stop lying to yourself sung- the hell?! Yeah... I'm sorry, cops caught me again... today I'm not wearing any sexy clothes... ah... that sucks... I'm gonna have to pay this time..." felix said. "Let's talk later babyboy. Bai!" Felix said waved and ended the call.

Jisung nervously looked at minho who heard absolutely everything. "Hmmm fruity man of yours... who's that." Minho smirked.

"N-no one... " jisung said blushing hardly.

"Cmon sung... who is he?"

"I-im not gonna tell you..." jisung said and turned around.

"Is it me?" Minho asked.

Jisung paused. "N-no." It was easier for him to say when he wasn't facing minho.

Tho when he said that, he heard how minho got up from the bed and walked away from the room.

Jisung turned around quickly when he heard the door shut. "M-minho?" He said softly.

Jisung wanted to cry. "What am I gonna do..." jisung felt anxious. He was scared that if he'll tells minho the truth, he's gonna hate him and leave him.

Jisung started to cry a little. He felt lonely now. He got up and opened the door quickly tryna find minho.

"Minho?" He was repeating quietly with a soft voice.

He walked to an every room in the apartment besides minhos office.

He knocked but nothing. He slowly opened the door seeing minho sitting on the chair looking blankly on the black screen.

Jisung quickly ran up into his chest cudling with him. "I'm so sorry hyung." Jisung was talking pretty fast. "Yes... yes, the man is you... please, please forgive me..."

It took only a second till jisung felt a pat on his head. He looked up and saw minho smiling comfortably. "I already knew..." he said.

"I- i was scared that you're mad hyung... " jisung said as few other tears fell down his face.

"Shh... don't cry baby... how can I be mad at you... after all of this that we went through... you don't deserve my mad attitude." Minho said. "But tell me... why would you think, that I would be mad at you?" Minho said and dried jisungs tears. "Am I that mean?"

Jisung didn't say anything.

"Jisung... jisungie... please. I would never... who ever would that man be... I would support you. It's my job to support you in everything as much as you always did..." these words hurt minho inside. He wanted to have jisung all for himself.

"Thank you hyung..." jisung dried his wet cheeks and smiled softly. "You know that you should visit the doctor in like an hour..." jisung said.

"... if you insist then..." minho said and got up.


(I have no clue what should I write when it comes to doctors but it isn't really important so... yeah...)


Minho came back and was immediately welcomed by a sweet scent.

Jisung was making some pie in the kitchen. "Hey hyung. So... how it went?"

"Pretty good I guess... he said that I should slow down with my work... basically take a break, eat more because I lost some weight and that I have my back stiff... that's it I think..." minho said sitting up at the counter.

"Is that so?" Jisung said. "You did lost some weight... that's clearly visible..." jisung went closer to minho and hugged his waist. "Does your back hurt hyung?"

"I don't think it does... I think that he just gave me some misinformation AH-" Minho screamed when jisung pretty gently pressed on his upper back.

"You have a lot of tension in your upper back hyung... that's not a good sign..." he said worriedly.

"He said the same thing..." minho sighed.

"Let me give you a massage... I know something about it..." jisung said.

"I don't think-"

"Then don't think... lie on your bed and wait..." jisung said and went to the bathroom for some oil.

Minho was already only in his boxers sitting on the bed.

"Lie down..." jisung said.

"Yeah yeah... whatever..." he said and lied down.

"Try to relax your body and let me do all the work..." jisung said sitting on minhos lower back.

He put some of the oil on minhos back and started spreading it.

When he started lightly pressing on minhos back he heard minho whimper. "Does it hurt that bad?" Jisung asked worriedly.

"N-no..." jisung then continued putting some pressure as his hand was sliding on minhos masculine back.

He heard how minho couldn't even breathe because of how much it hurt him.

"Relax... relax hyung..." jisung said.

"Y-you don't know how much it hurts..." minho said visibly in pain.

"I know hyung..." jisung said. "... soon or later... you'll feel only pleasure going through your body. You just need to get used to it..."

Jisung grabbed the oil again. "Let me use more so it'll goes smoothly..." jisung started masaging minhos back again. "Don't hold it in hyung... you can make as much noise as you want..." jisung said. "Just try to be relaxed."

Minho relaxed his muscles and as jisung started moving with his hands up and down minhos back he let out few whimpers and moans.

"Just like that hyung... do you like it?" Jisung asked.

"L-like it..." minho whimpered.

"Good boy... you really are strong... what if I'll put more pressure hm?" Jisung said.

Minho moaned when jisung did put some pressure around his neck area.

"Isn't that too much to handle?" Jisung asked. Minho didn't answered just whimpered.

His upper back was all red which ment that his back was really all stiff.

"I-i cannot take it anymore..." minho said all sweaty.

"Hyung... when I can... you can as well..." jisung said close to his ear.

Minhos heart started beating faster.

"When I was strong enough to overcome my fear... you'll be fine taking this in..." minho blushed. "C'mon bare it with me..."

"O-okay..." minho said and deeply inhaled and exhaled shakily.

- - -

It's 40 degrees outside and I have a cold🥰 hope yall appreciate my knowledge about massages... 😩😌

*to those who comment often... yall are legends and genuinely the only reason I keep writing💖

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