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Seeing minho in this state was different to jisung. Jisung without words got up and walked away.

Minho saw it and wanted to cry. He knew that he fucked up. "Why did I say yes..." he said to himself quietly.

In that moment jisung came back with clean clothes for minho and with wet towel.

"I-is this... what I'm supposed to do?" Jisung asked minho and handed him the towel and clothes. "I mean... am I supposed to take care of you now?"

"It depends... some people don't do that." Minho said quietly.

"Ok..." jisung said and took off minhos shirt throwing it on the ground. He then took the wet towel and cleaned minhos body.

Minho was watching jisung as his hair fell over his eyes.

"T-thank you..." minho said.

Jisung smiled not looking at him at all while cleaning minhos body.

"Here, put this on and come to the kitchen, I'll make us breakfast this time." Jisung said and left the room.

As soon as he closed the door he sighed in relief. "Why is my heart pounding so much..."

Minho was now smiling. "Is this a dream?"

He got up and went to the kitchen. Jisung was preparing sandwiches for both of them.

He sat on the chair. "Your date wasn't as ok... am I right." Minho said.

Jisung placed the bread on top of the sandwich and placed it on the table.

He sighed and looked at minho. "We did it." Jisung said seriously.

Minho panicked little. "D-did it? And?"

"I didn't enjoyed it... it didn't felt right..." he said.

"You've just probably didn't found the right one jisung..." minho said.

"No... no... I actually like her... I just... don't get the feeling you're supposed to have with person that you love... it felt like nothing."

Minho listend to jisung. "And... where do you think is the problem?" Minho said.

"I... think... that I don't like girls..." jisung felt weird saying that. It was new. "Actually... I've been thinking about that for long time now... I just wanted to make sure and not assume things..."

Minho nooded. "Did you broke up with aeri?" He asked.

"I... have to. But I haven't done it yet." Jisung said.

"And... what do you plan to do now." Minho said looking into jisungs eyes.

Jisung panicked. But he was too confused in this situation. He needed time, he needed to think everything through properly. "I... don't know yet..."

Minho understood his situation so he smiled and took a bite out of his sandwich.


The next day minho needed to talk to felix.

So he dialed his number and waited till he picks up.

"Hey sugar coated pickle, I need to see you." Minho said.

"I didn't know we started calling each other with pet names. K where are we meeting up?"

"I don't care... how about at the park thats close to the cinema." Minho said.

"K, I'll be there in fifteen minutes."


Minho was waiting at the park nervously watching his phone.

"Hey fluff ball." Felix said scaring minho a little.


"Sooo... what's the matter? Why do you suddenly need to talk, hm? Do you want someone to take care of you or what. I'm sorry to tell you that I have more important things to do than taking care of your schlong you know... but if you insist then-"

"No... oh my God no... its something else..." minho sighed and looked down. "But please... don't tell jisung..." felix promised that he'll keeps his mouth shut.

"Recently... jisung told me, that he might not be interested in girls..." minho said.

"OH MY GODNESS... why aren't you celebrating... that's good isn't it..." felix said happily.

"Y-yeah... actually, I am very happy about it. I don't know why it kinda stresses me out tho..." minho said.

"Minho... how did others reacted to you coming out..."

In that second minho memorized everything.


His family was very strict when it comes to anything. In his family, everyone was very rich and cultivated.

He was a good child, he had good manners, excellent grades he was also multi talented from a very young age.

What he was missing in his life was a love. His parents never showed any affection towards him. He was being forced to do everything by himself and parents wanted him to be independent.

Then he started to explore when he was a teenager. He started talking more to girls, started liking the way they clothed and didn't really wanted to talk to boys anymore.

He started fantasizing about guys from a movies or bands and never found girls attractive.

He started to think why. He searched it up and started exploring about what was actually happening.

When he came to the realization that he likes boys he got little bit scared. Tho one day he decided to finally tell his parents. He tought that they're gonna accept him, love him.

And that's how he ended up on the streets. Without home, food, money.

His parents told the whole school about it,...


"... the whole family, heck... the whole street where we lived knew... it ruined everything... so I was forced to hide it... I was forced to get rid of it for the sake of everything... but I still had nothing." Minho said as a tear fell down his cheek.

Felix put his hand on the back of minhos head patting him softly.

"Baby you have a trauma... that's why you feel this way... it reminded you of everything that you went through." Felix said woriedly. Then he smiled and said softly. "Don't worry minho... now you two have each other... jisung helped you when you nearly died, you're here for jisung now when he's having hard time understanding his feelings..."

Felix smiled and with his sleeve dried minhos cheek. "Minho... you live with someone who accepts you, supports you and loves you. If he loves you in THAT way, I don't know... but he loves you for sure. You just need to believe him more... you've didn't even told him straight to the eyes that you like boys..."

"Right... he had to figure it out himself..." minho rambled.

"He did what?" Felix asked.

"Nothing... I have to go, bye."

𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now