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It was a night time. Jisung tought about aeri.

"How can she be so kind and sweet at the same time... she's like an angel."

He tought to himself and got shy so he covered his face with a blanket.

On the other hand minho didn't enjoyed that day as much. He felt awful. He started to lose every hope that he had.


At the morning, jisung woke up to a nice smell of food.

"What is that..."

So he got up and went to the kitchen.

"Hi." Said minho with a cookbook in his hands.

"Hi." Said jisung little bit surprised. Minho never cooked.

"Here, taste it. It took me some time till I've figured how to make it taste good and not like a burned toast." Minho chuckled and handed him three of the pancakes with a strawberry syrup. He hurried to the kitchen counter to grab strawberries that ware cut into small cubes and put some on top of the pancakes.

"Thank you minho." He said and smiled softly. "Did you eat?" Jisung asked.

"I've had enough of the burned or uncooked ones..." minho said. "... and I wanted you to have the nice ones." Minho answered.

"You should have some with me. I would appreciate that." Jisung said.

Minho was kinda hungry to be fair. "Really?" Said minho.

Jisung nooded and smiled. Without thinking, jisung cut a peace of the pancake and signaled minho to open his mouth.

Minho blinked few times and hesitantly opened his mouth. Jisung put the pancake into mimhos mouth and chuckled. "You have a flour. On your face... wait."

Jisung said and brushed the flour out of his face.

"Good, let's eat." Jisung said and continued feeding minho.


When they ate all of their pancakes, minho started cleaning the kitchen. Jisung obviously wanted to help him, so he did.

"You know that you don't have to do it, right?" Minho said and smiled at him.

"I know... but you've cooked for me..."

"But you ware cooking for me the entire time and I didn't helped." Said minho.

"Yeah... I also don't make as big of a mess you know..." jisung chuckled.

"Y-yeah... that's right..." minho agreed and chuckled as well.


It was a Monday, jisung walked to felix with a panic.

"Felix... minho's acting weird..." he said with a panicked voice.

"Hi to you as well... does he?" Felix asked.

"Yeah... he learned how to cook... now he won't let me step into the kitchen..." jisung said.

"But, thats a good thing... isn't it." Felix said.

"Yeah... yeah, it is good... but still... I have this weird feeling about all of this..."

"Jisung... let him live... maybe he wants to learn how to cook because he found someone that he loves and wants to make em' happy." Felix said calmly.

"Maybe..." jisung said thinking about this option.

After the first period, jisung sat on the bench with Felix as well eating.

"Try this." Jisung said and handed to felix one sushi roll.

"It's well done..." felix said little bit surprised.

"He never cooked felix..." said jisung. "He made that right in front of my eyes..."

"I don't know if I'm hallucinating or not... but is minho smiling right now?" Said felix.

Jisung looked around him tryna find minho.

The moment he saw him his mouth dropped. He was slowly running to him with a smile.

"Jisung~" he said happily.

"I forgot to give you this." Minho said and handed him something that was packed like a bundle. "Sorry I have to go now... my next period is starting soon. Bye jisung, lix." He said and walked away with hands in his pockets.

"Angel's finally send him a brain~" felix said.

Jisung laughed and untied the knot.

He saw there two boxes. On top of the first one, there was a letter. Inside was a paper with a note.

"I'm sorry for not giving this to you at the morning, I totally forgot. The first box is for felix and the second one is for your girlfriend..."

"How does he know, that I have a girlfriend..."

"Anyways... have a nice day."

Jisung put the letter inside the envelope and looked at felix.

"How does he knows..." felix looked at him nervously.

"I don't know... but why would you even kept that in secret in front of him. You have no reason jisung..." felix said.

Not even jisung really knew, why he kept that in secret in front of minho, now he felt bad for lying to him.

"Stop felix... you make me feel bad..." he said.

"You better feel bad." Felix said.

Jisung had some time left and decided to go and greet Aeri. At least he can give her the box.


"Hi jisung!" She greeted all happy and always.

"Hi aeri, glad to see you." Jisung smiled.

Felix was just standing there yawning.

"Ah... my roommate minho wanted me to give you this box. I don't really know whats inside sooo... here." He said and gave it to her.

"Really? That minho? Wooow... I would like to thank him, but I highly doubt that he would talk to someone like me." She said.

"I can introduce you to him... somehow..."

"That would be nice. Let me look at the present." She said and opened the box.

There was few cookies with a vanilla milk inside.

Felix had actually the exact same gift so he wasn't surprised, but jisung was because Felix didn't showed him what he got.

"Oh my goodness... cookies? That's so sweet... did bake em'?" She asked curiously.

Jisung was thinking. The night before, he heard minho in the kitchen. He was for sure doing something. Plus he didn't saw him baking cookies.

"Minho probably didn't got much sleep... did he..." he tought to himself.

"He did bake the cookies." Felix said. "He was on a call with me."

- - -
I love cookies...

𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now