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It was a dinner time. Minho was preparing and putting on some parfume.

"I think I'm ready..."

He went out of the bathroom walking to the place where they ware supposed to meet.

Mrs Kim was the first one to arrive this time because she has her own car.

Minho sat besides her and put his suit on the back of the chair and fixed his tie.

As he and mrs Kim ware talking the other ceo with the women arrived.

Minho got up and bowed. They greeted each other and sat down.

"Mr Hwang... I'm glad that we ware able to talk everything through. Chose whatever you like, it's on me." She said.

"I'm glad that we can continue having a good relationship in between the two of our companies." He said. "I was also pleasantly surprised with your work Mr..." he started and waited till minho introduces himself.

"Lee minho." He said.

"Lee minho... so it's ok to call you minho... but if you don't feel comfortable-"

"No, no... its ok... I don't mind at all." minho answered.

That girl besides him was just quietly watching without saying a thing.

"I was also thinking... minho... I would like to give you this offer..." minho listened carefully. "I think your knowledge and overall way of presenting would be to a great use whenever I'm traveling somewhere. I promise that I would pay you big amount and even mrs Kim for letting you go. Does it sounds like a good offer to you?" Minho was thinking about it.

"Maybe... if I'll work harder... I'll have enough money for a nice apartment..." he was saying to himself.

"I'll think it through and let you know Mr Hwang." Minho said. "I'm really grateful for your offer."

"I'm glad you're at least thinking it through. Here's my business card." He said and handed it to minho.

"Thank you." He said once more.


After the dinner, nothing special happened. Minho walked probably six kilometers from his work back to jisungs house.

It was probably 9pm but that's how he usually comes back home normally anyways.

He quietly opened the door and closed it as he walked past jisungs room.

He as always opened the door to check if jisung is properly covered under the blanket. As usually he wasn't, so he picked the blanket from the floor and covered jisung.

He opened one of the windows in jisungs room for jisung to sleep better.

When he closed the door, he sighed.

"I cannot do this... not when you're not mine and I'm not yours..." minho said and walked to the bathroom to take a shower.


The next day it was the same as always. Minho got up at 4am and immediately put his white button up shirt with a tie and pants.

He walked to jisungs room to fix his blanket which was as always on the ground and closed the window for jisung to not catch a cold.

He looked at him and had the biggest urge to kiss his pouted kissable lips.

"Shit-" He whispered and put his hands over his eyes.

When he came to his right mindset he just run his hands through his hair and left.


When he arrived to his work, he sat down and immediately dialed the number.

"Hello Mr. Hwang... I was thinking about your offer... and... I would like to work for you." Minho said.

"I'm glad Minho. I'll call mrs Kim and let her know about it." He said pretty happily.

Minho nooded and ended the call.

He felt kinda relieved. As if a big stone finally fell off of his chest.

Tho what minho didn't expect is that someone knocked on his door after about an hour.

He opened and someone came in.

"Good morning Mr Lee..." they said and waked in.

"G-good morning..." he said all confused.

"Were here to pick you up. Mr Hwang would like to see you." Minho blinked few times not really understanding the situation that he is in.

"I'm sorry... what?" He asked.

"Mr. Hwang didn't let you know?" One of them asked.

"No?" Minho watched as both of them turned the other way and started whispering.

"Did he wanted us to keep as an secret in front of him?" "Ware we suppose to kidnap him then?" They argued.

Minho sighed. "Ok, I'm going." He said and grabbed his phone and keys.


When they arrived to a place, where the company was supposed to be, minho was surprised when he saw, how big the company actually is.

Now he kinda understood why Mrs Kim was so nervous at the meeting.

"This way..." one of the man said and one of them walked behind him.

The guy navigated minho the whole time till they got by an elevator into the last floor.

The elevator was in the middle of a one big-big room. Minho was looking around when his eyes finally met the ceo.

"Welcome minho." He said nicely. "Come here and sit." Minho stepped forward and the guard left.

"So, how do you like my company? I'm of course gonna give you a small tour of the company so you can actually get to see everything properly." He said.

"Thank you Mr Hwang." Minho said and bowed.

"When we're not in front of other people, call me hyunjin. It feels weird hearing that from someone in the similar age category." He said and chuckled. "Plus I have the feeling, that I'm younger than you..."

Minho nooded.

"Also this is my assistant,..." he said and looked over at the girl.

She smiled just a little and shook a hand with minho.

"My name is hwang yeji." She introduced herself.

He tought to himself. "Are they dating or siblings... I can't tell..."

"Yes we are siblings." Hyunjin said as if he could read minhos thoughts. "But she's retiring from her position because my little sister has her own dreams to fulfill. Now... that our father passed out, we have enough money to not work till the day we both die. But I promised my father, that I'll keep his business running. It was his last wish."

Yeji was just nooding. "So I told my brother that you would be the one, that would replace me perfectly."

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I'll proof read it at some point 😅

𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now