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They said bye to Aeri and walked away.

"You ware talking to minho? So... you knew about the cookies." Jisung asked.

"Yeah. He owed me some of the cookies because I helped him with the baking."

"So you know why he started to cook and bake out of the blue..." jisung said.

"Yeah I do. But sorry, you could be the bestest friend in the entire world, which you already are, but I would never tell you the reason. You have to figure it out yourself princess." Felix said and walked back to the classroom leaving jisung shocked with open mouth.


Today minho was home earlier so he decided to make something good.

"What should I try today... this looks tasty... but I hate how it tastes when you leave it for a long time at the fridge... how a bout... ah... tiramisu... its really yummy..."

So he prepared all the ingredients and began with the cream.


Jisung had his head full of thoughts. Mainly about minho.

He was thinking. "Jisung ignore it... he's just tryna be nice. It's not weird that he want to be good at cooking and baking..." his mind drifted away from the school.


When he arrived back home. There was minho already putting the tiramisu into the fridge letting it sit for some time.

"Hi." Minho greeted jisung.

"Hi minho." Jisung said. "Aeri thanks you for the cookies that you've baked."

"Ah so her name's aeri. Yeah... its nothing." Minho said with a kinda forced smile. "Anyways... how was your day?" Minho asked.

"Boring... We have a homework that I don't understand like... AT ALL... I'm fu-"

"I'll help you." Minho cut him off before he started swearing.

"Really? It's a math homework..." minho smiled.

"I'm not an amazing math teacher  but I sure know a lot of stuff when it comes to math."

"Really? Cool." Jisung went to change to some clean comfy clothes and put the homework on the table in front of himself.

Minho was looking from behind him nearly leaning onto jisungs back.

"It isn't hard... you just probably didn't understood the actual assignment..." minho was talking and pointing with his pen on a different numbers but jisung couldn't concentrate.

He was just nooding as he was looking blankly on the paper. Minho basically did jisungs homework all by himself, jisung was just nodding as if he understood.

Jisungs head was filled with minho. He went through so much change over such a short amount of time.

"Minho... why?" Jisung said.

"Why what?" Minho asked.

"Why are you like this?"

"I don't understand you jisung..." minho was confused.

"Why are you acting so nice... especially when I haven't told you about aeri. I lied to you minho..." jisung said.

"Jisung... I'm still your friend... you needed to have a reason why you haven't told me about her. But I'll accept anyone who you choose to love. That's what friends... are about."

"Thank you..." jisung said, but he still felt like he doesn't really knows everything.


Jisung felt like he should call felix and ask him.

In a second felix called him back.

"Why are you calling me so late sung..." felix said sleepily.

"Felix... I don't believe him..." jisung said.

"Who do you don't believe?" Felix said still with sleepy voice.

"Minho. I don't believe that he would be so kind and caring and like... so friendly, just because... It doesn't make any sense felix." Felix sighed.

"You know that what he said to you is true right?" Felix said.

"You too felix...? stop and tell me why." Jisung said.

"Stop with the bullcrap jisung... you just won't accept the reality. Bye." Felix said and ended the call.

"Felix-... God..." jisung sighed.

He threw his phone on the bed and stared blankly at the wall.

"I have to sleep..." jisung said to himself.

Tomorrow after school, he had another date with aeri. He needed to clear his thoughts so he closed his eyes and fell asleep in a few minutes.


A the school, jisung saw Felix putting some of his stuff into locker.

"Lix! What ware you thinking... hanging up on me." Jisung said.

Felix got scared. "Oh lord and Jesus- I mean Satan... forgive me my sins-"

"Ya... explain yourself." Jisung said kinda annoyed at the younger.

"I'm sorry mister, but if you decide to wake me up, then ask me a question to which I gave you the RIGHT answer, you decide to say that I'm LYING and act like a bish the next day... sorry but you're the only one who's able to make me so frustrated... not even school achieved that." Felix said.

Jisung looked mad. Even tho he started to believe felix little bit more.

"Are we cool now?" Felix said nervously.

"Yeah whatever..." jisung said and walked to the classroom.

"God..." felix sighed and waked behind him.


After school, jisung sprayed some parfume on his collarbone and wrists, fixed his hair, put on rings and bracelet and walked out of the bathroom.

"Are you going on a date again?" Minho asked with this weirdly sad smile.

"Yeah..." somehow, this was hard for jisung to say. He didn't knew why tho.

"Have a good time then. Minho stood up, gave him a small box and hugged him.

Jisung was shocked. He didn't understood minhos actions.

"Ah... thanks..." jisung patted minhos back and walked out of the door.

The box that minho gave him was actually jisungs. Jisung left the box on the kitchen counter and nearly forgot about it.

It was a box with a necklace from his biological mother. She gave it to jisung on the last jisungs birthday that they celebrated together.

"Here sungie. This is my gift for you."jisung happily took the small box.

"Wow... that's sooo pretty..." he said when he saw the necklase. His mother smiled at him.

"I designed you this necklase myself little one... do you know why?" She said.

"No... why?" Jisung said curiously.

"Every necklase in that store felt... like it belongs to a certain someone... I wanted to make a necklace, that would be able to ware anyone who you decide to love..." she said. "You need to realize jisung... that you cannot chose to love someone base of of necklase... you should be free to put the necklase on anyone."

To jisung, her words didn't make any sense that time, nor do really now which is the reason, why he doesn't really loved anyone.

Jisung stood in front of aeri's apartment and knocked on the door.

- - -

Hope you have a good day:)

𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now