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"When can I sleep at your place pretty?" Felix said out of blue.

"You're talking to me?" Minho said. Felix just nooded. "Never. I don't want my place to look like a war zone..."

"Cmon... I'll be good..." felix whined.

"Don't say words, that you don't know the meaning of... thanks to you, jisung looks like he saw a naked ghost..."

"Naked you're saying-"

"Shh... he's not even talking, just blankly staring into nothing." Minho said.

"He'll be fine, don't worry." Felix said. "But please... for once, let me stay with you two..." felix said and looked into the mirror in front of minho. Minho saw his face and sighed.

"Only for once..."

"Yey! Thanks daddy~"

Minho sighed and watched the road with a mad expression.


"We're here..." minho said and closed the door behind them.

"Your place is so big... I'm not even surprised... you need to store that dick of yours somewhere..."

"How do you answered to your sentences so smoothly? No... you know what... I don't wanna know..." minho rolled his eyes and sat next to still mentally tired jisung.

"Sung? I think you should take a break now..." minho said.

Jisung shaked his head from left to right quickly and smiled. "No hyung, it's ok... I'm ok..." he got up and went to the kitchen to prepare some food for them. It was already pretty late and they didn't eat yet.

"Jisungie, let me help you with the ramen~" jisung smiled and nooded.

Meanwhile Minho was going through his phone with airpods in his ears.

"Jisung... you like minho hyung... do you..." felix said quietly.

Jisung was just looking at the meat that he was cutting. He didn't wanted to answer him because he was scared that it's one sided love from his side.

"I knew it." Felix said again quietly. "It's really obvious... even to me and I don't live with you two..." felix smiled. "I hope, that you two will end up together... and I mean it."

Jisung only shaked his head up and down not wanting to spoil everything to felix.


"The dinner is ready~ but I still think we should've make smaller portion..." felix said, placing on the table bowl with the ramen. Jisung placed some vegetables and meat next to the bowl as well.

"Smaller portion? Why? I think that this is the right portion for three people..." jisung said.

"But he's eating your ass... I think he has enough..." jisung lightly hit his back and looked at him with an annoyed expression. "Yeah yeah... sorry... that I can't be the one to eat your ass." Now even minho looked at felix with an annoyed expression. "Anyways, let's eat!"

They started eating and after finishing it, they decided to watch some movie together.

They placed some blankets and pillows on a big carpet in front of the TV.

"You two, if one of you wants to piss then go now." Felix said. "I want no interruption."

"I think we're good felix." Minho said.

"Good." Felix took the key out of the door after locking it.

"What are you doing?" Jisung said.

"I know you two well... yall wait till I fall asleep and then go and fuck. Nah... I'm not that stupid, no nasty nasty things will be happening... unless I can join-"

"No." Minho and jisung said at the same time.

"Then no nasty nasty this night. I know that you two have enough dignity to not do it when I'm asleep in one room with you two. Right? So that's that. Let's go and enjoy the film." Felix said and happily sat on the carpet.

Jisung and minho couldn't believe what they just witnessed. They just sat down and watched the tv because they basically had nothing better to do.


When they ware half way in the movie, jisung looked at felix who was already sleeping.

"Do you know, where he put the key?" Jisung asked minho.

"I have no idea..." minho answered sadly.

Jisung lied down. "Today was ruff..."

"Yeah... you seem tired." Minho lied beside him.

"I wouldn't say tired... just mentally tired... you know this feeling, that you don't wanna hear anything..." jisung said. Minho nooded.

"Hey ji..." jisung looked at him and watched his eyes.

"T-that night... that night when you came late from your date with that girl... I still don't understand. I woke up and you ware on top of me... then my 'dick' situation..." minho paused.

"I guess... that I can't lie to you anymore hyung... the sleeping on you and that 'dick' situation... that was me discovering my true feelings. You know... that night... I slept with that girl..." jisung looked back at minho. "...but it didn't felt right... I was thinking only about one thing... you. And I couldn't figure out why... but when I got butterflies in my stomach... that was in that 'dick' situation, I found out, that I love you..." jisung said.

Minho couldn't believe his ears. "R-really?" Jisung nooded. "So you're telling me, that we're walking around each other without knowing, that the love is two sided?" Minho said. Jisung was looking at him, his smile started to appear and it didn't took a second and minho quickly hugged him.

"Would you like to be my boyfriend minho? Jisung asked.

"Sure I will..." minho said happily and gave jisung kiss. "Ah... I wish I could fuck you so bad..."

Jisung looked at minho and with a straight face said. "Then fuck me... ruin me..."

Minho smiled. Felix was lying few meters away so they tried to do everything as quietly as possible.

"Take off my clothes hyung... im not scared anymore." Thing that gave jisung enough strength was the feel, that he's being finally loved by minho."

So minho took off jisungs shirt boxers and pants and started stripping himself as well.

"You need to be quiet baby... don't moan or whine ok?" Minho said and Jisung nooded.

"Ji, we don't have a lube..." jisung blushed. "Do you think, that you'll be able to help?" Minho said.

"Y-yeah..." jisung came closer to minho. "C-could you lie down please? It'll be easier for me..." jisung said.

"Sure, if you'll feel more comfortable like that." Minho lied down and waited.

Jisung took a deep breath and wrapped his lips around minhos dick. First few times he nearly choked and tears appeared in his eyes.

Minhos spine arched from the feeling. "Oh god..." he sighed. Minho only softly placed his hand on jisungs head not tugging on his hair at all.

Jisung was going like that for about a minute. "J-ji... that's enough..." when jusung stopped, minho sat down. "I'm sorry, you would finish me before I'd finish you baby... and we don't want that, so lie down and show me how well you'll take me."

- - -

Literally, writing felix's character is like an ridin a roller coaster...

𝗣𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗕𝗨𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗦 | MINSUNG ✔Where stories live. Discover now