Mission Impossible

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Sakusa has a itty bitty tiny problem. He has found he little Omega but the Omega's brother who is an Alpha isn't ready to give him up.

Let's take it from start. Inarizaki kingdom has always been extremely open minded towards things and in this world where Omega's are seen as a treasure, a price given by God himself, they were more than happy to be announcing that their first prince Miya Atsumu is an Omega...........but this Omega got a protector in the womb.

Miya Atsumu and Miya Osamu are twins. They were together from the start, but while both twins love each other a lot Miya Osamu turned extremely protective of his elder brother. Doesn't matter the fact that his brother might come out as Omega or Alpha or Beta or he might come out as one of those, he was gonna protect his elder brother. A pact he signed inside the womb. So think about how overly protective he got on their 10 birthday when it Miya Osamu was represented as an Alpha and Miya Atsumu as an Omega. Pretty shocking!?

Just kidding, everyone knew from their traits and behavior as who's gonna be what.

It's on their 16 birthday when a ball was organized and Itachiyama prince Kiyoomi came to the Kingdom. He was bored and was just sitting in the corner when he felt his Omega. The beautiful Miya Atsumu walking in a silk orange gown, attracting everyone's attention. A smirk plastered on the face as he knew the influence he had on everyone.

Let's get this straight, Atsumu might be an Omega and a gently person, but that doesn't change the fact that he is cocky and knows what he wants. He is cunning and sharp minded, just like his brother who is just a little better due to being an Alpha.

An aLpHa iS aLwAyS bEtTeR tHaN aN oMeGa. Fucking bullshit. Anyway back to the story.

But just next to this beauty was his exact replica just a little muscled and sharp looking prince, Miya Osamu. Also know as the over protective brother and crowned prince of Inarizaku.

Both the twins walked down the aisle and went towards the throne. Osamu sat down and his brother was pulled to sit on his lap. Atsumu did have his throne right next to his Father's but Osamu saw few of the Alpha prince near the aisle of his brother's thrown and made him sit on his lap, a pretty common reaccurance that no one cares anymore.

(Dont sweet Alabama here. Its fine to sit in your brothers or sisters lap as long as it's not sexualized. If it's sexualized then I'll just delete it then and there as it's disgusting to think of.)

Sakusa was sitting on a chair far away from the thrown and when he kept looking at Atsumu, Atsumu also turned to look at him. As if magnetism pulled them together, hazel brown eyes looking at those raven eyes. That's until his brother nudges him and asks what's up. Atsumu knowing his brother just shakes his head.

Looking at this interaction and watching Osamus behavior, Sakusa knew that courting Atsumu would be harder than ever. Nearly Mission Impossible.

Time skip brought to you by me making a one shot book because I can't sleep.

Later that night after retiring to his hotel in which he was staying during his stay in Inarizaki, sakusa told his cousin about his found mate.

"I found my mate." He said plainly as they were eating.

"OH really! Who is it?" Komori Montoya, Itachiyamas advisor and Sakusas cousin asked.

"Miya Atsumu." Sakusa plainly said and watched as his cousins expression changed from excitement to pity real quick. Komori put a hand on Sakusa shoulder and said, "Good luck with courting the treasured prince of Inarizaki."

"What do you mean treasured prince of Inarizaki? Isn't it only his brother who is over protective?" Sakusa asked.

"Yeah cause he is the only one who has openly confessed his protwctiveness, while rest of the Inarizaki, including King and Queen are protective of him too. Miya Atsumu is the only prince ever to be born as an Omega. Most countries would have taken it as a bad omen but Inarizaki took it as a blessing. So now everyone is protective of him, if anyone is most protected in this country it would be him." Komori said.

Sakusa paled at this, if it felt like a mission impossible before, it felt like mission never gonna be possible now. But hey! It's prince of Itachiyama, know for his big brain energy. He will figure something out.

Miya Atsumu couldn't sleep at night. He was in his chamber, sleeping on a bed as soft as a cloud with soothing music of nature playing from outside, but he couldn't sleep. All he could think about is of those raven eyes. The passion and protectiveness they held. The loving and longingness behind them. He knew that it was his mate, he later asked his servant about it and they replied that it was Prince of Itachiyama. Pretty sure that was a mistake since until now the message that prince is thinking of an Alpha must have reached his family plus the entire palace. Stupid!

Next day when Atsumu woke up, he avoided everyone and went to the garden near the palace. He spent time there just sitting when a person sat next to him. It was Kiyoomi.

"How are you prince Atsumu?" Sakusa asked.
"I'm fine. Just thinking" Atsumu replied blushing. Kiyoomi took Atsumus hand and kissed the back of it.
"So yesterday I found out that you're my mate" Sakusa started," are you okay with it if I court you. He asked like it was the most casual thing to ask someone. Atsumu blushed but it turned to sakusa with a sly smirk. "And what if I say, no you cant" he asked.
Kiyoomi growled a little sending a shiver down the omegas spine. "Then I'll just have to abduct you and take you away forcefully." Kiyoomi said.

"And next what? Have a war with my country?" Atsumu asked rising a eyebrow.
"Yes." Sakusa replied.
Atsumu got up and said," I'm sorry but if you're going to be this way towards my countries protection and my consent then I'll have to reject you." He said with straight face. He started walking towards the palace and went inside. He felt like crying so he went towards his brother's room.

Osamu was working on few papers his father has sent when he heard his door knock. He let the person in only to find his brother looking close to crying, he quickly got up from his seat and went to him.

Growling a little he asked," what happened?" While sending a protective and comforting aura. Atsumu told him what happened and Osamu just wanted to kill Sakusa slowly for making his brother cry. But for now he just focused on comforting him.

Sakusa regretted saying those things. He didn't mean it, but when his mate said that he might reject him his inner alpha took over and said those things. As soon as Atsumu stopped smiling and rejected him openly he knew he fucked up bad. And that his mate is never going to trust him, ever.

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