My Choice

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Atsumi Miya always knew what she wanted. She knew what carrier she wanted to pursue, she knew the type of life style she wants and she knew the type of life she wants and this are the few of the examples.

(Yes Atsumi Miya, it's a girl)

□ Dating

While many of her friends went through the deep shit of heart breaks and break up, Atsumi decided to wait for the right person. She did have a lots and lots of fan girls and boys and fans in particular of no gender but she didn't let it bother her. Peer pressure sure was lot but she was able to get through it and maybe that's why she got her perfect match, HER omi omi~.

I'm looking at you Sakusa fangirls🙃

□ Marriage

Soon after high school Oikawa and Iwaizmi decided to get married, it was more due to the fact that Oikawa was going to Argentina and they wanted to get the bond stronger than ever before separating.

Even her brother and Suna got married just 3 years after marriage.

Currently Atsumi and Sakusa are sitting next to each looking at Akashi and Bokuto get married, besides them Iwaizumis are arguing over something and besides them is Daichis where Koushi is pregnant.

"Marrige huh?" Sakusa said looking at the married couples around them.

"This looks absolute waste of time." Atsumi said.

"This doesn't seem like our cup of tea." Sakusa said.

"Yeah it really isn't." They both looked at each other and through eyes decided that marriage currently isn't their things.

10 years later Sakusa and Atsumi would be standing on the alter saying vows while their friends would be in the crowd with their big ass children.

□ Maiden name

When Atsumi and Sakusa decided that they want to get married Atsumi immediately said, "I'm not changing my name to Sakusa."

"I'm not changing mine to Miya too." Sakusa responded "it's stupid. Changing names."

"I know right. Like in all my contracts and documents I'm Miya and all of a sudden I have to change it too Sakusa cause I got married to a Germaphove freak." Atsumi said.

"Pardon me? I'm a freak. Should I remind you how much of a freak you are. Harder omi~ I want it faster~ spank me omi~ ahhhh omiiiii~" sakusa mocked

"OMG SHUT UP SHUT UP!" Atsumi shouted.

And that's how really the proposal was, kinda weird bit just like them.

□ Always the Aunt but never the Mother

Atsumi when saw her bestie give birth knew that she doesn't want to have children. And this didn't help when birth stories were being told on a meet up.

"Ikr like blood was everywhere. That doctor literally made a cut on my vagina to help take baby out." Keiji said.

"OH yeah I remember. Toorus birth giving was horrible. The baby's head was of a side of a small size volleyball and it was coming out of her. It was so horrible to watch." Hajime said.

"The hardest part was the fact was when the vagina is never again in the same shape again. It's even painful too sit up or do anything after giving birth." Rin added.

All this while the "we can't relate to this topic" couple were sitting next to each other looking pale af.

Atsumi suddenly looked at Sakusa pale and horrified.

"Dont worry baby, I won't ever let that happen to you. We just won't have kids. They are weird anyways. Puppies or kittens okay?" He reassured and she was just thankful her boyfie is this understandable.

And from that point they never had children. They do babysit their friends kids every once in a while to let them breath but never have their own kids. They are even the favorite Aunt and Uncle due to this fact. This is the reason in the whole tabloid industry Atsumi and Sakusa are known as "Always the aunt and uncle but never the parent."

So this are the few points where Atsumi Miya and Sakusa Kiyoomi the amazing power couple always knew what they wanted and lived happily. Of course being freaky every once in a while but mostly peaceful.

Okay so I'm not saying that having heart break, or changing your maiden name or wanting kids is bad but this is just my own head Canon on how Sakusa and Atsumu/Atsumi would be like. Hope you liked it.

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